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yeah that was just a generic pic from here somewhere. this is from my s1 c34


consult is the grey plug underneath. it may be tucked away as mine doesn't seem to be mounted

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yeah that was just a generic pic from here somewhere. this is from my s1 c34

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consult is the grey plug underneath. it may be tucked away as mine doesn't seem to be mounted&&0){for(var>

Thats the same as mine i will have a good look at the plug tonight what pc cable do i need there are different types 1,2,3, and what software have people had most success with ? sorry about novice questions new to the nissan life :)

I believe these are all consult type 3, I've only ever seen the 1 pin layout. Later cars use the industry standard ODB2.

So to read the error code you either need a consult PC cable and software that can read it, on an actual Nissan consult unit.

once you have either of those you will have the exact issue.

okey thank you for reply i will try and maybe take it down to nissan see if they are able to pull codes :) is there a way of testing the wheel speed sensors with a multimeter and if the reluctor ring is nackard is there a part number ?

I believe these are all consult type 3, I've only ever seen the 1 pin layout. Later cars use the industry standard ODB2.

So to read the error code you either need a consult PC cable and software that can read it, on an actual Nissan consult unit.

once you have either of those you will have the exact issue.

well TBH a mechanical issue with the sensor or ring is about the least likey thing, unless you know there has been damage for some reason.

If it is the sender(s) most likely it would be a wiring issue, also possibly grounding to the ABS unit etc etc. Once you have the error code you can narrow it down usefuly

oh sorry forgot to answer, no there is no straight forward way to test the ABS sensors, they send a pulse every time the ridges on the ring pass the sensor so you need an oscilloscope to test it. I guess some expensive multimeters can do that

well TBH a mechanical issue with the sensor or ring is about the least likey thing, unless you know there has been damage for some reason.

If it is the sender(s) most likely it would be a wiring issue, also possibly grounding to the ABS unit etc etc. Once you have the error code you can narrow it down usefuly

oh sorry forgot to answer, no there is no straight forward way to test the ABS sensors, they send a pulse every time the ridges on the ring pass the sensor so you need an oscilloscope to test it. I guess some expensive multimeters can do that

thanks for help i will try and get Nissan to read the codes for me much appreciated :)

right i managed to get my friend to bring out his diagnostics equipment and the plug is not there :O i mean i looked everywhere :( is there a way of making my own from the ecu pin outs ?

wow...your car seems to have all the luck....considered getting a mechanic to look at both problems??? we are really getting way beyond what people can guess from across a keyboard.

in any case, there are 3 pins from the ECU to consult (TX transmit, RX receive, CLK sync or timing signal) + an earth which you could identify and wire up to get the ECU consult going, but in this case I think you want the ABS/Attessa pins and I don't know where they come from in a Stagea. My stagea has 6 pins at the consult plug, 4 from the ECU + 2 at the other end, they may be the ABS/Attessa pins or something entirely separate.

From rear (wire side)



Having said all that, it would be very strange for someone to go to the trouble of removing the consult port....I suspect it is still tucked in there somewhere.

BTW assuming stagea is the same as R chasis cars, ABS is handled by the ATTESSA ECU. Therefore if you can get the attessa into diagnostic mode the ABS light itself will flash.

Here is one thread about Stagea ATTESSA diagnostic mode: http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/190973-4wd-light-for-s2s/

At this stage that will be easier than getting a consult hooked up

BTW assuming stagea is the same as R chasis cars, ABS is handled by the ATTESSA ECU. Therefore if you can get the attessa into diagnostic mode the ABS light itself will flash.

Here is one thread about Stagea ATTESSA diagnostic mode: http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/190973-4wd-light-for-s2s/

At this stage that will be easier than getting a consult hooked up

I know tell me about it ! i think best move move is to either eliminate all of the hacks and install a new un fiddled with loom from a known good car. or maybe send and auto electrician to have a field day although in uk at least they rely heavily on autodata for finding electrical gremlins :glare:

and as for the getting it into diagnostics mode still need to find the port i would loads of ways that apparently work i.e. ignition on then off then drivers door switch 5 times i will continue the mission and get a quote for a loom if its not expensive i will most likely go that rout

  • 1 month later...

Right chaps diagnostics cable found now to somehow extract fault codes tried my pals tester top of the range but only lists r34 and s2 stagea. will the bridging work on AN S1 and will it get codes from atessa/abs ?

good to hear. S2 stagea should have the same codes just use that, you'll tell if it works straight away

thanks mate we tried that and it just went through also ran it through generic search annoying thing is it had option for stagea like said top of the range.. do we know what consult protocol the s1 uses and are the engine and abs module linked ?

thanks :)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

right guys I'm back ! car will be coming back from tuner quite soon so i want to prep ideas to fix this abs issue summary time...


s1 stagea now with an aftermarket ecu for the engine side of things from what i understand all i need from the engine side to the attessa/abs aspect of things is a tsp signal wire ?


as said before even when stock the abs module in the back would not flash regardless of what i had tried 


attessa side i have for now replaced with custom hydraulic system to mechanically lock the system for the dyno 

i have scoured the internet for ages on this topic but no real conclusion for the s1 stag any new data arisen since i last posted ?


would a faulty speed sensor throw any codes/flash ?

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