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I was going to leave the conversation at what it was but this comment has just got under my skin in usual smart ass Troy fashion.

First of all, you didn't bring any new information to this thread. None what so ever.

Literally all you said was "i'm part of an online community so i know better" but you didn't provide any link or anything so that people that may want further information can get it. And you didn't post it because you don't want to be judged? Mate if people are going to judge you they already have.

You could have said you were the president of the united states for all i care. You can't come out making statements being like "i'm better than everyone because i'm part of something no one else is" if the knowledge in this magical place is so good share the bloody thing.

On top of that, all you have said is "drugs don't harm the user as much as people think" and you completely ignored the elephant in the room.

The issue with that is, most people against drugs don't give a f**k if the user harms themselves. Honestly. No f**ks given. Your family will care, but everyone else? No f**ks given. However, if you say, drive high and hit a family killing them people will pay huge attention. That is where the line is drawn. The issue arrives when it starts to impact the people around you. I suppose it's one of those things i was told "you'll understand when you have kids" and you really do.

And i know you will turn back to Alcohol. Again i say this is a perfect example as to why drugs should not be legal.

This nation has enough of an issue dealing with alcohol as it is. The government pours money into rehab clinics, the police force, and pretty much everything they can think of to stop alcohol related deaths. Not to mention the centerlink payments that go to those people not willing to work due to addiction. It is one of our biggest problems currently facing our police force.

Now you can't honestly sit there and say that adding drugs to that would do this nation any good. When the government is going around trying to restrict alcohol more, adding lock out times for both bars and shops and it is still one of our biggest current issues.

So the answer i want is:

Why should my tax dollars go to druggies rehab clinics/police force/centerlink payments instead of schools and health care because some people wanted to have a slightly better night?

Why should peoples lives be put at risk (again not the users lives, other people. ) because some people wanted to have a slightly better night?

Why should work places have to deal with that shit and potentially have lives at risk due to peoples negligence?

Now if this magical forum of knowledge and wealth (yet to know if it actually exists) can prove that tax dollars won't be spent trying to fix an issue that would make alcohol look like a walk in the park, if this magical forum of knowledge and wealth can prove that it won't put other peoples lives at risk, and if this magical forum of knowledge and wealth can prove it won't have a negative impact on workplaces and other parts of society then sure... Legalise it.

Again i know this is something we both won't ever agree on. But i couldn't let that comment sit.

Also. This is coming from the guy that sits on the pharmacy board for Australia* so prove me wrong.

*User may or may not sit on the pharmacy board for Australia, but you will never know because i didn't provide any proof.

Before I read your whole post, my comment was out of disappointment since it seems every time I get in on something, it dies. Regardless of the subject. It wasn't because I think I'm better, it's because I seem to kill debates when I don't want to.

This magical forum of knowledge is not there to promote drugs, drug use, or their legalisation. It's there to provide support for users. Sections devoted to helping users get clean, sections devoted to mental health, sections specific to region, section specific to drug class (see, we separate say opiates from cannabis, unlike in a lot of people's minds). It's not there to help these people 'do drugs', but for those that do it's there to help them go about it safely.

Again, you go straight for the scenario that much says "if you're high, you'll do something stupid like drive". I accept you're against alcohol, so at least not hypocritical or of double standards, but just because weed is legalised, doesn't necessarily mean there'll be more incidence of users driving high. Weed is already easily accessible as has been pointed out, and just because it's suddenly legalised doesn't mean everyone under the sun is suddenly gonna start smoking. The power of desire is a great thing, and I have no desire for alcohol. It's legal, so why don't I drink it? I mean I used to, and it hasn't given me any real reasons to ditch it. It's because I wasn't interested any more. Believe it or not, a lot of people aren't interested in weed. You're a good example, so is Dan.

Unlike alcohol though, cannabis doesn't particularly lower your inhibitions at all like alcohol doesn't. There is no boost in confidence as with alcohol; quite the opposite actually, as high THC content can cause a little paranoia. Driving high and driving drunk, while both inexcusably dangerous, aren't apples and apples. The idea of driving high is quickly dismissed in my mind at least due to the whole "what if this happens" paranoia, not that I've actually considered it.

We all know the (stereo)typical drunk's idea on driving.

Believe it or not, many people drive under the influence of prescription medicines (which they know they shouldn't), such as opiate painkiller and benzodiazepines. The effect of these drugs can be significantly more inhibiting to your driving abilities than being stoned, but we aren't running around with our hands in the air over them.

Again, your scenario, while justified, rests entirely on the argument that there WILL be a resulting problem as seen with alcohol. I disagree with that.

And I'm somewhat willing to let my lack of evidence stand, when the alternative is opening up to someone who already dislikes me. Why would I want to give you more ammo at the same time as proving something that doesn't even hold academic value (since I never actually claimed to have studied the topic, I only know what I've read.

You have to drive careful when stoned. Everyone knows that.

it's all about balance in these situations. If you're stoned and planning to drive, and I really suggest you don't but hey sometimes you need more gear or pizza and it's just too far to walk, then light up a few hits on the meth pipe; this will bring you back to an alert state very quickly. Balance, I say.
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Not sure if you can do Meth in moderation?

absolutely you can. I say, I have used it in the past, and occasionally now when I catch up with a certain group of people, and don't touch it outside of that time. Last time was about 8 months back? And this is the problem, people that are close-minded to it just can't comprehend the meaning of recreational, that it can be an occasional use and that it HAS to lead to frequent use and addiction, maybe because that's what they've become conditioned to believe through Government drug 'education'..?

absolutely you can. I say, I have used it in the past, and occasionally now when I catch up with a certain group of people, and don't touch it outside of that time. Last time was about 8 months back? And this is the problem, people that are close-minded to it just can't comprehend the meaning of recreational, that it can be an occasional use and that it HAS to lead to frequent use and addiction, maybe because that's what they've become conditioned to believe through Government drug 'education'..?

I have plenty of friends who use it in moderation, and live perfectly normal lives, with steady jobs and families.

On the same token, I have seen it destroy peoples lives. It is all dependent on the person.

(social user/addict is the same thing btw, just how they justify it to themselves is different) Try telling your boss that you are a social user when you turn up high to work.

thanks for helping with my point about closeminded/clown. Substitute 'drugs' for alcohol. If you're a social drinker, like the vast majority of Australians, are you an addict/alcoholic? If you turn up drunk for work, it's likely you're an alcoholic, not a social drinker.

I went to a kindergarten and asked the kids if they think drugs are good.

They answered no.

Thought the police had warned you, stop hanging around kindergartens.

But seriously..? THAT'S a "point"? all kids know at that age is what they've been told by parents/authority figures, they're not at the age of capable thought by themselves which is why they're wayyyy below the age of consent for any adult action. And now you're on a forum of adults, and what do you know, they have different opinions on the subject.

Your arguments are laughable.

No because people actually know it is not good and that users just try to justify their own stupidity with pathetic illogical arguments.

If it wasn't for all you dickwad users then there wouldn't be a demand, so then there wouldn't be a supplier, and therefore there wouldn't be an industry. You guys have got you head so far up your arses that if you had any regard for the good of the society you live in then you wouldn't use. The fact is that you are so self serving, self centred morons that when you have kids and they f**k themselves up you will the first to lay blame on society. Fact is you are to blame for the next generation of users.

And it doesn't matter if you use once a month or once an hour you are all morons and are all to blame.

Edited by XGTRX
  • Like 1

Thank you for proving my point about closeminded/facist, without me having to say another word. Now i will enjoy a govmrnt-approved nitecap rum, although i could quite easily finish with some meth or weed if desired, despite it being illegal.

No because people actually know it is not good and that users just try to justify their own stupidity with pathetic illogical arguments.

If it wasn't for all you dickwad users then there wouldn't be a demand, so then there wouldn't be a supplier, and therefore there wouldn't be an industry. You guys have got you head so far up your arses that if you had any regard for the good of the society you live in then you wouldn't use. The fact is that you are so self serving, self centred morons that when you have kids and they f**k themselves up you will the first to lay blame on society. Fact is you are to blame for the next generation of users.

And it doesn't matter if you use once a month or once an hour you are all morons and are all to blame.

y u heff to be so medd

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