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  On 10/04/2017 at 3:31 AM, Birds said:



not just a replica a true replica, like that's almost the same thing.


"now you can get hold of a true Replica....The closest you can get to the real thing"


Another improvement over a crappy real one is made from steel, not crappy lightweight materials like an original one.

"The vehicle is made of steel..... so it doesn’t squeak and rattle."



If you want a good time to sell and buy back in later for an increased stake or some short term profit, now would be it while the stock is peaking. Everyone is taking their positions now and short term traders and opportunists unfamiliar with the company are jumping on board for the ride. A steady fall is IMO inevitable post-spud. Reasoning:

What you're seeing now with 88E is a perfect example of irrational shareholder behaviour - nothing new has been announced that hasn't been expected - everything is going to plan. How do we explain the 15%+ rise over the last week or two? Insider information is virtually impossible - the well hasn't been spud yet, so no new oil-based information available. Drilling permits being approved and the rig set up + FB posts are the only real news, but these were expected all along - did people expect hiccups? I put it down to people viewing the well spud as a major event rather than a mere milestone and taking their positions in the company before the big expected rise that comes post-drill (depending on the outcome of the drill, of course). However...there is a lot of time between spudding a well, drilling, testing and delivery of results - weeks to months, and it's here that I think it will sink back down if it doesn't find a new floor.

I recently sold at 4.4 thinking we would fall before or not long after spud, as I thought the rise from 4 cents to 4.4 was the above event taking place...got the timing on this wrong and didn't expect it to draw out to 4.8 cents, but I still exited with some profit (yay). Only cut that I missed out on another $1000 if I'd held and sold now - perfect trade hindsight. I'm both hoping and expecting that we'll see a fall post spud for reasons above. I'm doubting a new floor will be created at just under 5 cents - but who knows - it could be bolstered by media reports of the drill, creating further interest in the project. Really, the only safe way is to stay in and ignore the fluctuations.

If you want to know what happened historically with the last well (not all wells are the same, as last time was exploratory and this is more analysis) - the share price climbed to 1.8 cents thereabouts just prior to spud. It then dropped to 0.6 cents while we were drilling, due to a lack of news; people not understanding the reports when there was news; some probably expecting oil to gush out of the ground like in the movies. Weeks later the test results of samples came in positive and the share price shot up to over 4 cents and eventually 8 cents where some people made lots of money - that's where, if you're in it for the long term, buying or selling now isn't a huge deal as long as you're in it, because if the share price ever gets to $1 you sure won't be squabbling over 0.4 of a cent.

tl;dr: stay in this if you have balls, sell out and buy back in soon if you have bigger balls.

I'll probably sell a small packet next week depending on where things are at. Will keep most until results. Otherwise the money sits in a savings account generating f**k all interest. Might as well make it work for me towards 12months ownership for dat tax-less muns. August is only a few months away and expected results are due before that.

  On 11/04/2017 at 2:16 AM, Leroy Peterson said:

I'll probably sell a small packet next week depending on where things are at. Will keep most until results. Otherwise the money sits in a savings account generating f**k all interest. Might as well make it work for me towards 12months ownership for dat tax-less muns. August is only a few months away and expected results are due before that.


I buy and sell so often that a 12 month CGT discount is a fantasy...I decided long ago I'm better off making up the discount in profits instead lol

Going to be awesome and shit at the same time if SP ever R eaches $1. Probably leave it in there for dividends. The best case scenario is someone buys out the company and pays you for your shares, leaving you with no choice and no ragrets.

I wouldnt mind a farmout/payout.

At $1 a share I could almost get a deposit to buy a house in a respectable suburb :O but f**k that, pulsar would get handballed to a workshop to finish 100%. Motivation at an all time low. Use the leftover cash to sit there and do nothing.

#boringbutsavvy #onlycountcashthatsinyourpocket

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  On 11/04/2017 at 4:08 AM, Leroy Peterson said:

I wouldnt mind a farmout/payout.

At $1 a share I could almost get a deposit to buy a house in a respectable suburb :O but f**k that, pulsar would get handballed to a workshop to finish 100%. Motivation at an all time low. Use the leftover cash to sit there and do nothing.

#boringbutsavvy #onlycountcashthatsinyourpocket


At $1 a share I'll buy a house with cash. $1 sounds like a bit of a dream, but hey, when the share price was 0.6 cents none of us imagined it getting to 8 cents...and that's without turning a single dollar of profit over, just mere speculation based on reports. When/if the oil comes gushing and the JV/farmouts are on the table, the multiplication of SP will be exponentially more and the market won't dictate the shareprice - assets alone will. Oil discovery is the kind of thing that can turn a million dollar company into a multi-billion dollar one and when you do the maths on hypothetical scenarios, $1 is quite conservative. Fortescue Metals is my analogy and my dream...

There are certainly worse things you can throw some savings at.

  On 11/04/2017 at 7:03 AM, dezz said:

What's this discount you speak of... Pretty sure I've had my shares losing money for 12 months or close to by now.

At $1 a share I'll pay cash for a nice place in Toorak


In the unlikely chance you ever make money off 88E, when you sell you'll only pay half the capital gains tax on your profits.

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