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Cant get your oil filter off? Get a better grip on it using some sandpaper, your hand will less inclined to slip. Also helps not being a little bitch :P

Then ad a smear of oil to the O ring on the filter so it dosent stick next time.

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When i had a VN Commodore ( on my P's ) it had a slight blown head gasket. every now and then coolant would leak into the cylinder etc.

A small Bottle of Black pepper into the radiator seals up any leaks by clogging the hole etc.

5 years and 130,000km's later, still didnt need to replace the head gasket. Sold the car with 350,000Kms.

Had to do it every 30k Km's or so...

Good fix to general cars, wouldnt do it with a skyline though... ( not guaranteed to work, but it worked for me. )

When i had a VN Commodore ( on my P's ) it had a slight blown head gasket. every now and then coolant would leak into the cylinder etc.

A small Bottle of Black pepper into the radiator seals up any leaks by clogging the hole etc.

5 years and 130,000km's later, still didnt need to replace the head gasket. Sold the car with 350,000Kms.

Had to do it every 30k Km's or so...

Good fix to general cars, wouldnt do it with a skyline though... ( not guaranteed to work, but it worked for me. )

Cinnamon also does the same trick.

Metal polish is good for headlight restoration [emoji106] Also when cleaning windscreen & windows, use newspaper to wipe clean- comes out spotless and streak free!

+1 for metal polish for headlights, I reckon it's the best thing out there

Will need to try it on the windows though!

Cant get your oil filter off? Get a better grip on it using some sandpaper, your hand will less inclined to slip. Also helps not being a little bitch :P

Wow, I never thought of using sandpaper..

Here's an easy one, buy a $2 funnel from Super Cheap and cut the nozzle off just above the threaded section, it will now screw into Skyline and other Nissan oil fill ports.

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They actually sell red ones for around the same price that already screw straight in - No cutting required :)

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My hacks are:

Don't change a clutch on the ground with stands and ramps unless you don't care about your back.

You can lock one spanners open end onto a ring side of a bigger spanner for better leverage

When changing the clutch jack up the front of the motor to make the box easier to get on again

Have a couple more just can't remember now

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You can lock one spanners open end onto a ring side of a bigger spanner for better leverage

I use a piece of steel 30mm square tube for this, its about 400mm long, doesn't slip off like when using another spanner.

Here's an easy one, buy a $2 funnel from Super Cheap and cut the nozzle off just above the threaded section, it will now screw into Skyline and other Nissan oil fill ports.




was in there yesterday theres a Sale on @ kograh there a $1. Now :) so I got one Edited by mr skidz

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