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It's not that easy.

A 120Y is a horribly unsafe car, and as you know, L and P-platers can get themselves into a world of trouble in ANY car. I wouldn't want my kids having an accident in a 120Y

Opinion noted. My choice was based on Miss 205km/h and the temptation factor rather than the raw safety value of the vehicle. I wouldnt want any loved one to be in an accident in any car.

According to Victorias P plate rules, if the only car registered to the house is a Ferrari, then you can get an exemption to be able to drive it. :D

This is only half correct. In addition there must be a reason why the P plater needs to drive it, i.e. Mum and dad both work so the P plater needs the car to pick up his little sister from school coz the parents cant make it. The only time the P plater can drive it is to pick up the sis from school. Even then I doubt VR would grant it.

Enforcing safe driving can never "really" be enforced (it may have some effect) because of the dickheads that dis-regard the laws anyway.

Exactly the point I was making with my retorical questions. I'm not saying advanced driving isnt a good thing, I'm saying it wouldve had no effect on Miss 205km/h.

About 2 years ago, I was driving home one night and I was pulled over by a marked police car. There were no cars about, or street lights etc.. middle of nowhere. The police established that I was driving on my learners permit without an experienced driver, or displaying L plates. OK, i openly admit I was in the wrong there, i have no issue with this at all.

You plead with everyone not to increase penalties when you are contributing to the very problem. The reason why the laws get tougher is because of people like you! If you were following the law you wouldve never lost your licence. If all L/P platers followed the law 100% of the time the government wouldnt need to change the laws because there wouldnt be a problem with the existing ones!

I should point out that the computerised car thing was a throw away comment. It was not intended to be taken seriously.

Sciby, I do agree with most of the points you make but we can't change human nature. Power restrictions work for bike riders and probably would for cars too but I know many a bike rider who has ignored these rules and driven more powerful bikes before it was legal for them to do so. The same thing would happen with cars too... if someone really wants to break the law they will.

The point I am trying (i hope) to make is that for the average person new rules would work but to if someone wants to do something stupid like 200km on L's then they will find a way to do so. This girl obviously doesn't give a stuff about the existing rules and I doubt she would have any different attitude towards any new road rules.

Onto NSW road rules... I don't know about P platers now as the system has changed since I was on my P's but I never had any drama's with an 80km speed limit but then again there weren't many roads around my home that were more than 80km. I can't see it stopping anyone from wanting to drive as 80km in a car is better than a bus, train or foot power. I never bothered to take my P plates off as you would just loose more points and $ if you got caught speeding and not displaying your plates.

To follow that logically, L/P drivers don't need fast, powerful cars: they simply want them.

But do any of us really? :D whether we're a p-plater on not.. so a bit of a dead argument there.

Anyhow, didn't this chick get caught *again* driving a 300zx this time?? I can't believe how stupid or pig-headed (and full of herself) this chick must be!!

I should point out that the computerised car thing was a throw away comment. It was not intended to be taken seriously.

I know, I was just trying to tiredly yank your chain. :D

Sciby, I do agree with most of the points you make but we can't change human nature. Power restrictions work for bike riders and probably would for cars too but I know many a bike rider who has ignored these rules and driven more powerful bikes before it was legal for them to do so. The same thing would happen with cars too... if someone really wants to break the law they will.  

Yeah, you're dead (npi) right: there'll always be that element who go "Fark you, I'll do whatever the hell I want. But if there were restrictions in place, there would be fewer instances of it. Not all the knobs continue being so when faced with the consequences. :D

The point I am trying (i hope) to make is that for the average person new rules would work but to if someone wants to do something stupid  like 200km on L's then they will find a way to do so. This girl obviously doesn't give a stuff about the existing rules and I doubt she would have any different attitude towards any new road rules.

Again, yeah, she's in that group that will do whatever the hell she pleases until she kills herself or someone else... and even then, she may try to mentally justify it. People like that can only learn the hard way. Thankfully they're the exception rather than the rule.

Onto NSW road rules... I don't know about P platers now as the system has changed since I was on my P's but I never had any drama's with an 80km speed limit but then again there weren't many roads around my home that were more than 80km. I can't see it stopping anyone from wanting to drive as 80km in a car is better than a bus, train or foot power. I never bothered to take my P plates off as you would just loose more points and $ if you got caught speeding and not displaying your plates.

I'm a qld'er but a friend of mine is just coming off his P's, the only time the speed restrictions really gave him grief was when he drive to and from Brisbane... being stuck on 90 or whatever was a bit of a pain. :D

But do any of us really? :D whether we're a p-plater on not.. so a bit of a dead argument there.

Not a dead argument at all... of course none of us *need* a fast car, the only logical reason is that we want it. However, an experienced driver is far more likely to be able to handle driving a fast car much more than say an 18 year old on the first year of their P's, regardless of what the 18 year old's ego believes he can do.

:werd: I agree there... But those that say "the car is faster therefore its better able to "power out" of accidents" I think is a bit naiive.. if you're in a situation where you are relying on the "power" of a car to be safely overtaking, stopping, or anything else I think you shouldn't be in the situation in the first place!

I'm a qld'er but a friend of mine is just coming off his P's, the only time the speed restrictions really gave him grief was when he drive to and from Brisbane... being stuck on 90 or whatever was a bit of a pain

There are speed restrictions here? so those 18 year olds flying down the M1 each day to/from work in their 1.5L hatches coffins are only going 90 ? hmm -- if you went 90 down the m1 you'd get rammed off i think. Speed restrictions I think are pretty silly as to me it just makes other motorists angry and the chance of doing something stupid (even if its the other drivers impatience) are increased.

the 'power out' of a problem is the same as trusting AWD to save your arse when you do stupid things...

I agree, Predator, speed restrictions are really an honour system (unless you're caught)... but at least they can be punished if they do silly stuff. fyi, there's no speed restrictions in qld, sorry, I meant to say 'but a friend of mine in NSW', whoops.

Guest jimmyd17

Originally Posted by jimmyd17

Enforcing safe driving can never "really" be enforced (it may have some effect) because of the dickheads that dis-regard the laws anyway.  


Originally Posted by riggaP

Exactly the point I was making with my retorical questions. I'm not saying advanced driving isnt a good thing, I'm saying it wouldve had no effect on Miss 205km/h.

I think its more likely that advanced driving would have an effect on Miss 205km/h than tougher penalties because she would have a better understanding of the limits of a car and how easy it is to get into trouble going that fast on a public road. By the same token, she may still push her car to 205 regardless. However, say she does still push her car that fast no matter what, she would ultimately be a better and safer driver having done the advanced driver training, so this reduces the chance of an accident and or a fatality at these speeds. Better to have a more experience safer driving doing 205 than a chick that wouldnt have a clue how to get herself out of trouble in an emergency.

The point has been raised, that advanced driver training may encourage people to drive fast and try to test out the limits. I think this point is a valid one. This could be a down-side of the advanced driver training. However i believe this issue could be minimized if the driver training and theory was interpreted to new drivers in such a way so it takes the gloss off driving fast on public roads so to speak. This would be an issue for in which the way advanced driver training and theory was taught.


Originally Posted by jimmyd17

About 2 years ago, I was driving home one night and I was pulled over by a marked police car. There were no cars about, or street lights etc.. middle of nowhere. The police established that I was driving on my learners permit without an experienced driver, or displaying L plates. OK, i openly admit I was in the wrong there, i have no issue with this at all.  


Originally Posted by riggaP

You plead with everyone not to increase penalties when you are contributing to the very problem. The reason why the laws get tougher is because of people like you! If you were following the law you wouldve never lost your licence. If all L/P platers followed the law 100% of the time the government wouldnt need to change the laws because there wouldnt be a problem with the existing ones!

Point taken. Yes I was in the wrong, and yes that is why the laws get tougher. This was actually over 2 and a half years ago when i was younger and more stupid. I have learnt my lesson, moved on and grown up. However, the following point I was trying to make was that a particular copper decides he'll throw an extra charge on top of 'Refuse PBT' which is a minimum 2 years licence loss. Now that is just descraseful behaviour by this cop.. end result, lost licence for 2 and a half years because of the section 51 served, only to end up beating the charge anyway. So the more power u give the cops, the more power they have to abuse it. How many people in here have driven on their learners without a full licensed driver and got away with it or been caught for that matter?


James :)

I haven't read all the responces yet, there are some good arguments going around here, but i'd just like to note one thing.

The other day my dad and i were driving my Skyline up to the city, and we had people look at the car and try and do stupid things, take off before us at the lights, speed up past the legal limit to get past us as one Toyota Camry kept doing... just simple things like that... My dad could have put his foot down and went straight past this smart *** Camry driver, but he didn't. The reason was we had nothing to prove.

I've noticed this with a lot of people who drive expensive performance vehicles (obviously not everyone), but seeings as they know their car is powerful they seem less inclined to put their foot down and show off.

Now for a comparison i know a few people driving older cars with big exhaust systems, performance stickers etc. mostly these cars are hatchbacks and things like Civics, yet they often take the opportunity to put their foot down, to try and prove their car isn't just a stock Honda Civic or whatever...

I realise this doesn't have a heap of relevance to this argument but it is some food for thought.

No, it's totally relevant, p1r4t8r.

The difference is that your dad and more mature younger people will resist the temptation to have a bit of fun and be stereotypically irrisponsible, yet the idiots in the rice cars drive like tools because of who they are, not what they drive... with that in mind, imagine if they did the same time in a skyline or a supra?

On a side note, it's amazing what tools will do when they see a Skyline/whatever. It's like their balls drop and they're a pack of dogs sniffing around a bitch on heat.

i have just read through this thread and found some very good and interesting points, as i am a 17 year old p plater, i am on the "offending" side so to speak, so i thought, why not? ill add my 2 cents. now i know you guys prob wont take into account anything i say, coz im young, stupid etc, but i thought id do it anyway.

first up, this girl must have some serious problems. everyone on here loves the thrill of speed, but really, she is out of control. all it takes is a few stupid people to ruin it for everyone. imports and import owners have a bad enough name as it is, and people like that just keep making things worse.

the question, why do young people want fast cars?? simple, we just want them. we dont need them, we just want them. its got everything a young person wants - respect, girls, speed thrills, etc etc. you all know wat im talking about.

in my few years of driving, i feel i have had more than my share of close calls and scrapes. my latest one was writing off my mums car wen a lady pulled a u-turn in front of me without signalling. i wont lie, i have done, and also on occasion, do very stupid things, as does every young person, but i feel that i also have valuable experience from all these encounters. it is a grim fact, the only way young people will learn, is if they hit that tree wen they went round that corner too fast, or ran into the side of that car wen they lost control. you can show 10000s of tv ads and speeches and stuff bout the dangers, but only if it happens to them will they learn.

i like the idea of a more in depth license graduation process. but wouldnt making it more difficult and arduous put people off from getting their license?? wouldnt that in turn increase the numbers of p platers having too many people in their car, coz less friends will have their license??

advanced driving is a good idea, but i agree with wat has been said, it also causes over confidence.

speeding and reckless behavior cannot be stopped unless every road and highway was 50 km/h and every car was limited to 50 km/h. there is not much that can be done to lessen speeding and stupid behavior and increase safety. with every pro there seems to be a con. you can take the speed out of the car, but you cant take the speed out of the person. if someone wants to speed, they are going to regardless.

this is an issue that we will never all agree on, but im a firm believer in that it is up to the individual on how they drive, not the vehicle they are in. a hoon will speed in any car, whether its a high performance car, or a shopping trolley.

Sciby - "not just giving them a 30 question true/false quiz and 20 minutes in a car with a half-bored public servant who's ticking 'yes/no' boxes on a sheet."

I LOVE that description matey...can't stop cracking up at it ! Obviously I got that guy too...felt like stopping to get him some ice cream to cheer him up !

Hey just on this L-Plater who keeps getting busted - Why don't they just impound her car to get her off the streets ? The authorities can sell it and keep the proceeds for some drivers education project or something...

I hear they are strict on repeat offenders, but I still see the car under her carport.

If the authorities don't want to do anything about it, its not like anyone would flog it - too much of a speed camera magnet by the sounds of it...

I wonder what the ZX forums are saying about this...probably a little upset that their insurance premiums just went up by 20% - ours will go up by 5% now anyway.

Anyone who has been on a riders course, be it the standard required courses or an optional advanced riders course knows that they are excellent learning value and walk away as better drivers too. If they do hoon around a bit here and there (human nature), at least they are looking for both their own limits as well as the legal limits.

This learner girl probably just watched too much tv and paid one too many visits to timezone and wanted a piece of the action - but after just a computer test, she was legally granted to do so.

I'd like to see some of this government money go into paying for the courses for everyone so there's no excuse for at least a standard minimum level of competency on the road.

Make them pass a skills and safety course before they think about showing the world how good they were born with driving ability. Perhaps give them more of a head for street-wise maturity.

This airhead obviously didn't learn anything from the first experience, so had to go through de ja vu. From what I saw on tv, she didn't seem to have snapped out of it yet either.

Used to be funny watching the P-platers pour out of the local high school with the pedal to the floor...smash into the pole...get out shaken...look around to see if they got busted by the peers...then jump into the car and take off slowly...

Yep - A lesson was learnt with each generation of year 11 students. Just have to hope that they don't learn at the expense of someone else.

PuppaDuck, reminds me of what i saw outside my college once... next to it is a library and often people from the college come up the street hammering their cars, showing off etc. Anyways, i was waiting outside there one day, saw a police van pull up behind a few other cars and the driver go into the library. Being unable to see the police car from their end of the street people would start gunning their cars up the road then slamming their brakes on the minute they saw the police van. Priceless :D

i have just read through this thread and found some very good and interesting points, as i am a 17 year old p plater, i am on the "offending" side so to speak, so i thought, why not? ill add my 2 cents. now i know you guys prob wont take into account anything i say, coz im young, stupid etc, but i thought id do it anyway.

Not at all, you're fully entitled to your opinion, don't feel that because you're young that you can't have your say, or that people won't listen.

first up, this girl must have some serious problems. everyone on here loves the thrill of speed, but really, she is out of control. all it takes is a few stupid people to ruin it for everyone. imports and import owners have a bad enough name as it is, and people like that just keep making things worse.

I'd say she's a big ol' bag of crazy to be acting like she is... and you're right, it's the minority that ruin it for the majority.

the question, why do young people want fast cars?? simple, we just want them. we dont need them, we just want them. its got everything a young person wants -  respect, girls, speed thrills, etc etc. you all know wat im talking about.

Of course, that's how I think most fast/powerful cars are seen... they're a want, not a need. Does a 17 year old L/P plater need a fast car to begin their driving career and learning bad and good habits in? They don't *need* it, so wouldn't it be more sensible to get them to have a sensible car, until they've built up the skills to handle more challenging cars? Giving them a fast car up front is not the best idea. The sink or swim method doesn't work with swimming, so you can be damn sure it doesn't work with learning to be a good driver. :D

I understand and remember what it was like at 17-20, wanting a great car and cruising with friends, but kids today (and I'm not talking about yourself here) seem to want things right *now*, they're truly products of the instant gratification generation.

in my few years of driving, i feel i have had more than my share of close calls and scrapes. my latest one was writing off my mums car wen a lady pulled a u-turn in front of me without signalling. i wont lie, i have done, and also on occasion, do very stupid things, as does every young person, but i feel that i also have valuable experience from all these encounters. it is a grim fact, the only way young people will learn, is if they hit that tree wen they went round that corner too fast, or ran into the side of that car wen they lost control. you can show 10000s of tv ads and speeches and stuff bout the dangers, but only if it happens to them will they learn.

Sorry, have to disagree with you there. Having accidents is not the best way to get a young driver to behave and act like a responsible driver. It is the *fastest* way, but not the best way. It's like saying that young drivers *should* act like maniacs so they have that life-changing accident and get scared straight.

Proper professional advanced driver training is the best way: learning how to deal with common problems (wet roads, aquaplanning, snap oversteer, etc) without hurting themselves or others in a controlled environment.

i like the idea of a more in depth license graduation process. but wouldnt making it more difficult and arduous put people off from getting their license?? wouldnt that in turn increase the numbers of p platers having too many people in their car, coz less friends will have their license??

I'm not sure it's such a bad idea to scare some people off having a licence. :D I don't see the problem, all I see is that impatient people would want to charge forward. Sometimes things in life have to be worked towards, you can't expect the priviledge of driving on public roads to just be handed over that easily. It's far too easy now to get a licence.

speeding and reckless behavior cannot be stopped unless every road and highway was 50 km/h and every car was limited to 50 km/h. there is not much that can be done to lessen speeding and stupid behavior and increase safety. with every pro there seems to be a con. you can take the speed out of the car, but you cant take the speed out of the person. if someone wants to speed, they are going to regardless.

Well, no one's trying to stop it, you can never stop it. However, we *can* reduce it. We can reduce the number of idiots who get a Skyline, act like farkheads and ruin it for the rest of us who want to enjoy our pride and joys. We can reduce the number of idiots who get a V8 when they're 18 and then lose it around a corner, slamming into a family car, because they didn't know how to deal with oversteer when they planted their foot.

It won't stop idiot 17 year old girls on their L's with more money than brains.

this is an issue that we will never all agree on, but im a firm believer in that it is up to the individual on how they drive, not the vehicle they are in. a hoon will speed in any car, whether its a high performance car, or a shopping trolley.

Sorry, going to disagree with you there. It's not up to the individual because there are other people on the road that they can possibly endanger. Rules and laws and restrictions aren't there to stop people having fun or to make them seem lame to the opposite sex, or to grab money hand over fist from cameras (although it certain feels like it)...

They're there to save lives. Pure and simple. If someone is going to act like an idiot because they have poor impulse control or feel that they have the 'right' to drive how they wish, then someone has to step in to stop them from potentially harming others.

Also, a hoon may do stupid stuff in a V8 or a 1.3L excel, but he's not able to accelerate as hard and reach high speeds as quickly in the excel. He can still cause some damage, but nowhere near as much as a V8 that's be turned into a barely-guided missle.

I found some statistics on thursday night (I've tried to attach the file, but it's 500kb, will try to find hosting) that had the road fatality figures for 2002 (couldn't find any for 2003), and the number of fatalities for males, aged 17-25 was 335, and males aged 26-39, it was 358... pretty close, and leaning in favor of the young guns. (Those figures from page 12)

However, the total number of 17-25 year old males in the country was 1,239,600, compared to 2,030,300. (from page 14, table 13)

To summarise, in 2002, per 100,000 drivers 27.024 x 17-25yo males were in a fatal car accident, as opposed to 17.632 x 26-38 year old males. 9.3 extra deaths.

The young guys have another 53% over the 26-29 year olds, which is why younger people aren't trusted as readily, and are slapped with incredibly high premiums. It's nothing personal towards young drivers (we were all young drivers) it's just cold hard facts.

Sure, it could be argued that those young people died from other circumstances other than their inexperience or being silly or whatever, but those other circumstances would affect all age groups.

However, we're heading in the right direction though... look at 1981... 467 fatalities for 26-39 year olds... 1001 for 17-25 year olds.

some good points there. i just believe that if a person is a reckless driver, they are going to be a reckless driver in any car they can get in, if thats how they drive. it is very true that they wont be going as fast if you put them in a 1.3 excel, instead of a v8. Im not saying that you *have* to drive like a maniac and crash to learn, im just saying that from my perspective, id still be a far more ignorant and stupid driver now if i hadnt had those few serious accidents and things to wake me up so to speak. im strongly in favour of a mandatory advanced driving course, and i also am going to go through one very soon, just that a lot of idiots will always act like idiots, regardless of their training. sure if they have done an advanced course, they would be able to get out of a lot more situations, but i feel that they would be vastly over confident and keep up, if not do even more stupid things.

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