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phat black r 32 (WHOZUP) pics

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Ill quote from your original thread 'this car is very fun to drive and the number plates are a pretty big invitation for races with alot of ppl'....

If im not mistaken I raced you (in Newcastle, which i dont usually do on the street) because you made the effort to chase me down, not because i looked at youre plates. Let me say that the plates didnt help you in the horsepower stakes either.

Just out of curiosity, you didnt lose youre lisence from street racing did you?

97r33gtst-typeM, has a point.


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I must have been mistaken, i thought youre plates said WHOZUP, i assume that means something like 'im the man try and beat me'.

Because you seemed so egaer to race (plus the plates on your car), you must have assumed you were going to win or atleast come close. That was not the case.

P.s my car was not making that power when i raced you, it was making about half that.

Goodluck with the sale :) sorry to whore youre thread....


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