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i have a standard blow off valve on my 33 and it makes a flutter sound and im thinking this isnt good. its always done it, it sounds great, and im running 10 pound boost with standard cooler.

is this eventually going to kill my turbo?

if so does it normally take long and how can i fix the problem?

i also have a pod filter, but it used to do it before i installed the pod

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i have a standard blow off valve on my 33 and it makes a flutter sound and im thinking this isnt good. its always done it, it sounds great, and im running 10 pound boost with standard cooler.  

is this eventually going to kill my turbo?

if so does it normally take long and how can i fix the problem?

i also have a pod filter, but it used to do it before i installed the pod

Mate your just abotu to open a Can of worms :D

In my opinion, everything is fine .. that is just your waste gate making that noise, the noise will become louder with the addition of a pod filter (im led to believe)

Im running No BOV on my car, and it make the waste gate flutter constantly.

People will inform you that doing this will destroy your turbo and make your car slower due to the turbo having to spool up even more between gear changes.

But from my knowledge and experience., this is very minor. yes it will slow my turbo down by maybe a second max

and yes it will kill my turbo maybe 3 weeks earlier then when its ment to die.

but i feel considering im stock, its really a much of a nothing.

The BOV releases back pressure from behind the turbo, so your turbo only spins 1-way at all times.

So without it you'll have air going through and air trying to force it's way back out via your turbo and engine etc, as you can tell it wouldn't be a great thing on the turbo sharft etc.

As for it dieing who knows, all I know is that overall it's a bad thing to allow back pressure back thru the turbo.

Its also a bad thing to let hot air back through your turbo, which is what Plumback BOVs do.

Its also Illeagle to run an Atmo BOV

Its also Bad to run a Atmo BOV as they Leak and you will look boost pressure.

So in the End its a much of nothing.

I personally wouldnt worry about much considering your Running stock.

When you run a bigger Turbo or boost up your pressurem then maybe you should re-visit this problem.

Untill then, any of the three methods are fine, in my opinion.


yer, as soon as i put my FMIC on the stock bov was fluttering but it was still runnin stock boost, i then put it up to 10psi and i bought the GFB Hybrid bov which is atmo and plumback...but as they said if ur runnin stock shouldnt be much to worry bout...


Indeed a can of worms...but where did you get the idea it was making the flutter noise from the wastegate...especially if one had an internal gate?

I'll let you figure this one out yourself folks, nothing to do with the wastegate given you know what a wastegate does.

Mate your just abotu to open a Can of worms :D

In my opinion, everything is fine .. that is just your waste gate making that noise, the noise will become louder with the addition of a pod filter (im led to believe)

Im running No BOV on my car, and it make the waste gate flutter constantly.

People will inform you that doing this will destroy your turbo and make your car slower due to the turbo having to spool up even more between gear changes.

But from my knowledge and experience., this is very minor. yes it will slow my turbo down by maybe a second max

and yes it will kill my turbo maybe 3 weeks earlier then when its ment to die.

but i feel considering im stock, its really a much of a nothing.

Indeed a can of worms...but where did you get the idea it was making the flutter noise from the wastegate...especially if one had an internal gate?

I'll let you figure this one out yourself folks, nothing to do with the wastegate given you know what a wastegate does.

Gaving Woods told me so ... and apparently Gavin Woods is god so what he says goes!


And if it isnt my 'Stock Internal Gate' then it will be one of the following..

Air going the wrong way back through the impeller (No doubt its this)

Ive also been told its air exitign the wrong way back out my POD Filter (Go Figure)


Air going the wrong way back through the impeller (No doubt its this)

Ive also been told its air exitign the wrong way back out my POD Filter (Go Figure)


It's both. The noise from your turbo tends to come out the pod. Think of a trumpet. The noise is really coming from your mouth, but you hear it at the other end.

The reason why many people think it's the pod making the noise is again similar to the trumpet analogy. A standard airbox does a good job of muffling the sound, but the pod is more like a trumpet and tends to amplify it (or at least not quieten it down).

This has been discussed many times here, people should learn to search.

yeh itl be fine i had no BOV on my s13 for about a year or so on stock T25G turbo running 1 bar with big cooler, i had no problems with it.

you will find that big HP cars running good quality Atmo BOVs, they dont let air out at low revs/low boost anyway, they will flutter quite loudly too. since the pressure of air that is being generated isnt even enough to open the BOV, and thus not enough to realy do much harm to the turbo or to acceleration between gears. however, when they really get going running like 1bar + of boost, then the BOV opens.

so really unless u have a big turbo/big boost a BOV isnt vital. however if u eventualy upgrade ur turbo and run much more boost its probably good to install a plumbback BOV. beter safe than sorry and pple will argue either way but basically the plumback shouldnt do any harm and will help throttle response under big boost, say top of 2nd or 3rd feathering the throttle a plumbback would assist in keeping a big boost/big turbo spinning well

but for general driving at stockish lowish boost levels theres no problem having no BOV. plus wen ur really giving ur car shit u usualy shift fast, thus the BOV barely even has time to open anyway.

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