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Hi guys,

I have 94 32 GTR. My gears feels very crunchy especially when it's cold. Takes around 50ks to be ok.1st gear is very hard to put in. It has a short shifter put in it. Not sure if it's masking the syncros. Doesn't feel smooth at all. Very stiff n rigid. It's crunchy when put into 1st,then changing into 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. But the crunch is worse at 1st,2nd and 3rd. I need advice. Pls help.


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As Nizmo said maybe start budgeting for a GB rebuild.

Check your gear shifter bush (standard is white plastic washer at the end of your gear stick)

Change your GB oil and I'd suggest going a stock Shift stick.

(under $100 new, a lot less for 2nd hand).

32's are also known for being more difficult to get into gear when the GB is older and cold

Short shifters are naturally harder to get into gear so this just exasperates your issue

Edited by Sinista32

-> mashing the Syncro's on your gearset <-

now take time to warm it up and change slower. take the advice above

save up to put something like an OS gieken gearset into it.

Unless your a racecar driver or got money to throw at something better that is !

It's a 32GTR and the gearbox / syncros are the worst of the bunch and they're OLD

Thx guys! I might go back to a normal shifter and prob change the bushing too. Is there anything else u guys reckon I shd change jus to keep it going? Not exactly the rite financial time to get another box.

The synchros are worn down too far to allow the gear to slow down enough to engage. Hence why its crunching

Just baby it or try double clutching until you can afford a 2nd hand box or rebuild

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