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Fs Brand New Kinugawa (Kando) T67 Billet

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Quick to point the finger? 'Quick'? Pal, there's a veritable mountain of information which points to you being a scammer. And yet, you can't answer a really simple question with a yes or a no, about whether you ran a whole LOAD of accounts where people got scammed. We're now 22 posts in, and you still can't manage it.

Like I said Jase - you've stolen from me previously. And again, like I said - considering the number of people you've done this kinda thing to, it won't help you narrow it down knowing that.

You can't deny you are any of those banned usernames which scammed people for years, because its you, and EVERYTHING points to it being you. The car regos, your name, your phone number, the whole lot. And you can't put your hand up and say yes, because there's just TOO MANY PEOPLE saying you are what you are on those forums - a scamming dog, a low down rat.

Jase, this is the take home message - you're a gutless, pissweak scammer who reckons he's clever, and even when you get shown all the posts you made under other names, all the scams you pulled, you don't even have the balls to put your hand up and cop to it, or even have the balls to 'face' an accuser on an internet forum (someone you've called a keyboard warrior) to come out and falsely deny it - wonder if you're getting a bit anxious yet?

I reckon anyone who reads this thread already knows the reason you won't confirm or deny it - with any luck, they've already read all about you elsewhere by now - I mean, even your retarded typing skills match up to the other accounts.

You painted yourself into a corner. Well done Jase. Well done.

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just had a look on 31 skyline club half the usernames u mentioned before are actually still active and not band if there was any actual scam done wouldnt account have been closed??

its ok KRISS i know its you not to sure what was stolen from you im not the gutless weak person

everyone knows my contact details yet you have made a complete pissweak effort of trying to solve this rather then with your keyboard

if i lost money on a scam i know for a fact id at least pick up the phone

WHY HAVENT YOU????? im suprised you go to all of this effort yet you havent come to me in person let alone called me

and im the pissweak one

ok buddy

Well ill still be on this forum selling items to people and they will continue to be happy with them so all of this effort you have put it, waking up at 2:33am to create this account, and for what to call people out yet you don't even try and communicate with me on a normal human level


wow im suprised how gutless you actually are enjoy you rants you do realise its just entertainment YEAH? this will not get anywhere

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Silence? What a surprise. I know you're desperate to work out who I am, but like I said, I'm just another person you stole from. So better start working on that list.

Jase, now we're going to step this up a little further - seeing as you lack the balls to confront these matters head on, its time to rip you apart before the rest of this board.

If you're gonna be a good liar, you have to have a very good memory. jet31, member since 9 October 2007, on this very forum, is you, isn't it? I mean, his name on his profile also 'Jayson', and there he is using a rego of yours, from your '89 r31. I mean, what are the chances of that, right?

And he was selling iPhones back in 2008. Lots and lots of them - I wonder if they were legit? Oh, and also, he was banned. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/235390-melb-apple-ipones-3g-16gb/#entry4121773

It has been 6 years so you've probably changed ISPs in that time.

But wait, there's more. Sl33P3R, a name you've also used elsewhere (see page 2), registered here in February of 2013. Never made any posts, but is it a coincidence that he lists his car as an '89 r31 Skyline? Wow! Quite the coincidence. Maybe the ISPs will match on THIS one.

And with that, you can crawl back to wherever it is you like to to hide and hug yourself to sleep. You and your scamming are f**kin' DONE, son.

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Hahaha silence lol have better things to do then listen to this banter. If I stole from you why are you hiding behind a keyboard why have you taken so long to enlighten people? Does it upset you knowing that after all the effort you have put into this ill still be selling items and will still be having happy customers. Hey with all the commotion your doing on here actually sold 5 items so far just from you getting this thread attention so actually owe you a thanks ;) so keep commenting your just promoting me and no one actually cares what Ur dribbling hope is was worth the waste of time hahaha. That good old saying keep talking your making me famous

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My 2 cents for the record. I was scammed by this guy in 2007 or 2008. I "LOANED" him a brand new RB30 Torque converter to see if it would fit in his Passage. "LOANED" him. The torque converter was brand new, not reconditioned, and was from Yarra Valley Automatics. It was worth 700 bux. Despite all of my efforts trying to contact him, it never came back, and he wouldn't return my calls. I never had his address, as he came to my house to pick it up.

He then sold it for a fair bit of dosh (Not what it was worth).

He sold MY TORQUE CONVERTER, that he stole from me.

Anyone who knows me knows I try to help as many as I can in this community, and the Skyline community in general. What this guy did pretty much made me think about who I help from now on, because I was just trying to help him out to see if an RB30 torque converter fitted. He wasn't even going to buy it, he was just going to try it and return it. Clearly that went well.

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You just can't answer the question, can you? You can go and check that the accounts still work, but you can't say they are or they aren't yours. Amazing stuff!

Pal, I know its REALLY hard, internally, to reconcile the fact that you've been caught out for all time - all those accounts, all those people you've burned, even people on this very board. That's why you just can't answer that key question which has been haunting you for pages and pages, which you just can't answer - too afraid of criminal liability, one way or the other. False denial or straight up confession, take your pick. Rock and a hard place, that one.

Maybe the part of your brain which would permit you to actually respond to any of what's being put forward, about scamming both elsewhere and here, was lobotomised early on? Because the way you're selectively ignoring it, that's how it reads. You're like a two year old choosing not to hear that he can't have an ice cream because he nicked his brother's truck, and just keeps on asking for it.

Please Jase, by all means, keep on talking. Its all part of the show. Do you know why I'm really happy to keep promoting you? Why I want you to still be around and keep talking?

Remember I mentioned the difference between criminal and civil issues a couple of posts back?

When you commit the offence of obtaining property by deception (like, when you scam people), even if the civil side of it gets covered by you paying the cash back, or offering a refund, the criminal offence remains - whether you pay the cash back or not, you've still done the crime. You seem to have missed that part when you were thinking up ways to scam people and then selectively pay some of them back. Some people let it go, some people don't, but what do you reckon happens, if someone who ripped you off, gets the oportunity to nail you served to them on a silver platter?

You aren't ripping off a stranger in a pub with a 10 pack of Panadol sold as biccies, who you will never see again if you're careful, when you sell online. IP addresses are recorded. You brilliantly use your own rego plate as a username. And you use phones rego'd to yourself across multiple accounts... you're not a master criminal. In fact, you'd be a shoe in for retard of the year.

The reason you've been able to just keep on getting away with things, pal, is because you, as set out before, head off criminal problems before they come about, and also, because you use different usernames and do your scams in different places and on different sites. There are plenty (and I do mean, plenty) of people around who you've scammed repeatedly for years and years, who you may well have eventually paid off. But that's not the point of this. The point of this, aside from getting you and how you work publicly known, is to get everyone, whether you did em for a couple of grand or 50 bucks, together. Because when that happens, the rips you've done, a couple hundred here, a couple hundred there, they're gonna start to add up, and you will be very much worth going after as far as the cops will be concerned. Privately, beyond that, who knows who else might wanna talk to you? 7 years can change people Jase. People you ripped off from the safety of being hidden behind your computer screen may be a bit more of a problem seven years later, knowing your name and details.

But forget that for a moment, I'm sure no upstanding members around here would come and attack you physically. The point of this was to get you talking and confirm it was you, either by direct confession or indirectly, running those scam accounts, and now, that you just keep on refusing to confirm or deny the scam accounts are you, drag this out for a couple of pages, confirming your typing style, and also, your inability to deny the accounts belong to you. You've done that nicely. Right now, sure, that wouldn't be enough to get you convicted of something - but what its going to do, when this does get to the desk of someone at the fraud squad is bring police interest to you (not the local uniform cops or CIU detectives you've met so many other times, but the actual St. Kilda Road fraud squad - who will run down EVERY scam you've ever pulled), which will bring the resources to start putting everyone you've scammed together like a giant 'connect the dots' picture. Your IP addresses on all those other forums are still there, Jase. And if the ISP subsriptions are in your name, its going to be more fuel for the evidentiary fire. Honestly, I reckon there'll be MORE than enough for the cops to finally want to start looking at you!

But really, that's just the start, getting you on the radar of the cops so that they can start working on you. I wonder if there are ANY states you didn't rip someone off in? This thread is getting cross posted elsewhere, in places where you were scamming up to 7 years ago. We're gonna have a party, Jase. We're gonna have a 'people who've had cash stolen from them by Jayson' party online with people across the country, and everyone can get together and tell the cops their seperate issues of how you like to scam and steal from people. eBay and PayPal keep VERY detailed records as well ya know Jase. Its not just going to be the car board scams you're gonna have to cop to, its gonna be everything. 7 long years of scamming is all about to come down on you, Jase. No statute of limitations on indictable offences, pal. You could actually be looking at meeting that big Samoan after all!

Thanks for replying! Keep at it! And good luck with your ongoing sales!

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Yep cheers guys ;) and cazz as I said over 6 years ago I think you forgot that part where I showed you on paper the messaged exchanged between us for me buying the stall converter off you it a loan have it all it writing

Yep, no ya don't, it was a loan and you know it. If you have the proof, prove it. I dare you. You don't so you can't. Glad I moved house so you don't know where I live anymore, coz I was really worried you were going to come back and roll the place after you didn't return the converter. You never paid for the converter, you couldn't, coz you only "Borrowed it" to see if it would fit.

You're a scumbag, and one day, someone is going to take you down. Of course it won't be me, but one day you're gonna piss someone off enough for them to make you pay.

And through all of these 5 pages, you still haven't produced a receipt or anything that you said you would to anyone on here who has asked. You can't produce something you haven't got, not matter how many times you say you have got it.

There are enough people who have dealt with me who can acclaim to my honesty and integrity. Both in here, and the whole skyline community. Out of all of that community, I have been ripped off by two people, you are one of them. And between you and the other one, it's changed the way I have dealt with hundreds of enthusiasts ever since.

You're tainted, dishonest, and untruthful.

You're a scumbag.

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U remember I had 2 other forums members with me that day manual31 and danspec it was never a loan why would I loan you pay a transmission shops 340 to see if it would fit? Then after u had a hisses fit cause I was selling it and in Ur message how can you sell this when I gave it to your for barely nothing to help you out? Then u started rumours I stole a transmission from house how. Move on I did It cost me 340 to see if it would fit it was a s2 stall converter yes it was from Yarra Valley but it was a 2200rpm one I have all the messages printed as used them back 6 years ago when that bogus rumour started

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I don't care who you had with you, it was a loan, you never paid for it, neither of us knew if it was going to fit, so I gave it to you to try.

I never once said you stol a transmission from me, not to anyone. And thats the truth. I also never started any rumors, I stated a fact that you stole the torque converter off me then sold it.

You've still yet to prove anything in here, I stand by my previous comments.

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An anonymous donor has passed on an excellent collection of information about yourself.

Another of your identities elsehwere has, surprisingly, turned out to have your name and your parents' Blackburn address.

Its also got your mum's bank account details with Commonwealth, opened at Blackburn. Her name's Cheryl, right? You're an absolute genius, aren't you Jase?

Here are some more of the mobile numbers and email addresses associated with you, which're just going to keep on coming up to fraudulent accounts.

0420806285, 0415353533

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

There are a bunch of people looking forward to talking to you, including some Tasmanians you brilliantly told you used a net cafe to hide from them after scamming them. Well done.

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Go back to the 31 club clearly states I stole a transmission we both know it wasn't a loan use your brain cazz. Why would I loan something to see if it fits and pay 340 on a chance it would fit to then return it to you? Pretty stupid if you actually think about it. That converter went back to Yarra Valley auto where they told me it's just a standard s2 converter with a lock up at 2200 even brand new off there shelf they where 280 at the time. Get ur admin mates to access the account you will clearly see what you wrote in those message along with your address go on do it. Please do it you'll be actually surprised what you read

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Go back to the 31 club clearly states I stole a transmission we both know it wasn't a loan use your brain cazz. Why would I loan something to see if it fits and pay 340 on a chance it would fit to then return it to you? Pretty stupid if you actually think about it. That converter went back to Yarra Valley auto where they told me it's just a standard s2 converter with a lock up at 2200 even brand new off there shelf they where 280 at the time. Get ur admin mates to access the account you will clearly see what you wrote in those message along with your address go on do it. Please do it you'll be actually surprised what you read

Not bad seeing as it was for a series 3 SVD Fire Brigade car. Completely different transmissions. And like you would front up to Yarra Valley, Tony would think you were a compelte wanker asking him for info on a torque converter he supplied. I still have the invoice by the way, and I was the one who paid for it. AND BELIEVE ME, I KNOW WHAT I PAID FOR IT.

I still have an active account on the 31 club, and most of my messages. The admins on there will tell you what happened. I swear on my Group A car that I never told anyone or said at any time that you stole a transmission from me. I don't tell lies Jase, unlike you.

There are plenty of admins on the R31 club who can verify my story. If you're so clever, holy and guilt free, put up the things you say you have. I don't need to justify my side, You are saying I started rumours, yet have no proof. I know I didn't start them, but you're going on someone saying to you I did. A novice would easily confuse a torque converter with a transmission. I'm not a novice.

I loaned it to you to see if it would fit. If you paid money to someone to see if it would fit, thats your issue not mine. You told me you were going to do the job "With my brother and my mate".

You're a liar. Front up the evidence or STFU.

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