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Hi all,

I have been looking around at stageas for the last few months and a nice non turbo one has come up for very cheap.

I'm just wondering if its even worth buying? I would just daily it for now with plans of turboing later on.

How slow are the n/a variants?

Given that most turbo autos are still fetching 6k plus this one is less then 1/2 the price.

Also if you run a piggyback like a emanage could you get the n/a ecu to work once turbo'd?

After doing some ready reading it seems some guys have turbo'd there rb25's with minimal fuss.

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I loved my 2.5 na. A good daily? not really. The RB25de suck gas regardless of being na or turbo. You just have to love them and pay the extra at the station. And considering the cost of fitting a turbo and the time off the road. You might as well just by a turbo one straight off.

Yea its a C34. Series 1.

I got the guy down to 2.5k, so compared to say another series 1 turbo (6-7k) I would have 4k or so up my sleeve.

Considering how cheap R32 GTR boxes are I was thinking manual conversion first and maybe convert to turbo later with a halfcut or similar. Could probably do a manual conversion for about $1000 or just over.

The only reason I am seriously considering the n/a one is because it actually looks very clean and looked after, where as most of the "cheaper" auto turbo versions I see for sale, at least in vic, aren't in the best condition. It seems like for a decent series 1 or 2, in really good nick your looking at 8k range, manual are minimum 10k+.

Don't buy a non turbo if you want turbo power - especially a non neo C34.

Be patient and keep looking for a turbo car - preferably a S2 (neo) so that it can be Nistuned.

Save up and you'll save money - conversions are not cheap.

Problem is all the cheaper turbo ones are all half f**ked that I've seen in vic, and your still looking at roughly 8k or so for a decent one. Manuals are just to rare and expensive, I have only seen a few for sale in the last year and there all way above 10k. Its probably worth it in the long run, but when I just want a fun practical daily I can't justify spending 10k on something that still needs 5k spent on it to also be quick.

The sticky is also a bit misleading. Basically the guy bought the wrong parts and realised half way through he was paying to much for labour etc so gave up. Really any conversion isn't going to be cheap if you take it to a workshop, that's why you do it yourself :)

The parts list, even if you included getting the stagea centre console, shouldn't be anymore then 2k for everything you need including a new clutch, probably closer to 1500 depending on how much you spend on the 32 GTR box.

I don't know, I guess I'm just over looking haha. Its not even worth getting one from interstate unless its dirt cheap. By time you get the thing to Vic, get a roady, pay vicroads fees, inspection and rego your probably looking at 2k on top of purchase. Still in the same boat. 7-8k for an auto.

if i was you i would be double checking the prices of parts to turbo and to manual convert it, and also the availability of the parts. before coming to any any conclusion. the biggest thing is its your money and do what you feel is right for you. but people have had the experience. my suggestion is if you want a manual is to just buy a manual turbo one as interior parts are rare to come by and they can be pricey as well.

Not at all, i guess I just wouldn't use that thread as an example of why "not" to do a manual conversion when there is a lot of people who have done it without issue and without spending a fortune, I mean that thread was like 10 years old.

But yes, you guys are right, I guess I'll just have to spend the $$$ and buy the right Stagea when it comes along.

^^^That's right!

Here's another strategy. Buy the n/a S1 and don't spend any money on it apart from routine servicing brakes and tyres etc. Save up the money you would have spent on turbos, manual conversion etc towards a 260RS. It might take a few years but it would take a few years to modify your S1. I've been there and I started with a RS4T - better turbo, piggy-backs, then GTR box diff and axles, better brakes, Link computer, better suspension, wheels, seats, RB30, bigger turbo - you get the idea: incremental improvements but with doing some things twice. The total: $50k

Save up for a 260RS ...should be under $20k or even less soon ($12 - $15k over here) and at least you have a good base - RB26DETT, GTR box, brembos etc.

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Might be personal import? It was done in 2006 so maybe the rules were different back then?

I have thought about a 260RS but I'd be to scared with the RB26 and the issues they have. Unless it was personally imported I wouldn't trust the ones I see around for sale.

I'm going to look at the Stagea tonight, if its in really good nick and not stupidly slow I might get it.

Might be personal import? It was done in 2006 so maybe the rules were different back then?

I have thought about a 260RS but I'd be to scared with the RB26 and the issues they have. Unless it was personally imported I wouldn't trust the ones I see around for sale.

I'm going to look at the Stagea tonight, if its in really good nick and not stupidly slow I might get it.

They are stupidly slow! All 20 year old cars have issues - nothing especially dodgy about the 260RS. But if you get the n/a car you could always save up for an Evo!

I test drove an NA a month ago and was sorely disappointed. I've since bought a turbo that was in good condition.

As a reference, I used to own an R33 NA with the 5 speed auto box, and performance headers/exhaust. That car was far quicker than the Stagea I drove. FAR quicker.

If you need a 2.5k car, I'd suggest a Toyota, and put all your saved maintenance towards a nicely looked after Neo turbo you'll get there quicker than you think.

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