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I came onto this forum to learn as much as possible about the car I'll hopefully be purchasing by the end of the week.

What I find interesting is that so many questions get a response like this.

For some people, an imported vehicle is unexplored terrain. For all we know, this fellow purchased it last week and realised that the blades need replacing.

In the car scene, 'common sense' is only common to those who spend a heap of time immersing themselves in forums etc.

In the time that the argument has been going (a solid 19 posts) approximately 3 posts have been constructive. Why not just keep your nasty comments to yourself?

The thread was clearly titled 'Replacement for 370GT...' If it's something that doesn't interest you, or you can't help, use your 'common sense' and discerning judgment to determine that you may not actually even need to read the thread.

I appreciate every piece of help I receive on this forum, and I think overall the community is a fantastic one, but seeing stuff like this is really concerning. I teach 11 year-olds for a living and they don't bicker like this.

I came onto this forum to learn as much as possible about the car I'll hopefully be purchasing by the end of the week.

What I find interesting is that so many questions get a response like this.

For some people, an imported vehicle is unexplored terrain. For all we know, this fellow purchased it last week and realised that the blades need replacing.

In the car scene, 'common sense' is only common to those who spend a heap of time immersing themselves in forums etc.

In the time that the argument has been going (a solid 19 posts) approximately 3 posts have been constructive. Why not just keep your nasty comments to yourself?

The thread was clearly titled 'Replacement for 370GT...' If it's something that doesn't interest you, or you can't help, use your 'common sense' and discerning judgment to determine that you may not actually even need to read the thread.

I appreciate every piece of help I receive on this forum, and I think overall the community is a fantastic one, but seeing stuff like this is really concerning. I teach 11 year-olds for a living and they don't bicker like this.

I don't think this is about common sense. It's more of the OP stated that he found specific wipers that he wants and even have the sizes. He then continued to ask if he can get them here as he doesn't want to pay for shipping.

So...has he checked the shops in Australia? If he did he would find that they sell the sizes he is looking for. Things like wiper blades are not car specific. And like a few others that have mentioned, you can just get the rubber fillings and cut them if its too long.

If he was asking which BRANDS he should get and where's the best place to get em at a reasonable price then he would get really good answers.

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I came onto this forum to learn as much as possible about the car I'll hopefully be purchasing by the end of the week.

What I find interesting is that so many questions get a response like this.

For some people, an imported vehicle is unexplored terrain. For all we know, this fellow purchased it last week and realised that the blades need replacing.

In the car scene, 'common sense' is only common to those who spend a heap of time immersing themselves in forums etc.

In the time that the argument has been going (a solid 19 posts) approximately 3 posts have been constructive. Why not just keep your nasty comments to yourself?

The thread was clearly titled 'Replacement for 370GT...' If it's something that doesn't interest you, or you can't help, use your 'common sense' and discerning judgment to determine that you may not actually even need to read the thread.

I appreciate every piece of help I receive on this forum, and I think overall the community is a fantastic one, but seeing stuff like this is really concerning. I teach 11 year-olds for a living and they don't bicker like this.

Mate, its become like kiddies corner around here.

All of the regulars have their own specific criteria they feel posters have to reach.

If you fail to meet it you get flamed.

They then try to justify their actions with ( insert their version of what they say should have been asked).

Then the rest of the morons jump in & perpetuate the whole thing.

You see it time & time again.

How about a bit of common courtesy?

It was the op's first post here & I doubt he'll be back.

Who knows what he could have brought to the site in the future.

Very disappointing.

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In general, most forums have pretty low tolerance to noob questions (seen the douchebaggery on Whirlpool?). Forums in AU and US are pretty harsh on noobs, while UK and Europe are a bit more polite, but the general rule is, search before you create a new topic.

Some people are well aware of this rule, but still choose to ignore it by starting their question with something along the lines of "I searched but found nothing" before asking something that Google would have given them in seconds.

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Ok, so here's my perspective, put simple.

1. The guy has searched 'wiper blades to fit g37/370gt'.

2. It hasn't yielded any Australian results.

3. An international forum suggested a certain set.

4. He wasn't sure if the blades are 'custom' or not, so came to ask if they were available in Australia.

His searching efforts are neither here nor there, the point is that people are being rude to someone who may/may not have wanted to be a future member of the club.

Nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

I'm honestly considering whether I'd like to be a member of SAUNSW if the culture is one of belittling others.

I'm sure this is a minority of people but it doesn't take many to spoil it for others.

google search for "370gt wipers" page 2 of search results: http://www.sinergymotorsports.com.au/cart/products-page/nissan-skyline-v36/

bottom of the page are compatible wiper blades, oz supplier, reasonable price

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At no stage did I belittle him.

I asked if he has visited a shop. Which from his post I couldn't tell. I then told a tale how I have seen a similar thing happen with searching for stuff online making things difficult, and that going to a shop solves those issues.

There's no culture here.

I'll try again fresh.

How about this response.

Hello friend. I see you are in a pickle and are trying your hardest. Might I be so forward as to suggest visiting a shop? :) you've got a car so I assume you can visit the real world from time to time :) (humour to make me seem more friendly) There are places can even fit them for you!

Your car is special, but some things are just the same as for other cars. For example, including but not limited to,






Are typically compatible with your car amongst many others, including wiper blades!

There's so much info on here, but not all of it categorised in a simple way, sorry about that. Maybe when yu are more settled in around here you can compile a list of items compatible that no one has asked about. A tricky task but it will be rewarding, I'm sure a person out there would find it slightly helpful.

Kind regards,

Guy you have no idea about, and can't possibly make an accurate assessment of without assumptions and jumping to conclusions.

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google search for "370gt wipers" page 2 of search results: http://www.sinergymotorsports.com.au/cart/products-page/nissan-skyline-v36/

bottom of the page are compatible wiper blades, oz supplier, reasonable price

And if you provided that link, rather than ranting, the problem would've been solved and everyone's happy.

At no stage did I belittle him.

I asked if he has visited a shop. Which from his post I couldn't tell. I then told a tale how I have seen a similar thing happen with searching for stuff online making things difficult, and that going to a shop solves those issues.

There's no culture here.

I'll try again fresh.

How about this response.

Hello friend. I see you are in a pickle and are trying your hardest. Might I be so forward as to suggest visiting a shop? :) you've got a car so I assume you can visit the real world from time to time :) (humour to make me seem more friendly) There are places can even fit them for you!

Your car is special, but some things are just the same as for other cars. For example, including but not limited to,






Are typically compatible with your car amongst many others, including wiper blades!

There's so much info on here, but not all of it categorised in a simple way, sorry about that. Maybe when yu are more settled in around here you can compile a list of items compatible that no one has asked about. A tricky task but it will be rewarding, I'm sure a person out there would find it slightly helpful.

Kind regards,

Guy you have no idea about, and can't possibly make an accurate assessment of without assumptions and jumping to conclusions.

If there's not a culture of it, then you're sure trying to create one.

Grow up.

At no stage did I belittle him.

Kind regards,

Guy you have no idea about, and can't possibly make an accurate assessment of without assumptions and jumping to conclusions.

Its quite interesting how you describe yourself there.

Do you think that description could possibly fit the op.

Unless of course you are the only person on here that this applies to.

I didn't assume anything.

I asked if he went to a shop then you got all butt hurt.

Answer me this. Is it hard to get wipers for your car? Cos you are sort of implying that it is.

I asked if he went to a shop then you got all butt hurt.

That's a bit immature Ben, & you are how old?

You really seem to be missing the point here.

Oh & insulting people, then following it with a smiley face, doesn't make you seem friendly, fyi.

It just makes you sound even more condescending

That's a bit immature Ben, & you are how old?

Heheheh. I remember a certain guy in his 50s telling me he'll spell "reply's" "how the f**k" he wants, while probably stamping his feet at the same time. ;)

^ Annnnd still got nothing better to do.

Annnnd you're still at it as well. Look, it's pretty clear we all have differing viewpoints on this. Some of us are happy to spoonfeed people just so that we don't go hurting their feelings. Some of us prefer to teach people a little about self-sufficiency (or self-virtuosity as one of my lecturers called it in engineering).

When I needed a power steering hose for my BA shitbox, I looked at if it was a common problem (Google search revealed it was), I looked at whether I should go genuine or aftermarket (Google search took me to a forum discussion which had this already investigated in detail), I looked at how much it was to buy a decent aftermarket one on eBay and then I gave my local AutoPro guys a call to see how their prices compared for one which was of comparable quality (as in US made vs Chinese made).

I bought it from my AutoPro guys and was back on the road by the end of the day. As Ben would put it, I walked into a shop and I didn't even need to start another thread asking the same repetitive question as I often find in many other forums on various subjects. People these days just don't bloody search and it doesn't take much time to do it. I'd like to think by being that arsehole you consider me to be, someone will learn to gain a little bit of that self-virtuosity. Otherwise, we may as well become like the characters in Wall-E.

Highly philosophical, I know but that's my dream. If I die a hated man for it, I honestly wouldn't care. The world will continue to turn without me and it will certainly continue to turn when we make ourselves extinct.

So, let's just agree that you think Ben and I are arseholes, while I think that you and mycarhaspossessedme need to come out of your bubble of sensitivity and give people that nudge in the right direction to make them the masters that they can be if they just tried a little.

Wow, talk about veering off on a tangent. Bedtime calls for this unhelpful arsehole. 'night 'night fellas.

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So, let's just agree that you think Ben and I are arseholes

So I don't think you're arseholes, I think you're regular poster who get sick of the same old stuff... I don't blame you.

But maybe your lesson in mastery could be to let the posts go rather than commenting negatively. You both appear to be intelligent men; which makes me wonder why you bother writing the stuff you have in the first place.

But yes, let's agree to disagree and hopefully we see the validity in each other's arguments.

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