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Made the mistake of driving through Dandenong on the weekend

In the angled parking of a shopping arcade, Asian dude with a decaled up 86 taking off his shirt to pose for photos in front of it ranks up with the gayest shit I've seen in my life

Pics or ban

I caught the words of Sarah Hanson Young on the tail end of Q&A lastnight and, after panel discussion on how to fix the economy, when asked for her input on it, all she could muster is "gaiz what about climate change? We are the last generation who can save the earth"

Which is why I'm happy for ALP and LNP to brush them off.

7 minutes ago, Leroy Peterson said:

I can't get over how the massive majority of people still voted for labor or liberal. Makes that big ass house of representatives sheet a waste of time/effort/paper/ink/freedom

you mean the huge senate sheet...which the above picture does not represent..

a majority in senate does not impact the party leading the country, jsut them trying to pass bills/budget.



house of reps is the small green one which is the one in question for ruling the country

I think it's a case of vocal minority that makes people sound disillusioned with the two major political parties...on the whole most are still comfortable voting for them and it's ridiculous that the media suggests a draw or 50/50 divide of the population is evidence of disillusion, or that both parties are necessarily crap. Could the same assumption be made about two teams who draw in a football game?

Election of independants and Greens is a better reflection of it

you mean the huge senate sheet...which the above picture does not represent

Yeah that.

You'd think variety would be a good thing, but if it just causes squabbling and delays kind of makes you wonder what they aim to achieve as a group. I wonder what parliament would be like if they had KPI's and efficiency metering statistics available for election time...

I suspect it's cos the Greens are f**ked

I thought that at first, but then i remembered how shallow and pathetic the leader of both the incumbent government and opposition are.

Both of those guys would sell their own mother to gain power but to use the greens they would inevitably hit the asylum seeker issue on which they are both literally unable to back down on.

I'm guessing it would be a really bad look for them to be KB'd by the greens and it would be a huge boost for the greens to do the KB'ing

3 hours ago, UNR33L said:

Hamish loves big black cocks, just look at his fb feed :P 

Leeroy, I tested one of those Zotacs with steam streaming today, pre cool worked fine for some cs:go lols against bots 


Now that Pauline is finally in, I suspect that she's going to finally see just how few people are going to put up with her crap, as she'll need to interact with people outside her circle. She's already hilariously struggling to keep her cool during basic TV interviews.

And throwing out statistics that are easily debunked like, "98% of Australians are opposed to Halal Certification". Ummmm, don't think she's done the math here, because in the 2011 Census, 2.2% of Australians are Muslim. There's no way that more than 100% of Non Muslim Australians are opposed to Halal Certification.


I'm more glad that the Anti-Vaxxer party didn't make any progress... Probably too busy staying at home looking after their sick kids to spend time on their campaigns.

10 minutes ago, Odium said:

And throwing out statistics that are easily debunked like, "98% of Australians are opposed to Halal Certification". Ummmm, don't think she's done the math here, because in the 2011 Census, 2.2% of Australians are Muslim. There's no way that more than 100% of Non Muslim Australians are opposed to Halal Certification.

I'm more glad that the Anti-Vaxxer party didn't make any progress... Probably too busy staying at home looking after their sick kids to spend time on their campaigns.

It's got nothing to do with math. she knows it's not 98% but she also knows that the knuckledraggers that voted for her will be gullible and stupid enough to believe it without fact checking, as it's what they want to hear.


Re: Anit-vaxxers... they kinda did.... Pauline Hanson just today said that vaccines are linked to Autism. 


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