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Nismo getrag conversion would go well while your at it ;)

That is a fantastic looking motor, and a fitting home thats for sure!!!

I thought about it but too pricey to do all at once right now. Plus I had already bought a brand new Nismo Coppermix Twin-plate clutch for this box before the engine troubles started. Maybe if this tranny starts giving me trouble I'll pony up for the conversion :)

Just hurry up and fit it!!!

I'm impatient to get it fitted myself believe me lol - but I want to get the right parts together to do it properly and recycle as little of the old stuff that's in the car. Plus whenever we get the old motor out I figured it would be a good time to respray the engine bay if needed so that the motor has a fittingly clean place to live in :)

Call the bank and redraw on the mortgage!

You are doing that engine a disservice by leaving it in the corner of the garage!

If you dont want it just send it here..... lol

I'm sure my family will disown me if I futz with the mortgage to get this car done lol.

While the car's down we're taking the opportunity to take care of some other stuff that needed sorting like fixing the Japanese-standard bodged electrics the previous owner left and then we'll be cleaning up the engine bay. I think the engine can put up with being in storage for a little while in exchange for going into a nicer engine bay :)

Yeah theres always some bitch taping up the hell put of wires and thinking thats a good connection

I've got that problem as well as a bunch of little boxes wired into the car that now we have to figure out what they're for and whether we can get rid of them. The game plan is to remove everything we can't be sure works or simply can't identify and go from there. Oh the fun of a 25-year old modified (i.e. butchered) car lol.

  • 1 month later...

It's been a long time since my last update and I wish I could say my R32 is running again and belting out obscene amounts of horsepower but unfortunately that's not the case. It is doing a damn fine job imitating a paperweight though.

In any case progress is being made while I wait on more parts for my engine build. The biggest highlights are:

  1. Put sound deadener in the car and installed new carpet.
  2. Brakes have been removed for rebuild and refinishing.
  3. Removed the dash so it can be re-covered.
  4. Replaced the front fender liners that the previous owner had butchered with a bunch of openings. Gotta have them speed holes baby!
  5. Installed new Nismo seat covers to get the seats ready for re-install. Well, mostly – I still have to do the driver's seat 'cause the Nismo covers are maddeningly fiddly to install.

In the coming weeks my friend Dan will be pulling the tired old motor out and then we'll finalize the parts list for the engine build. It's going to be a nice little selection of parts I must say :)

Some pics:





As usual I have more details and pics on my blog:


Edited by GSX-R35
  • Like 2

You need to remove all that sound deadener! Meant to be a raw car :P

I put in just enough to hopefully take some of the edge off but nowhere near enough to make it anesthetic like a Lexus lol. The amount I put in is nowhere near as bad as most people and only used a bunch on the floorpan to help make up for the nasty jute that got tossed with the old carpet. I've only used about half the box of Roadkill so far and will only add a small amount to the doors and that's it. I think she'll still be fairly gnarly when all's said and done :)

  • 1 month later...

Well, it took longer for me to get around to posting an update on my build because of the holidays and then getting a wee bit sick but now I've kind of gotten caught up. To quickly recap what's happened since my last update:

  1. The old motor is now out and the engine bay is fully stripped in preparation for new paint.
  2. The rear part of the cabin has been fully restored with the back seat in place again but now with snazzy new Nismo seat covers and new trim panels, parcel shelf, and rear speakers in place.
  3. A crapload of parts have arrived although we're still waiting for some major pieces like the turbo kit. Although my wallet's been critically ill for a while now because of all the purchases I'm finally starting to see the end as far as big orders – too bad it's only because I've bought so much stuff already that I've hardly got anything left to buy lol.

Here's some pics but of course if you want to see more and get further details I've posted a full update on my blog:







Edited by GSX-R35
  • Like 2

Well, it took longer for me to get around to posting an update on my build because of the holidays and then getting a wee bit sick but now I've kind of gotten caught up. To quickly recap what's happened since my last update:

  1. The old motor is now out and the engine bay is fully stripped in preparation for new paint.
  2. The rear part of the cabin has been fully restored with the back seat in place again but now with snazzy new Nismo seat covers and new trim panels, parcel shelf, and rear speakers in place.
  3. A crapload of parts have arrived although we're still waiting for some major pieces like the turbo kit. Although my wallet's been critically ill for a while now because of all the purchases I'm finally starting to see the end as far as big orders – too bad it's only because I've bought so much stuff already that I've hardly got anything left to buy lol.

Here's some pics but of course if you want to see more and get further details I've posted a full update on my blog:


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that nismo plenum always looks amazing and will look great with the N1 crate engine

awesome build thread keep them updates coming

also subscribed

  • 1 month later...

So, this won't be a normal update with notes on what's been done to the car since the last time I posted, instead I figured it was time to post the (almost) final parts list for the build:


Nismo Fine Spec Final Edition RB26DETT #96 of 200


  • ProEFI 128 ECU with CAN display and logger
  • Nismo GT intake plenum
  • Wiring Specialties R34 coil conversion kit
  • Billet Performance fuel rail
  • Bosch 1000cc fuel injectors
  • Turbosmart fuel pressure regulator
  • Denso Nissan Quest alternator for increased output (120A versus 80A stock)
  • Nismo fuel pump
  • Greddy oil filter relocator and oil cooler (already on car from before)
  • new R34 cam angle sensor
  • Nismo reinforced motor mounts
  • Koyorad radiator (already installed before)
  • Nismo radiator cap
  • New hoses
  • HICAS delete with conversion to R33 single-stage PS pump (already on car)
  • New OEM oil dip stick (baller!)


    • Full Race EFR RB26 Twin Turbo Kit with Borg Warner EFR 62/58 Turbos
    • Full Race merge pipe, exhaust manifold, and turbo outlet pipes
    • Greddy intercooler (already on car)
    • Mine's stainless downpipe (already on car)


    • Tomei Expreme Ti titanium catback exhaust
    • cat delete pipe (already on car)


    • Rebuilt OEM transmission

    • Nismo Super Coppermix Twin-plate clutch
    • Nismo reinforced transmission mount
    • Nismo reinforced clutch line


    • Full rebuild and refinishing of R33 front calipers and OEM rear calipers already on car

    • New DBA slotted rotors front and rear
    • New Hawk HPS brake pads front and rear
    • Stainless steel brake lines (already on car)


    • Tein Flex Z coilovers
    • Tein EDFC Active control system
    • Nismo circuit link set, tension rods, and front upper arms
    • Nismo rear suspension arms
    • Cusco carbon fiber strut bars front (with brake master cylinder brace) and rear
    • Nismo rear reinforcing bar
    • Nismo front reinforcing bar
    • OEM steering rack rebuild
    • Nismo steering rack mounts

Interior and exterior parts are listed on my blog at the below link together with more details on the above:



The new motor with the new fuel rail and injectors installed


New Nismo front LSD waiting to go in


Titanium beats stainless steel every time...except in the pocketbook lol.

Edited by GSX-R35

Just read the thread man, looks awesome!

Good to see the US can finally start modding and enjoying these cars, keen to see the spin you guys put on it

I'm going to the US in November this year, hopefully I see it running :thumbsup:

Keep it up man!

Just read the thread man, looks awesome!

Good to see the US can finally start modding and enjoying these cars, keen to see the spin you guys put on it

I'm going to the US in November this year, hopefully I see it running :thumbsup:

Keep it up man!

Thanks for the comments! Lots of people here in the States are glad we can finally get these cars - even though a lot of us are still frustrated we have to wait for the R34s some more lol.

The car should almost certainly be done by Novemberbarring something truly crazy like the zombie apocalypse but Yuma, Arizona is far from all the tourist-worthy places in the US, if by chance you're in the desert southwest though feel free to PM me :)

Nice work with the 6258's and front diff!!

Not sure how long that stock gearbox is going to last behind the donk with 6258's hanging off the side of it.

The car's just going to get occasional use since I've got others for DD and trackday use plus I'm not into drag-racing so that should help the gearbox's longevity. Nevertheless whenever it gets done we'll tune it conservatively for reliability. If all else fails and I break it I'll probably consider a Getrag conversion then if I have the budget lol.

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

Finally after a long time I've had a chance to post some updates on my Nismo R32's restoration slash build. We hit some major milestones including a first test fit of the new Nismo motor in the car. The interior and suspension are also coming together now. Hopefully we can keep this momentum going and the car will be ready for final assembly and tuning within the next couple of months :)

As before, more details and pics are on my blog which got a new, easier to remember web address – 23GT.net - since my last update:






  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone, time for another update on the saga of my R32.

Bad news – my friend who was working on the car had to leave town and hide out from the law in Mexico, or maybe it was NorCal instead because his wife got reassigned? Eh, who cares about the details anyway, right?

Good news – the car is at a new shop in Phoenix to finish off the build (which was the plan anyway since my friend couldn't do the tuning on the new standalone ECU) and the new motor is in the car for keeps this time (hopefully). Still a lot of detail work left to do but were hopefully on the homestretch (fingers and toes crossed!)

Some pics for your perusal and as always, more details and images are on my blog:






  • 1 month later...

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    • That's odd, it works fine here. Try loading it on a different device or browser? It's Jack Phillips JDM, a Skyline wrecker in Victoria. Not the cheapest, but I have found them helpful to find obscure parts in AU. https://jpjdm.com/shop/index.php
    • Yeah. I second all of the above. The only way to see that sort of voltage is if something is generating it as a side effect of being f**ked up. The other thing you could do would be to put a load onto that 30V terminal, something like a brakelamp globe. See if it pulls the voltage away comepletely or if some or all of it stays there while loaded. Will give you something of an idea about how much danger it could cause.
    • I would say, you've got one hell of an underlying issue there. You're saying, coils were fully unplugged, and the fuse to that circuit was unplugged, and you measured 30v? Either something is giving you some WILD EMI, and that's an induced voltage, OR something is managing to backfeed, AND that something has problems. It could be something like the ECU if it takes power from there, and also gets power from another source IF there's an internal issue in the ECU. The way to check would be pull that fuse, unplug the coils, and then probe the ECU pins. However it could be something else doing it. Additionally, if it is something wired in, and that something is pulsing, IE a PWM circuit and it's an inductive load and doesnt have proper flyback protection, that would also do it. A possibility would be if you have something like a PWM fuel pump, it might be giving flyback voltages (dangerous to stuff!). I'd put the circuit back into its "broken" state, confirm the weird voltage is back, and then one by one unplug devices until that voltage disappears. That's a quick way to find an associated device. Otherwise I'd need to look at the wiring diagrams, and then understand any electrical mods done.   But you really should not be seeing the above issue, and really, it's indicating something is failing, and possibly why the fuse blew to begin with.
    • A lot of what you said there are fair observations and part of why I made that list, to make some of these things (like no advantage between the GSeries and GSeries II at PR2.4 in a lot of cases) however I'm not fully convinced by other comments.  One thing to bare in mind is that compressor flow maps are talking about MASS flow, in terms of the compressor side you shouldn't end up running more or less airflow vs another compressor map for the same advertised flow if all external environmental conditions are equivalent if the compressor efficiency is lower as that advertised mass flow takes that into consideration.   Once the intercooler becomes involved the in-plenum air temperature shouldn't be that different, either... the main thing that is likely to affect the end power is the final exhaust manifold pressure - which *WILL* go up when you run out of compressor efficiency when you run off the map earlier on the original G-Series versus G-Series II as you need to keep the gate shut to achieve similar airflow.    Also, how do you figure response based off surge line?  I've seen people claim that as an absolute fact before but am pretty sure I've seen compressors with worse surge lines actually "stand up" faster (and ironically be more likely to surge), I'm not super convinced - it's really a thing we won't easily be able to determine until people start using them.     There are some things on the maps that actually make me wonder if there is a chance that they may respond no worse... if not BETTER?!  which brings me to your next point... Why G2 have lower max rpm?  Really good question and I've been wondering about this too.  The maximum speed *AND* the compressor maps both look like what I'd normally expect if Garrett had extended the exducers out, but they claim the same inducer and exducer size for the whole range.   If you compare the speed lines between any G and G2 version the G2 speed lines support higher flow for the same compressor speed, kinda giving a pretty clear "better at pumping more air for the same speed" impression. Presumably the exducer includes any extended tip design instead of just the backplate, but nonetheless I'd love to see good pics/measurements of the G2 compressors as everything kinda points to something different about the exducer - specifically that it must be further out from the centerline, which means a lower rpm for the same max tip speed and often also results in higher pressure ratio efficiency, narrower maps, and often actually can result in better spool vs a smaller exducer for the same inducer size... no doubt partly due to the above phenomenon of needing less turbine speed to achieve the same airflow when using a smaller trim. Not sure if this is just camera angle or what, but this kinda looks interesting on the G35 990 compressor tips: Very interested to see what happens when people start testing these, and if we start getting more details about what's different.
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