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  • 4 months later...

Let it die?

Either you're subscribed to this thread, or you care enough to come back in to check whether I'm still contradicting the uneducated rhetoric.

Well, I am. Sources and all. Soon the minority opinion will become the majority, and maybe the aging population so stubborn in their mindset will begin to listen to science.

Took about 3 caps last weekend. Still alive.

And likely no worse for wear ;)

Edited by Trozzle

If you are taking that article as science then good luck to you. All it says is that the reduction in pot usage is probably due to the medical intervention of potentional users at a young age to correct a behavioral abnormality, therefore reducing the incident of criminal behavior and exposure, hence protecting the child from future pot usage. Can't see where the correlation is as your are suggesting. The headline is just attention grabbing click bait but the contents of the article centres around something totally different.

Whatever [emoji53]

It's published on the Washington State University website, and cites a study done on survey data spanning an 11 year period.

I'll agree the title is clickbaity as really cannabis has only recently become legalised, though it does still support the notion that prohibition has somewhat contributed to the harm on society from cannabis.


“We were surprised to see substantial declines in marijuana use and abuse,” he said. “We don’t know how legalization is affecting young marijuana users, but it could be that many kids with behavioral problems are more likely to get treatment earlier in childhood, making them less likely to turn to pot during adolescence.

Pretty much sums it up.

That is so weird , hard to believe the benefits, all the extra jobs ,(who works when they are off their face) , tax , (who works to pay tax) , less deaths on the road I can understand, they are stoned at home and do not have to drive around looking for a deal, maybe home delivery.

The shit does your head in and except for pigging out , you do not want to do much of anything, they must be spiking it with vitamins, lol

they are stoned at home and do not have to drive around looking for a deal, maybe home delivery.

The shit does your head in and except for pigging out , you do not want to do much of anything, they must be spiking it with vitamins, lol

I dont feel like this is a fair assumption. I know a good number of healthy outgoing people who are doing quite well for themselves/families and they smoke regularly.

With that being said, there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum that DO match the description you just gave.

'In the first 11 months of 2014, the state had 436 traffic fatalities, a 3% drop from the 449 fatalities in the first 11 months of 2013. The decline in fatalities in 2014 marks a continuation of a 12- year long downward trend in traffic fatalities in the state of Colorado.viii'

nothing to do with a change in the pot law

'According to data from the Colorado Court System, marijuana possession arrests have dropped 84% since 2010.'

No shit, its legal now that's why there are less arrests and doesn't mean it f%^ks you up any less.

And I could go on.

But what a fkn joke, its all about the economic benefits and the job creation and the increases in tax revenue.

Then on the flip-side telling the kids how bad it is but legalizing it so to encourage usage.

The only difference is, is that the government have become the scumbag pushers and are profiting out of it and have the infrastructure to push the propaganda to say what they want, while people are too busy and dependent on the industry to give a shit.

Time will tell, but I cant see it ending well.

Edited by XGTRX
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'In the first 11 months of 2014, the state had 436 traffic fatalities, a 3% drop from the 449 fatalities in the first 11 months of 2013. The decline in fatalities in 2014 marks a continuation of a 12- year long downward trend in traffic fatalities in the state of Colorado.viii'

nothing to do with a change in the pot law

'According to data from the Colorado Court System, marijuana possession arrests have dropped 84% since 2010.'

No shit, its legal now that's why there are less arrests and doesn't mean it f%^ks you up any less.

And I could go on.

But what a fkn joke, its all about the economic benefits and the job creation and the increases in tax revenue.

Then on the flip-side telling the kids how bad it is but legalizing it so to encourage usage.

The only difference is, is that the government have become the scumbag pushers and are profiting out of it and have the infrastructure to push the propaganda to say what they want, while people are too busy and dependent on the industry to give a shit.

Time will tell, but I cant see it ending well.

/\ /\ This

Grog is bad enough without legalizing pot?

Less arrests there , LOL it is legal now!

The only dumb shit I ever did in my life was through grog. Smoking pot did my head in and I am sure it cannot be good for you.

A lot of people can handle grog and pot and keep working but I know from experience, a lot don't . There are the poor bastards that try for a better high on stronger drugs thinking they can handle the shit and then their life turns to shit!

I'd be curious to see any statistics on usage in Amsterdam where it's readily available. It's hard to tell negative effects on a society from a visit alone, but there weren't any people acting like idiots or anything when I was there. Just people chilled out in the coffee shops having a good time.

Cbf googling tonight

I'd be curious to see any statistics on usage in Amsterdam where it's readily available. It's hard to tell negative effects on a society from a visit alone, but there weren't any people acting like idiots or anything when I was there. Just people chilled out in the coffee shops having a good time.

Cbf googling tonight

Like alcohol , there are some that can handle it and some that cannot.

Trouble is you do not know until you try it and for some that can be too late.

I knew many that thought they were handling the pot and could handle harder drugs and just do it on the weekends , some did and got off it, some did not and some died :(

Maybe the locals in Amsterdam are over puffing on the shit since it became legal and not getting that bad guy image anymore. Could it work here, I doubt it. Does not work with grog .

To me, pot was crap after the original high, could not taste anything, ruin the night and I would go home ?

The young Poms are like a lot of us when they are away from home, go on like DHs and over do everything.

The French and the Spanish cringe when they see a mob of Poms. This is not my observation, it is my Pommy mates words and he used to be one of them,lol

I can only guess the locals in Amsterdam would feel the same way, but money is money and the tourists are the ones that have it.

'In the first 11 months of 2014, the state had 436 traffic fatalities, a 3% drop from the 449 fatalities in the first 11 months of 2013. The decline in fatalities in 2014 marks a continuation of a 12- year long downward trend in traffic fatalities in the state of Colorado.viii'

nothing to do with a change in the pot law

'According to data from the Colorado Court System, marijuana possession arrests have dropped 84% since 2010.'

No shit, its legal now that's why there are less arrests and doesn't mean it f%^ks you up any less.

And I could go on.

But what a fkn joke, its all about the economic benefits and the job creation and the increases in tax revenue.

Then on the flip-side telling the kids how bad it is but legalizing it so to encourage usage.

The only difference is, is that the government have become the scumbag pushers and are profiting out of it and have the infrastructure to push the propaganda to say what they want, while people are too busy and dependent on the industry to give a shit.

Time will tell, but I cant see it ending well.

The traffic issues are a continuation. I have heard from various podcasts but can't find any statistics (havent really looked) that even minor accidents from people under the influence is down.

There are still laws governing possession in Colorado. It is not a free for all. One thing that you have to remember in America is that possession laws are very very different then in Australia. You can and do get arrested and prosecuted for having a pill or two. Since passing these laws it has significantly eased issues with the prison system over there. Of which they have massive problems.

Yes, who would have thought that creating a new industry would bring economic benefit and would be good for a state. Has meant that they have been able to put in better trained health councilors into schools, i believe opened up some schools and various other benefits. But hell that is evil.

It is also been shown to kill cancer cells and the number one lobbyist against using cannabis to research or treat cancer is big pharma companies. Wonder why that is? I'll give you a hint $$

Hemp is also a massive industry which produces a product that is one of the absolute best in the world. Easy to grow, doesn't require pesticides and shit which does damage to the environment, is strong as f**k, etc. Yet its illegal. There are a number of theories as to why this is, many surrounding racism and tree loggers.

You should come down from your high horse and actually live in the real world. Weed is not this terrible drug that will ruin your life just because you smoke it. You arent going to get a girl pregnant from smoking, you can still get a job and be functional (to various degrees). It is a drug that has very little harmful side effects, people are going to smoke it and buy it. May as well make it legal.

Hell prescription drugs have more addicts then illegal drugs and kill more people world wide then illegal drugs. Should they all be banned?

/\ /\ This

Grog is bad enough without legalizing pot?

Less arrests there , LOL it is legal now!

The only dumb shit I ever did in my life was through grog. Smoking pot did my head in and I am sure it cannot be good for you.

A lot of people can handle grog and pot and keep working but I know from experience, a lot don't . There are the poor bastards that try for a better high on stronger drugs thinking they can handle the shit and then their life turns to shit!

yet, on the body, grog has more negative effects.

As you have said, we all know functional alcoholics and stoners, some handle it better then the other. Yet you can actually die from alcohol poisoning, no recorded deaths from smoking too much weed.

Again, some podcasts have also mentioned that things like domestic violence is down since the legalization of weed in Colorado. But I haven't really done much research to back that up.

The last part isn't entirely true. There is some evidence to say gate way drug, but there is also some that debunk it. Different psychologist claim different view points here. I have in the past used most drugs, my first wasn't weed. My favorite was weed.

Also the second part, I have heard in places like Amsterdam you can buy different grades of weed, which are stronger and have a different high at different times.

I'd be curious to see any statistics on usage in Amsterdam where it's readily available. It's hard to tell negative effects on a society from a visit alone, but there weren't any people acting like idiots or anything when I was there. Just people chilled out in the coffee shops having a good time.

Cbf googling tonight

Haven't google'd recently but from memory most locals view it as a pretty loserish act, a bit like smoking cigarettes these days.

Maybe the locals in Amsterdam are over puffing on the shit since it became legal and not getting that bad guy image anymore. Could it work here, I doubt it. Does not work with grog .

To me, pot was crap after the original high, could not taste anything, ruin the night and I would go home ?

The young Poms are like a lot of us when they are away from home, go on like DHs and over do everything.

The French and the Spanish cringe when they see a mob of Poms. This is not my observation, it is my Pommy mates words and he used to be one of them,lol

I can only guess the locals in Amsterdam would feel the same way, but money is money and the tourists are the ones that have it.

None of my local friends smoked pot, pretty much what you said. Not everyone is a pothead in Amsterdam haha. Also I have friends who were bar staff, ditto with the Poms and they said most Americans are arrogant as well.

But what about legalising and controlling manufacturing of some drugs? Will that improve anything (besides increased tax revenue)?

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