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Fs Brand New Kinugawa (Kando) T67 Billet

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Hes not a scammer i just brought some panels from him, they are in perfect condition and he sold them to me really cheap, i would recommend him to anyone who wants good stuff at a very good price.

Sounds like that guy is just pissy cos he cheaped out on postage and didnt pay insurance, i mean how stupid lol auspost even recommends getting insurance cos they know that stuff gets lost and broken all the time, dont try bad mouth someone cos you were too silly to get insurance, thats all on you. As i said i recommend jet anyone wanting to buy stuff he has

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Hes not a scammer i just brought some panels from him, they are in perfect condition and he sold them to me really cheap, i would recommend him to anyone who wants good stuff at a very good price.

Sounds like that guy is just pissy cos he cheaped out on postage and didnt pay insurance, i mean how stupid lol auspost even recommends getting insurance cos they know that stuff gets lost and broken all the time, dont try bad mouth someone cos you were too silly to get insurance, thats all on you. As i said i recommend jet anyone wanting to buy stuff he has

Just because you had one good experience with this seller doesn't mean there hasn't been plenty of other rorts with other people. If you had of read the rest of the thread you would have seen the examples cited. I think copthis has posted more than enough proof that he is a scammer. That's not even the kicker either, the fact that it's been 8 pages of requests for him to either provide a receipt, or ANY proof of him sending the items asked of him kind of shows what kind of a person he is, a scam artist.

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Perhaps you didn't take the time to read from page 2 onwards, but let me give you a brief rundown...

Jet 31 is a username that Jayson has used for years and years. Its the same username as some rego plates of his, which he tried to sell here. He was banned from this forum under that name several years ago for questionable things for sale. And on lots, and lots of forums elsewhere (perhaps go back to page 2 and have a good look - there's 10 usernames tied to him) he's been banned for scamming. One forum even posted a description of him, the area he lived in, and the car he drove because he'd scammed so much using different usernames.

Just because you received something from him doesn't make him legit, it means your transaction went through, unlike lots, and lots of others - the numerous complaints, both in this thread, and on other sites, show that he has repeatedly ripped people off on a selective basis, going back 7 years. You're one of those people who has been around long enough for Jayson not to be stupid enough to rip off, and right now, like clockwork, he's gonna come along and point to you as someone who has NOT been scammed - unlike many, many others who HAVE been.

I don't know whether you're a mate doing him a favour or you genuinely reckon that he's legit, but do yourself a favour - go back, read from page 2 onwards, and see how it feels to be someone supporting this bloke as being completely legit after doing that. The fact this bloke cannot and will not defend himself on the issues of his multiple other usernames tells the whole story. You're just another pawn in his game without knowing it.

At best, you didn't bother to read 8 pages which just keep on slamming Jayson for being a scammer, with more than enough proof to support every single point made, none of which Jayson wants to reply to. At worst, either you're his mate, or he's paying you for your review.

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Either way, the only person trying to hide their identity is copthis, a profile made to defame a member who isn't hiding at all and is responding to your allegations. If you had some issue with him do it without hiding behind a fake account and I will have more chance of believing you. There is nothing any of us can do to help you, if you got nowhere with the cops you are out of luck I guess.

Sorry to anyone buying faulty S/H parts, or getting 'ripped' I have been burned many times myself over the years, that's the chance you take not buying new from reputable sellers/shops.

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#@scotty nm35

1) It ain't defamation if its the truth - simple as that. He's welcome to sue me for every cent I'm worth, every single seperate statement he could sue me on, but he'll have to prove he's not a scammer in every instance. He can't, because he is.

2) He isn't responding to the allegations he can't defend against, and there are a WHOLE LOT of them - mostly revolving around his various other usernames, which, if they aren't him, all mysteriously use his name, car rego, and/or phone number. Why don't you go back through the thread and take a good look at all the posts?

Without basing your post on your opinion/dealings with him, seriously, go back and have a read.

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#@scotty nm35

Honestly, pal, give the bush lawyer routine mixed with stuff you learned in third form legal studies bit a rest.

Truth is a discrete concept from a court matter ya know. I can speak the truth as much as I like, that is indeed the wonderous thing about the Aussie legal system.

A matter proven in court is something proven to an evidentiary standard. Is the sky being blue something that isn't truth until its proven in court? Onya, pal!

But as it goes, and if that's the way Jase wants to play it, I reckon if you wait long enough, you'll see a whole lot of this proven in court.

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#@scotty nm35

Seems you change your mind more often than Jase changes his username. You flip flop so hard, I reckon you're part rubber thong.

Fair enough that you'd stick up for a customer that's done so much business with you, pal. Your relationship is obvious through the forum posts.

But your tune's already changed over the course of three posts of yours, in a matter of minutes, from 'you're hiding and defaming him' to 'its not truth til its proven in court' to 'who'd waste their hard earned taking someone to court over such a small amount'.

So what's the story? Am I defaming him? Or is what I'm saying not true? Or is it maybe that I did get stolen from by this puke shitbag and now I should just get over it because it was over a small amount (not that you know how much it was)? Which one is it?

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I don't know the story, and I don't really give a crap. I feel for Cazz, because I know her well, but you on the other hand just sound like a whiny bitch hiding behind your anonymity...

See, unlike Jase, I can actually respond to an allegation directly.

A whiny bitch? Cool. You're entitled to your opinion... again, isn't Australia a great country? And its a subjective opinion, that one. I don't try and tell you the sky's not blue. That's objectively measurable - the sky bloody well is blue. But you may not like the colour of it, think it looks like a retard's fingerpainting - that's subjectively measurable. In much the same way, your subjective opinion that I'm a whiny bitch probably isn't something that'll change, in much the same way I'm disgusted that you're happy to stick up for a bloke who ripped of someone you know well.

Jase, on the other hand? Its not me offering up my opinion, in the way that you reckon I'm a 'whiny bitch' who should 'build a bridge'. Lots, and lots, of external information has been linked to support the contention that he's a scamming scum bag. Jase is already going very, very hard trying to work out who I am to get me to shut up, and moves he's made this week indicate he is feeling the pressure in a big way. In much the same way that Cazz was concerned about Jase pulling a run through on her, don't you think others who've dealt with this bloke feel the same way?

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don't you think others who've dealt with this bloke feel the same way?

Most probably, but none of them are sooking about it in here on his sale thread.

There are other, legal ways to go about getting even with him if you feel you have been ripped off. Lots and lots of ways. You made your point, nothing more you can do now, other than log back in as your real username I guess. ;)

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Either way, the only person trying to hide their identity is copthis, a profile made to defame a member who isn't hiding at all and is responding to your allegations. If you had some issue with him do it without hiding behind a fake account and I will have more chance of believing you. There is nothing any of us can do to help you, if you got nowhere with the cops you are out of luck I guess.

Sorry to anyone buying faulty S/H parts, or getting 'ripped' I have been burned many times myself over the years, that's the chance you take not buying new from reputable sellers/shops.

Shit attitude.

Clearly you're a mate of this bloke. Or he's a customer, whatever, I couldn't give a toss. But I bet if you were scammed by him your tone would be much different.

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its a bit paranoid to think i am his friend and getting paid lol

i just shared my experience in my dealing with him.

I think if you feel you got scammed you have a right to share your experience as well but i just havnt seen any proof on here that he is a scammer for certain and i dont see what going on and on about it is going to achive, you already voiced your opinion that he is a bad seller and others have voiced there opinion that he is a good seller so just let people make up there own mind i think. And i dont appreciate whoever it was that said i have been paid to say good things about him, its not true and its not ok to say that about me who is a long term sau member so please dont try sully my name here for simply sharing my experience with this seller, you didnt say that about the other members who had good dealings with him

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Stop hiding then. You have been spewing the same shit for days now, build a bridge mate. I think everyone got the message.

Like anyone would waste their hard earned taking anyone to court over such a small amount.

I'm not hiding Scotty nm35, I have supplied my real name, my user name (been on here for bloody years), and he stole from me, and sold what he stole from me on the very forum we discussed the item I "Loaned him" SO what if COPTHIS is a fake name, who cares, the whole point here is the person who has ripped everyone off, and there are plenty of people in this thread who have been ripped off.

I'm happy to tell everyone what this dirtbag did to me, and ruined for the rest of the "Honest" Skyline community

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Hes not a scammer

Yes, he is. That has not been countered, even by Jayson himself here. Back up your assertion with something beyond your own experiences for everyone else who appeared in this thread if you like/if you can.

i just brought some panels from him, they are in perfect condition and he sold them to me really cheap, i would recommend him to anyone who wants good stuff at a very good price.

Fair enough, good for you - but have you bothered to read the thread, or did you just think you'd contribute your own personal opinion to support someone being publicly called out for scamming, which he refuses to admit or deny?

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Hes not a scammer i just brought some panels from him, they are in perfect condition and he sold them to me really cheap, i would recommend him to anyone who wants good stuff at a very good price.

Sounds like that guy is just pissy cos he cheaped out on postage and didnt pay insurance, i mean how stupid lol auspost even recommends getting insurance cos they know that stuff gets lost and broken all the time, dont try bad mouth someone cos you were too silly to get insurance, thats all on you. As i said i recommend jet anyone wanting to buy stuff he has

insurance was never spoken about I buy heaps like f*kn lots of shit from Japan (delivered via ems then austpost)

I've had one item in well lets just say min 10 years broken by australia post glass r32 headlight covers

I'm not even sure the turbo wasn't insured as I did original lodged a claim form with aust post

as being the receiver if it was broken in transit it was supposedly my problem according to Austpost

(his claim which I accepted after seeing the pics he had, not that he was going to help if I didn't accept his story)

thing is that it takes 30 days for Austpost to make a decision all the while I'm turbo less (it has to stay as Austpost) and can't attend the event I planned to also it

leaves me unable to see if someone can repair it for me. I choose to after speaking to a fab guy get it repaired without going through the above headf*k

I'm sure a month later they would have told me to bang off

this thread, his past and his weird comments

"claim it via kando under warranty "

"I took it to 2 different people to look at it before I sent it" when I'd already paid for it

is now making me doubt his version of events

if I don't use it it's a f*kn paper weight who's going to buy a turbo that's had a massive crack repaired on it for even close to what I paid?

I'm glad the panel's you got off him were good you probably paid $50 for them and got them in person

makes it alot hard to f*k someone over if there in front of you

this whole stop whining that you got scammed shit has gotta stop to

all it does is help them scammer's have people not got a right to be pissed off and want to let other member know there experience to try and save

them the same heartache

(sorry if this is hard to read pissed off and dyslexia doesn't make for nice writing)

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