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There are some interesting documentaries about the criminalisation and decriminalisation of party drugs and how some countries like the netherlands have clinics where you can check the purity and substances of drugs such as ecstasy, coke etc.

It is a big wake up call for us as a nation where party drugs are rampant amongst teens and adults who choose to take these substances in social situations. Now the reason why i choose the words social situations is because recently the lead singer of the amity affliction has come forward and spoken about his own personal fight against social anxiety and his use of drugs to combat those feelings. His story was not a pleasant one, with him knowing full well that drugs were only exasperating his circumstances and would have a detrimental affect on his mental well being in the long run. But! there are those who have found comfort in illegal drugs to overcome their mental instability.

For the partiers, one of the main benefits of these clinics are that unknowing people like you and i can take our drugs into these clinics and get them checked for potency and other substances, then are cross referenced to body mass, mental health etc to be able to have a clear understanding on where our 'safe' high is. The deaths in regards to illegal drugs in the netherlands have dropped dramatically since the introduction of these clinics, and yet developed nations like ours choose to neglect these facts and figures and choose to continue our losing war on drugs.

I am not saying drugs are good, i know full well they can be extremely harmful and cause death amongst our teens, but at the end of the day, saying NO just isn't working and we need to find other avenues to be able to come along side the next generation of drug takers and find out the reasons as to why they are taking them and the affects they have on their mental well being.

Those who talk shit haven't lived long enough, haven't experienced enough, and certainly haven't learned much along their way.

Being smart is a simple process of learning and being wise is a product of experiences.

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not fit for publication to be honest Kasko.

This is one subject that makes me angry beyond a reasonable and measured response.

I'll say Zero Tolerance which answers your question.

If I was capable I would punish suppliers with Malice ending in their death.

ISIL atrocities would look like a toddlers party in comparison.

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^^ Only reason alcohol does more harm than the others is because it is legal. Think of the damage legalizing all those drugs would do. Comparing alcohol to it proves why drugs shouldn't be legalized.

That wasnt the point of my post...

There are already many recognised positives for the legalisation and medical use of the substances i listed, the same cant be said about booze and thats been legal for ages. My point was that they are not comparable to alcohol at all - yet are illegal.

What would be the plus side to legalizing it other than it being fair because alcohol is legal?

Just making them decriminalised would allow easier medical reasearch is a start, especially after all the positive effects they have on some people, some are experiencing far better results than currently available medications. Then theres all the money that can be made to fund the country ...

Stop trying to be the "all wise critical thinker that is above everyone" and get off ye f**king high horse


Some interesting replies : )

I'll say Zero Tolerance which answers your question.

That's what I gathered.

The only thing I see that legalising drugs would be good for is medical research and treatment, we honestly don't need them as a social thing just because we should have the choice. People make bad and unreasonable decisions that effect others around them all the time. You can't honestly sit back and say people should have the choice because it only effects them. How about if they show up to work high, that effects their employer. How about if they decide to go out in public high, that effects the people around them. There are a lot more bad things that would come from legalisation of drugs than the good things.

Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is the part about social benefits playing a major part in funding peoples habits.

I know a fair few guys that I grow up with who smoke every single day and pretty much all day, it's been a long time since I have seen them and they haven't been stoned.

They all have no jobs and no form of income other than centerlink payments. My feeling towards that is that you should be drug tested regularly to have access to such benefits.

There are a lot more bad things that would come from legalisation of drugs than the good things.

But there isnt.

Nobody said anything about, ice, heroin, meth etc., if we were talking about those then you may be right

The things you listed are social problems, education and seeking help will help with that. If you go to work high guess what, you wont have a job anymore. People will learn and be more mature.

I agree with your thoughts about the doll.

That's what I gathered.

The only thing I see that legalising drugs would be good for is medical research and treatment, we honestly don't need them as a social thing just because we should have the choice. People make bad and unreasonable decisions that effect others around them all the time. You can't honestly sit back and say people should have the choice because it only effects them. How about if they show up to work high, that effects their employer. How about if they decide to go out in public high, that effects the people around them. There are a lot more bad things that would come from legalisation of drugs than the good things.

Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is the part about social benefits playing a major part in funding peoples habits.

I know a fair few guys that I grow up with who smoke every single day and pretty much all day, it's been a long time since I have seen them and they haven't been stoned.

They all have no jobs and no form of income other than centerlink payments. My feeling towards that is that you should be drug tested regularly to have access to such benefits.

I'll address the bold. But first you seem to only be focusing in on addicts rather than say medical users or even social users. As such I can't see a difference been a drug addict, an alcoholic, a gambler and to an extent adrenaline junkies

We don't need them as a social thing, true, but again how many BBQs do we go to where people drink, how many people do you know can't go out with the boys or girls and not drink and still have a good time? I know people who flat out refuse to be designated driver and if they are, they are the shittest person on earth to go out with

Yes people make bad decisions all the time, regardless of substance abuse. That is no reason to ban drugs because your judgment is once again just as impaired drinking or partaking in anything that you may have an addiction to. Otherwise ban cars because people make stupid decisions behind the wheel every day.

I've sent 3 people home due to being either drunk at work or still under the influence. I've sent one person home for being high. I fail to see your argument here, things are in place for this sort of behavior already, the old 3 strikes you're out policy applies. Sure it effects employers and families but no different to an alcoholic or gambler, hell even the speed racer who has a bad accident one day cause of their reckless driving

Being in public high? how many angry stoners have you met (whilst high), again I am not talking addicts here. Sure cocaine and speed can cause social problems, no different to all these heros that drink to much or have anger issues.

The last two points are linked, I agree that you should be tested for substances if you are on social welfare, but again where do you draw your line? Our current system allows welfare bludgers to drink or put the cash through the pokies, buy ciggies and other things that you and i may shudder about but their freedom allows.

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It may just be the way I'm reading it or I'm just too biased to see your true argument, but I still think a huge part of your argument is that people do it with pokies, ciggies and alcohol so why not allow them to do it with drugs. I see the medical advantages but I still see no social advantage to drugs other than it being fun to be high with your mates or that it will withdraw you enough from reality that you will be able to socialise with people.

My point about being high in public was meaning high on any type of drugs, otherwise I would have picked the word "stoned". I'm not too sure what type of drugs people here are arguing should be legal, you sound as if you are just talking about weed?

Stoned in public still poses a risk, they don't pose a threatening risk as in they will attack someone but people react differently. Some of the things I can think of is being vision impaired, slow reaction times, withdrawn from reality and more extreme side is paranoid or even hallucinations. There is of course the people who can smoke a few bongs or joints and they will just be normal and can be a normal people, but in reality as was mentioned everyone reacts very different to drugs.

I honestly don't understand why people keep going back to drinking and using it as an argument for allowing drugs, looking at alcohol is the perfect example of why they shouldn't be legal. Hell alcohol is getting tighter restrictions put on it every year! We have enough of an issue with alcohol as it is. Look at all the issues around pubs, drink driving, domestic violence Saying "well alcohol is legal, why can't drugs be legal" is a load of crap only pushed by users. Honestly allowing drugs would like alcohol look like childs play.

You also keep going on to say "addicts are the issue, social users are fine etc etc" It only takes 1 "social user" to crash their car into a family killing someone (or all of them) it only takes 1 "social user" that gets paranoid on drugs to do something stupid. It only takes 1 "Social user" to turn up to work high and risk the lives of other work personnel. Hell look at the impact drugs have on a family. It also only takes 1 "social user" to become an addict. All addicts were social users at some point.

Also can we ignore the medical side of things please? People have said yes it should be looked into. We are not talking about medical use. We are talking about the other side of drugs. COMPLETELY different.

Also can we ignore the medical side of things please? People have said yes it should be looked into. We are not talking about medical use. We are talking about the other side of drugs. COMPLETELY different.

my post was directed at the illegal side of self medical use. is that ok sir?

my post was directed at the illegal side of self medical use. is that ok sir?

^^ word there sums it up.

So as i said. Lets ignore medical use all together.

We are talking the "party drugs" or "social users/addicts" (social user/addict is the same thing btw, just how they justify it to themselves is different) Try telling your boss that you are a social user when you turn up high to work. Or when the cops pull you over. Or god forbid you have an accident and hurt someone.

my point is simple, you can destroy your life on just as many vices that are legal, why not just make some of the party drugs legal, collect some tax revenue from them, introduce a better quality product to the market that is regulated.

otherwise, become a muslim state, no alcohol, no gambling, etc

I believe in freedom of choice

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