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Name And Shame - Sports Auto Group


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Okay guys, time for a name and shame:

Sports Auto Group, 7-9 Parramatta Rd, Concord NSW 2137

Bought a car from this place not long ago, I was promised a spare key, log books, detail and a few more things. Nothing was in done when I picked up the car, I was told that they would do it for me, still waiting. Gave up on them to do most of it so I've done a lot of it myself. Came in for a warranty fix and they put cheap parts, cheap brakes (the brake dust is horrible and the brakes are spongy) , after market suspension parts.

Some of the simple things I asked for and never gone done are:

- Spare key (now I have to spend $400 out of pocket)
- Log book (still waiting on that one)
- Bonnet stand clip to be replaced (it was broken)
- Hand brake adjustment (wouldn't work at 8 clicks on a slight slope)
- Sticker on the back window to be removed (previous dealership sticker)
- Garmin dash pad to be removed (took almost two months for them to get it done)
- Detail, wash and touch up paint (car was filthy!)
- New windscreen wipers (still don't have them)
- Reverse camera to be installed (took 3 weeks, did't get the car till then)(I paid for the camera and install)
- New battery to be installed (it was dead, they used some cheap brand!)

They never answer they phone or call back, you'll call asking for the manager, be put on hold for over an hour (yes I've sat there for over an hour waiting) then he'll either pick up and say I'm busy call back later or just wont pick up so you'll have to call again, they won't give you his mobile number either, I've tried and they wont.

They're rude, I was told off by the manager and sworn at multiple times. I've been told to not call them even though I'm a paying customer. They where all happy and smiles when I was looking for the car, then once I bought it they didn't want to talk to me.

The manager Nick is horrible. Swears at customers, smokes in the showroom, doesn't answer his emails or phone calls. I dealt with a man named Luca which I bought the car from at the dealership and a week after he got "let go" I was waiting 3 weeks plus for them to speak to him because the manager didn't know anything about the car, you'd expect them to sort everything out before they get rid of someone.

All in all, hopeless, useless and just sneaky. Looking for quick money. Their "pre delivery check" was done by "one of the boys in the back" which don't even have their mechanical licence!

The car was given to me dirty with bird droppings, rubbish in the car, and dust everywhere. They gave me the car with a quarter tank of fuel and on the way out gave one of the employees $20 to fill it up.

I'm sure if I keep looking the car is going to have more than that wrong. It's not about the money, it's the principle of the matter.. I paid for a car to the spec which I asked for, in the end I received a sub-par product from unprofessional people.

Right now I'm still in the process of getting the log book, from where it stands now they've told me they have the log book but it's not filled out squint emoticonwhy the hell would I want a log book that's empty? They're taking it to Nissan to get it filled out again, which no doubt will take another 3 months.

Please let everyone know, DO NOT GO THERE. From what I can see on the reviews now it's always been like this. They are also looking to change their business name to "AUTOLINE SYDNEY" I'd recommend staying away from them.

Bottom line, the car itself has no problems, everything has been mended either by the dealer. a mechanic or myself. I'm finally getting a sense of joy out of the car even though the initial few months have been annoying as hell.

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Don't worry they're currently being investigated for fraud due to winding back odometers and is more then likely the reason you don't have a log book.

Most of what you have said is very common knowledge within the import community and would be easily have been shown in a search

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Consider yourself lucky that at least the car seems to have turned out to be decent and giving you some joy. I guess there has been a lesson in all of this for you and you didn't get severely burnt in the learning process. Unfortunately most used car dealers are pretty dodgy, more so in the import world. In future when buying a used car buy on condition only and not on what some unscrupulous low life punk salesman is bull shitting you with. Best of luck and hope the car serves you well.

What car is it by the way?

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port3s I've just bumped up the thread on...

SAU > Importing Cars > If You're Happy With Your Import...

Anyway SAU is a massive resource of great info.

I hope your car remains trouble free.

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  • 1 month later...

Crap story, lucky it wasn't worse, I dislike dealerships at the best of times - all dodgy from my experience....

But why would you even pay for / accept delivery of a vehicle in such condition? if you're not happy with what you're given, don't take it.

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But why would you even pay for / accept delivery of a vehicle in such condition? if you're not happy with what you're given, don't take it.

Some people get over-excited and tend to not think when they finally get something they've been waiting/paid for. Only when you take it home do you start to see the flaws.

Lesson learnt for OP it seems.

Edward "Don't Sue Me" Lee.

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