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NSW is the best state in Australia


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I did Sydney -> Adelaide (lunch stop) -> Perth in 27 hours..got delayed for 6 hours on the Nullabor waiting for petrol station to open!

That was in a beat up Tarago..wonder how quickly you could do it in a 'line?

PS - Nullarbor has the longest straight stretch of road in Australia, around 180km.. :rant:

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I'm NSW born and breed but Sydney sucks! May I'm saying that cause 2 of my cars were broken into within a short space of time but I've had enough of the city. I'm looking to move out of the city.

Melbourne has a certain charm to it but I can't bare the winter there. QLD is fun but maybe that's cause I've only been there a few times and there is so much more to explore.

Next place to explore is Adelaide. I'm going to get tanked up down there on nothing but red wine.

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Queensland rocks my jocks like a hot blond on a summer day...

Maybe cecuase I've had soooo mcuyh fun up there than any other place (cept maybe Great keppel Island) every time I go there... its like topical, sunny most of the time, easy goin people, on average most of the owmen are better lookin than melb or syd, and have the best mix of cultures... all the ones I love anyways :D

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Well after a few months in Melb, have to say for the likes of me, Sydney is by far the better city. If your into coffee/cafes/art then you may prefer Melb, but i miss the weekends on the harbour on my brothers boat having a schooner. :D

And the Waratahs...well i cant thinko fany excuses for their pi55 poor form, other then why would you go to training when there are so many other better things to do in Sydney, notice how its the Brumbies that are winning the Super 12s, repeat Canberra !... get the drift :)

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Yeah, lived there for 4 years. Lucky I was at Uni or I would have had stuff all to do.

Hated living in Sydney. Darwin was nice lotsa beer drinking and Backpacker (grab a Helga). Townsville is alright but small. Melb is just miserable, nuff said. Adelaide shuts at 8 pm weeknights unless you go to Crazy Horse. Perth you always end up with sand in your Latte.

My heaven will be in Bris within earshot of Lakeside when they reopen it and staggering distance from a pub (make that uni pub) with a good pool table and 24 hour rugby on a giant plasma tv.

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Mmmm, Sydney.

Took me 3 and a half hours to get home from work (57km) because it rained and there was 3 separate prangs to hold me up.

47km of my trip is on a freeway.


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Guest barbie iz a bitch

Jimbo are you trying to cause a fight??? ;)

QLD is the best and i will be there for 10 days in august with flik :D:) :) :):D :D :D :D

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I stayed up on my uncles apartment on the GoldCoast. Man how things are so relaxed there. The peesp are all so relaxed and fwendly where as in sydney everybody is so busy busy. Also forgot to lock my hertz car up for like 5hours and came back with it still untouched. Give it the same time in sydney and your car would have been broken into, stripped and bonfired. :wassup:

Still i wouldnt live anywhere else.


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Don't forget the Summernats, only been twice and im hooked. I think it has something to do with out of control v8's doing monster burnouts from about thursday afternoon through until Sunday afternoon *droooool*

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Hey, no baggin Canberra. We've got porn and fireworks and.....well that's about all.

I wont knock Canberra, two of my best mates worked their for 18 months, and some of my best ever nights out where in Canberra.... you can get away with murder and no lining up to get into places... :D

If im going to dream of living anywhere, it has to be Biarritz.. i so desperateley want to go back :)

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Guest barbie iz a bitch
i got my lil retreat in Koolangatta at my unlces beach house...  I go up there to unwind n shit...

Haha I will be doing the same.. relaxing and unwinding! the sad thing is ill prob come back and not remember a thing!! :alcoholic

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that's the other thing that shits me up the wall and then some about Sydney... the c0cky f**ks that run nightclubs and the fact that you have to wait HOURS regardless of if you have women with you or not. What's with that? Its changed progressively these days where it just ain't fun to go to commercial clubs these days... better goin to underground ones, low key bars and pubs. Never had that sort of thing in any of the other states i've visited

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I have to say my fav spot in Oz is Cairns. Try and get up there once a year. Got some great roads up there that I'd love to tackle in something more powerfull than the Metz I usually rent! lol.

And the nights are full of generally hot locals to try your luck on and ****ty English Backpackers as a fail safe to fall back on if things aren't going well!

And Roy we'll change your mind on Melbourne when we get you onto Sandown and Phillip Island.

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