MBS206 Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Interesting thing... i read an article only last night, mainly about wearing helmets and how it actually found a higher percentage of helmet wearers were injured, drivers drove closer to them etc. It also registered a statistic the aus government found after bringing in compulsory helmets, and that was a 30% decline in people riding bikes... so maybe registration will solve a lot of issues as a lot more people will give up riding potentially... Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7272949 Share on other sites More sharing options...
r32-25t Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Education is a two way street and cyclist need to realise they aren't above the law and if they are going to ride on the road they need to follow the road rules. The amount of bike riders that assume they automatically have the right of way in every situation is ridiculous, like the example mick gave in his posts Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7272951 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TREGTR Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Just ban the stupid things on roads that have a speed limit greater the 60klms/hr. Cars and push bikes should not share the same space at speeds greater than that. The speed differential between the two and the levels of protection are simply too great and the consequences of an accident are severe. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7272969 Share on other sites More sharing options...
luke gtr Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Are you seriously saying, because cars are identifiable that they therefore commit no traffic offences? It would cost more (evidence suggests MUCH more) than it could ever hope to recoup, and as Scotty says; then the cyclist will be wholly entitled to take an entire lane width and drivers behind will have to recognise his right to travel at 25km/h without being able to pass on any road with unbroken, or double centre lane markings. if cars werent identifiable, do you think the crime rate would stay as low?and bikes already block entire lanes. ive been stuck behind them. with double lines, no room for overtaking so traffic builds up. its illegal to drive too slow in a motor vehicle, why not bikes travelling too slow? to me, the solution is more bike lanes. so riders can use them instead of being on the road. I also like the idea of number plates. we know they wouldnt pay much for rego, but would also require a rego check to make sure the bike is in good working order. ive seen alot of bikes in my area with one or no brakes, putting themselves at risk. and yes, its mainly themselves, but self protection is the reason helmets and seatbelts are law. to be honest, I dont think there are ever going to be any winners in this argument. either way, drive and ride safe peoples. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273026 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MBS206 Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 if cars werent identifiable, do you think the crime rate would stay as low? and bikes already block entire lanes. ive been stuck behind them. with double lines, no room for overtaking so traffic builds up. its illegal to drive too slow in a motor vehicle, why not bikes travelling too slow? to me, the solution is more bike lanes. so riders can use them instead of being on the road. I also like the idea of number plates. we know they wouldnt pay much for rego, but would also require a rego check to make sure the bike is in good working order. ive seen alot of bikes in my area with one or no brakes, putting themselves at risk. and yes, its mainly themselves, but self protection is the reason helmets and seatbelts are law. to be honest, I dont think there are ever going to be any winners in this argument. either way, drive and ride safe peoples. for the "inspection" side of things, they should make headlights and rear tail lights actually mandatory. The only times ive come close to wiping out a cyclist is of a night when they have no lights or reflectors and theyre wearing black!they should also recommend bikes install actual brake lights and indicators... Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273031 Share on other sites More sharing options...
redcorpsjames Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Haha classic comments from motorists. the brake light system is new lol. I always ride with front and rear lights when its dark. You would be stupid not to do so . . running red lights is a minority really. I have real experience on the road commuting and general riding. I have been t boned by a car before where they went through a give way sign. I had a mate that was run off the road as a car was changing lanes. I couldn't tell you how many times I have had close calls with motorists let alone abuse from motorists. I personally think the problem is the cars and trucks.1 meter matters is a new initiative that hopefully gets passed as law. Where by a car must pass a cyclist by no less than a metre. Things like this will minimize accidents not rego for bikes. Since I started commenting in 2005 this idea has been suggested. . . heaps has happened since then at . . . 1 Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273049 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTR-N1 Posted May 4, 2014 Author Share Posted May 4, 2014 Should they RBT bicycle riders? Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273054 Share on other sites More sharing options...
scotty nm35 Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 They already do Terry, it is just as illegal to be over .05 on a bicycle as it is in a car. Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273056 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTR-N1 Posted May 4, 2014 Author Share Posted May 4, 2014 Ok thanks. Been too dopey to notice Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273071 Share on other sites More sharing options...
r32-25t Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Haha classic comments from motorists. the brake light system is new lol. I always ride with front and rear lights when its dark. You would be stupid not to do so . . running red lights is a minority really. I have real experience on the road commuting and general riding. I have been t boned by a car before where they went through a give way sign. I had a mate that was run off the road as a car was changing lanes. I couldn't tell you how many times I have had close calls with motorists let alone abuse from motorists. I personally think the problem is the cars and trucks.1 meter matters is a new initiative that hopefully gets passed as law. Where by a car must pass a cyclist by no less than a metre. Things like this will minimize accidents not rego for bikes. Since I started commenting in 2005 this idea has been suggested. . . heaps has happened since then at . . .typical bike rider comment it's always the cars fault Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273079 Share on other sites More sharing options...
redcorpsjames Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Driver education is the key. And the 1 meter matter initiative should become law. That will improve safety. Not registration. 1 Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273115 Share on other sites More sharing options...
zebra Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 How about we make a law that states next bicycle rider to swerve out in front of me gets beaten to death with a bike frame Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273116 Share on other sites More sharing options...
r32-25t Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 I'm happy for driver education but as long as there is rider education as well Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273118 Share on other sites More sharing options...
533 RYC Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Whilst it is legal to ride a bicycle in a lane, it should be illegal to ride two abreast (side by side), as it is for motorcycles. Not sure if it's law, but it should be. Everyone has the right to use the road, we all need to share it. To say it's the cars & trucks fault is not really fair. When you throw peak hour into the mix, frustration after a hard day & narrow streets, things happen, there is a lot going on. It happens every day between drivers, so at some stage, it's going to happen to a cyclist. NOBODY IS PERFECT! Now, I know I'm lining myself up for the firing squad, but I believe every driver, regardless of age or driving experience should have to sit a refresher theory test every 5 years, at the time of licence renewal or when transferring from interstate. The amount of stupid, idiotic people, operating all forms of transport, don't seem to understand the rules. Question: When did anyone on here, who has held a licence for 5 years or more, check with RMS whether there have been any rule changes? I know I haven't... Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273173 Share on other sites More sharing options...
533 RYC Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Should they RBT bicycle riders? I was RBT'd once on my pushie Terry. I passed, laughed & jokingly asked if they would take my front wheel out if I failed. The response wasn't what I was expecting! Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273177 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTR-N1 Posted May 4, 2014 Author Share Posted May 4, 2014 Hmm we'll chat Gavin Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273216 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKLABA Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Road is there to share yes, but if you CAN NOT do the speed limit them you shouldn't be on that road, but since the road is there to share does that mean I can grab my sons razor scooter and run out to the M4 and travel down the right side lane Common sense must prevale at some point, as for one meter matters your right but being somewhere you shouldn't be is worse and I will use Heathcote Rd as an example here, 100km speed limit - one lane with no asphalt break down lane - me in my truck in a lane bairly wide enough for the truck and oncoming traffic and next thing you know I come across a pushy doing 30-40kms an hour, what know cause my truck won't stop that quick and no where to go to get past pushy at all let alone with a meter clearance, the pushy rider should concider himself lucky I got past him at all let alone with a meter gap, everyone think trucks accelerate stop and handle like race cars and I'll tell what they don't and then it is ALWAYS our fault YOU are an idiot and put yourself in a farkin STUPID position that we have to avoid you in a place you realisticly right or wrong legally or not shouldn't be, and that is the biggest problem with this situation is you think cause you have the RIGHT to be somewhere then fark anyone else and how YOUR actions effect others Now there are places you can ride pushies safely, so I can not for the life of me under stand why you would want to ride some where you are likely to get to close to law abiding motorists doing the correct speed limit that is in most cases twice as fast as a pushy can go Lets face it there are all sorts of different levels of competence among drivers Serious if your using it as a commuter then buy one with a motor, I have a ZX10R and I wouldn't even use that as a daily commuter, if it is recreational then there are places you can do it that allows you to do it safely for both you and us You think it is only bike riders that gets effected by someone hitting you when your actions put yourself at risk, what about the poor driver that has to live with the fact they have killed someone for rest of their life when it wasn't them that was somewhere they realistically shouldn't be right or wrong I know im gong to cop it for this but fark it cause it seems that push bike riders think it is open game to lay blame on motorists so it is only fair we the motorists get to share our minds and that is what this is from someone that see it on a daily basis Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273356 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piggaz Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 ^^^ what he said! Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273364 Share on other sites More sharing options...
scotty nm35 Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 If your truck can't stop in a safe distance then yes, it is entirely your fault in the eyes of the law. Same thing would occur if grandma was driving cautiously in her old corolla and you ran up her arse. The person behind is always at fault, no matter the load or conditions. I also agree that the only place for a bike is in a designated bike lane, but in my years of bicycle commuting I have seen all sorts of stupid car drivers that think even that lane is theirs. The only way to make riders safe is to put them behind a concrete barrier. Same goes for motorcycles unfortunately, but we can't cater for all modes of transport individually can we. Bike paths are for family rides, not commuting 50k's to the city each day on your fixie, and all bike riders have the right to chose either the path or the road. I have had my share of B double trucks try and take me out (some on purpose), let alone manic car drivers... and I always rode on the white line, riding as courteous as possible towards other road users. Not many repaid the compliment... Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273374 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daleo Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Link to comment https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/442625-cycle-registration-floated/page/3/#findComment-7273404 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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