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Hey all,

I thought you all would like to read about cruise insurance which has been on the Pulsar SA threads. It started about defects and then MADMAN highlighted about public liabilty insurance on private cruises. I think we should take it up with the organisers and moderators in Australia?:uh-huh:

Pulsar Group of Australia


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It's an interesting read, but I really don't see the need for insurance every time you want to have a drive with other people. I mean where does the line get drawn? two cars? three cars? more? Mass cruises with heaps of cars i can understand need insurance for, but again, how many consitutes a large cruise?

I understand the concern of insurance companies, that it becomes more of a risk with numbers, but the interpretation of "convoy" or "cruise" is pretty vast! :P

And hey, if you cause a crash which is so horrific to require liabiliy cover then you were obviously driving like a dick and have only yourself to blame if your insurance company doesn't cover you. :P

Waiting 6 weeks for cruise insurance every time you wanna get together ... what a joke! :)

Insurance now adays is getting out of hand ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys thought I'd throw in my $0.02.

The non-legal advice I recieved from a non-lawyer (but someone who is involved in the insurance industry) regarding public liability and cruises is as follows. If you tell everyone to obey the law, any instructions/directions that you hand out are lawful and the cruise participants sign a form acknowledging same then you cannot be held liable.

If the club sanctions/promotes any illegal activities and there is an accident, then you are in deep s**t.

Maybe what we need to do is get together as a national organisation when all the clubs are formed and chip in for some professional legal advice.

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When SA goes for a cruise that is organised within this forum there usually only 10 or so cars.

We all know each other.

Does this really classify as a cruise as it isn't really planned we simply just go for a drive. What i mean is there is no map of destinations etc.

As I think i said before when i was younger we used to drive around with 6-10 cars, that wasn't a cruise just a few mates getting together and going for a drive.

I guess thats why we need professional advice.

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