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Air Distribution Box Removal (r34)


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Does anyone have any tips on removing the air distribution box thing behind the centre of the dash? I have removed the blower and A/C evaporator units and the small distribution box that sits under it and distributes the air to the rear seat vents, however the main box with all of the climate control vent motors etc will not come out. The whole thing is loose and is moving around, but I can't get it out!

I really don't want to have to take the whole dash out! Any advise would be appreciated.



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Yep I have already removed all of those hoses / pipes connected to the heater core. The core itself is still in there though. I think its the connection to the ducting that goes to all of the vents in the upper part of the dash that is preventing me from getting it out. The whole unit is moving around quite a bit so I know its still not bolted to anything,

I will have another crack at it today.

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After applying lots of brute force and breaking some of the plastic I finally lost it and got the hammer out :P

Then eventually I found the last remaining 10mm nut holding it all in which needed an extension about half a meter long to get to. At least its finally all out now!


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