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Pretty much my point!

And I don't buy TACs bulllshit campaign of zero is the only acceptable number of fatalities. Death is a numbers game and everyone is happier with less if there's a way to achieve it.

The US pro gun lobbyists will cry leaving only the bad guys armed with full autos and needing to protect their country, but f**k, their country is under attack...from itself...and how many civilians ever manage to stop these massacres? It's always the gunman who suicides or the police shoot him in the end,

Ultimately less guns in circulation in a country means less guns people can get hold of, legally or not. Trying to get a full auto in Australia as a bad guy is now a lot harder than it used to be pre-1996.

Guns , like Drugs , the people that want them, will get them.

You attack the US you had better do it by "long distance", land your troops at their peril , many of the 350,000,000 odd have guns. It was a shame that a few didn't have a gun or 2 in the night club the other night, but?

We are already being attacked by drugs. In the bush towns it is going nuts with young kids flogging ice and whatever. Youth unemployment and parents letting their kids run around at all different hours of the day and night, makes you wonder if they are partners with their kids.

Look at what happened with that mental bloke that was shot by the cops, these are the good guys that had tasers, he had a knife but still let go with 3 rounds and hit 4 people , that's good shooting, not!

Guns , like Drugs , the people that want them, will get them.

You attack the US you had better do it by "long distance", land your troops at their peril , many of the 350,000,000 odd have guns. It was a shame that a few didn't have a gun or 2 in the night club the other night, but?

We are already being attacked by drugs. In the bush towns it is going nuts with young kids flogging ice and whatever. Youth unemployment and parents letting their kids run around at all different hours of the day and night, makes you wonder if they are partners with their kids.

Look at what happened with that mental bloke that was shot by the cops, these are the good guys that had tasers, he had a knife but still let go with 3 rounds and hit 4 people , that's good shooting, not!

Yep, if people want something bad enough they'll get it, but like ice for example, we would have a much worse problem if we didn't actually do anything about it and let circulation just run amok.

Less guns = more cost to obtain them = harder for basic thugs to get hold of them. Economies of scale alone will curb the problem massively. The guy who sold the gun to the Orlando shooter, his attitude was "I just sold him the gun, if he didn't buy from me he would have bought from another store" - and that's the problem in a nutshell. Versus having to go to lengths to get a decent gun, he might have rethought his plan, or having to settle for something he had to cock for every shot, so a lot less lives might have been taken or this guy could have been tackled after only getting off a few shots.

America will never see it this way though. Too many there are obsessed with a culture, tradition and hundreds year old constitution that was first written when guns couldn't accurately kill at more than 15 metres and when the biggest threat to national security was indeed a foot soldier. Now this culture is just a burden to their own homeland security and does little in the way to scare off any real threat to them - think Russia or NK could give a stuff about Bobby Ray and his AR15 assault rifle hahaha

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Pretty much my point!

And I don't buy TACs bulllshit campaign of zero is the only acceptable number of fatalities. Death is a numbers game and everyone is happier with less if there's a way to achieve it.

The US pro gun lobbyists will cry leaving only the bad guys armed with full autos and needing to protect their country, but f**k, their country is under attack...from itself...and how many civilians ever manage to stop these massacres? It's always the gunman who suicides or the police shoot him in the end,

Ultimately less guns in circulation in a country means less guns people can get hold of, legally or not. Trying to get a full auto in Australia as a bad guy is now a lot harder than it used to be pre-1996.

you know the AR15 is not fully automatic right? Plenty of people get that wrong.

you also know that the majority of gun related deaths in America are done with a small caliber hand gun as well right?

another point, a lot of the mass shootings are performed by people who have purchased the weapons illegally?

also you do know there have been a number of good civilians who have shot armed robbers etc and is nearly regular, hence the gun lobbys argument against taking away guns and leaving people unable to protect themselves?

finally you also know that there are other countries in the world with similar gun laws to America but without the "mass" shootings? Also among some of the mass shootings which we don't hear about over here, a number have been gang related.

there are merits to both sides of the argument.

1. I don't remmeber saying the AR15 was full auto, but anyway, it's not hard to turn a semi into a full auto with some home modifications or the kit below...and someone with a quick trigger finger can do just as much damage which is why semi rifles are also banned in Australia (unless you're a primary producer iirc).


2. Give us both a room full of civilians and a ton of ammo, you a handgun and me the AR15 and see who can cause the most damage before we both get taken down! Again, f**k TAC, I'll take the 10 deaths over the 50.

3. Yes and we just had one that was committed by someone legally, at least we could have curbed that. Also, again, less guns in circulation translates to less that can be obtained illegally. Prices go up, as does difficulty to obtain and it ends up just being the gangs who have the illegal weapons; look at Australia.

4. So that's...great...people who probably just want to steal money end up with an instant death sentence - putting law enforcement into the arms of people who aren't trained officers will surely end well? And for every robbery saved (and it's rare), I could cite a case where a kid got hold of the family gun or they shot a family member, or the person was shot with their own gun by a home invader. Concealed weapon works in theory if everyone carries, but they don't, and most massacres happen in concealed weapon free zones.

5. And yes there are countries with similar laws to America, without all the problems...that doesn't mean America "should work" in theory. If the problem is cultural that doesn't mean the solution can or has to be. Other kids might be responsible, but if a kid can't be trusted or responsible with something you take it away and it puts a stop to it. Hide the object so it's harder for them to get hold of it. Castrate the ability to mass shoot and the mentality may still be there, but the death toll much less...that's my main point here. Yes people will use pistols instead of assault rifles, or knives instead of guns; I know which I'd rather have to deal with.

This will never change though as gun culture is too widely celebrated in the states and unfortunately they have to taken everything that goes with it, including misuse...unfortunately those who aren't pro gun lobby will be amongst the victims list too.

1. I don't remmeber saying the AR15 was full auto, but anyway, it's not hard to turn a semi into a full auto with some home modifications or the kit below...and someone with a quick trigger finger can do just as much damage which is why semi rifles are also banned in Australia (unless you're a primary producer iirc).


2. Give us both a room full of civilians and a ton of ammo, you a handgun and me the AR15 and see who can cause the most damage before we both get taken down! Again, f**k TAC, I'll take the 10 deaths over the 50.

3. Yes and we just had one that was committed by someone legally, at least we could have curbed that. Also, again, less guns in circulation translates to less that can be obtained illegally. Prices go up, as does difficulty to obtain and it ends up just being the gangs who have the illegal weapons; look at Australia.

4. So that's...great...people who probably just want to steal money end up with an instant death sentence - putting law enforcement into the arms of people who aren't trained officers will surely end well? And for every robbery saved (and it's rare), I could cite a case where a kid got hold of the family gun or they shot a family member, or the person was shot with their own gun by a home invader. Concealed weapon works in theory if everyone carries, but they don't, and most massacres happen in concealed weapon free zones.

5. And yes there are countries with similar laws to America, without all the problems...that doesn't mean America "should work" in theory. If the problem is cultural that doesn't mean the solution can or has to be. Other kids might be responsible, but if a kid can't be trusted or responsible with something you take it away and it puts a stop to it. Hide the object so it's harder for them to get hold of it. Castrate the ability to mass shoot and the mentality may still be there, but the death toll much less...that's my main point here. Yes people will use pistols instead of assault rifles, or knives instead of guns; I know which I'd rather have to deal with.

This will never change though as gun culture is too widely celebrated in the states and unfortunately they have to taken everything that goes with it, including misuse...unfortunately those who aren't pro gun lobby will be amongst the victims list too.

1. The advertisement for that was the greatest thing i have ever seen. In regards to my comment regarding full or semi auto, so many people get the distinction wrong with the AR15. Including american media.

2. Either way I bet people start running and panicking. But the argument for gun control in America isn't as simple as this argument. I bet for the average joe blow, they would do more damage with a pistol then a pump action shot gun.

3. I think where you would see the most gun benefit for gun control advocates would be in school yard shootings and bastards like the bloke who shot the black teenager and claimed the stand my ground defense. Otherwise it still isn't as simple as you are making it out to be. To smuggle into Australia isn't impossible (just look at drugs coming in) but it is much more difficult to achieve then America

4. I was more saying one of the NRA's big claims is if you take away good civillians guns, it leaves the bad guys with the guns and then they have no means to protect themselves with. Again out here we don't hear about when the good civies defend themselves against a legit attacker with a gun because its not popular news.

Actually my view on this is and take the Orlando shooting for example. Lets say the terrorist walks in opens fire. Now lets say 10 people in the club are strapped and actually know how to react appropriately by seeking cover and drawing their weapon and scanning for the threat. What are the chances that of those 10 people, they open fire on each other when the domino effect of shooting begins?

5. Again, you can say i'd prefer to take on someone with a knife rather then a gun, chances are you still wind up dead. Take a terrorist, how long does it take for them to figure out that their SUV can be used as a crowed plow and kill just as many people in the middle of the street. If that was to happen do you then take SUV's off people? We are talking minority ruining it for the majority here. Like the lockout laws in Sydney (not sure if they are in Melbourne or not), thousands go out every night of the week, a few people die from a 1 punch knock out, now there are new laws in place making it harder to get into venues and impossible at certain times. It has closed a lot of businesses and had flow on effects.

My point on number 5 is, look towards the actual problem, not a band aide solution, similar to Australians problems with drinking among young people.

The gun culture is so strong for Americans because its a constitutional right for them. It's a slippery slope when you start to take away peoples rights. I think they could make some changes which would make it harder to obtain guns however.

They also seem to have a fear that they will have to over throw the government again one day.........

Birds just stop. You don't know what you are talking about.

If you want to make a ill-informed rant on gun control then do it wasteland or setup another thread, as this thread is on illicit drugs and not another stage for your crap.

Actually read some where that a number of the school shootings had issues with over the counter prescription drugs.

I think that some over the counter/prescribed drugs have a bit to answer for , especially on the roads and they would not show up under drug tests and if they did it would not matter.

There are so many legally drugged out drongos driving around out the it is not funny.

You think Sydney is a mad place to drive, some of these small country towns were there are a lot of retirees is as bad, some are on so many prescribed drugs their head rattle and I tell you this, they keep you on your toes trying to guess what some of them are going to do next :/

yes I am one of them, but no drugs, yet , cannot wait :)

  • Like 1

^^ ...and it's true is it not, that drug labs in Pakistan and China are constantly on the move to alter branch chains on existing (illicit drug) molecules in order to remain a step ahead of drug tests and if possible mass spectrometers?

So in other words the medical system is a corrupt money making machine that cares more about profit than curing people. But no-one gives a crap as long as they get their anti-depressents and endone.

People make me laugh.

Where did you get that from?

Birds just stop. You don't know what you are talking about.

If you want to make a ill-informed rant on gun control then do it wasteland or setup another thread, as this thread is on illicit drugs and not another stage for your crap.

My apologies, let's go back to your empirical, ill-informed utter crap instead lol

Edit: wait, I see you've already taken us there. Pay no heed.

My apologies, let's go back to your empirical, ill-informed utter crap instead lol

Edit: wait, I see you've already taken us there. Pay no heed.

Hmmmm, still in great form I see. Good to see you still have a PHD in 5 minute Google searches, you legend you.

Back to wasteland you go.

Where did you get that from?

Just a general observation, not related to anyone or any comment on here. Just a sad state of affairs when these mind altering drugs (legal or illegal) have such a negative effect on individuals and society. Just saddens me that's all.

  • Like 1

Medical clinics and nursing homes are getting to look like money making machines and some dispense drugs at will.

Antibiotics is one drug type that gets overused on a daily basis, misuse and overuse of these drugs have contributed to antibiotic resistance. This resistance develops when potentially harmful bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics and will come back to bite the human race on the bum.

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Prescription drugs from opiates through benzodiazepines to antidepressants would play a large roll in the problem 'murica has with shootings etc, among MANY social issues the country faces.

America's gun laws are f**ked, but changing them at this point probably won't have the same effect it did for Australia. They're too rampantly accessible, and the sheer number of unregistered/illicit firearms in the country already probably screws the same approach Australia had with the gun buy-back scheme etc. Not to mention how stubbornly they stand by their second amendment, which they aren't even taking seriously (let's face it, I'm sure they'd have enacted its purpose by now if they did).

Guns are just the most accessible release for the issues far too many citizens there have. It's much more than the guns - and I agree they should be f**ked off big time like they did here - it's the state of society and mental health playing an overwhelmingly large role in these events (imo) and if not for grabbing assault rifles and opening up on a cinema, it would be something else.

I've not got a tinfoil hat prepared for Big Pharma, lol. There's much money being made there, and there are quite clearly people in this world evil enough to manipulate shit so the status quo remains and they continue to profit from it beyond any needs they or their company may ever have. Not to say 'Big Pharma' is what some suggest, but goddamn to stand on a soapbox and laugh like such theories are as insane as alien abductions is laughable in itself.

Edited by Trozzle
  • 1 year later...

"the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation to MDMA for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."


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