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Nismo are making some fantastic things atm.

Look at the R35 exhuast....

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But does it work?

cause for 21k it would sure as hell want to make 3000hp as a bolt on

So much nismo hate up in ere. Is it because it's expensive?

Because 21k for an exhaust.....

or $11k for an oil cooler

or 7k for an aluminium pipe with a single weld.

All of which is available from other suppliers for 1/10th the cost and which are equal too or greater in quality and performance.

Look at What AMS does with R35's and compare it to the 21k Nismo exhaust

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So much hate.

Why do people buy Apple products?

Why do people buy Mercedes or BMWs or Porsche.

People like nice things. It's life.

You can't argue that the exhaust is not a complete work of art.

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But does it actually do anything? That where the nismo hate is, it's a bunch of pretty parts that don't do anything

The one thing that nismo do that is really good is put their name on a valeo twin plate clutch

What about NISMO injectors? They're junk Sard garden hoses with a Nismo sticker.

Their suspension arms. Cost a bomb (or as much as Ikeya stuff) yet you don't have anywhere near the adjustment. Painted silver but!!

The list could go on forever.

They do make some decent gear like the rear diffs, clutches and are actually reasonably priced. Most of it is just "warmed up" and hardly worth the money.

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But does it actually do anything? That where the nismo hate is, it's a bunch of pretty parts that don't do anything

The one thing that nismo do that is really good is put their name on a valeo twin plate clutch

They all do something. Not everything you put on a car has to be for power gains.

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