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Another Free Tour of the Holden Performance Driving Centre

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Ladies Please, The reason I edited my first post is because I wanted to stop this thread turning into a bitchslapping fest. Which it has. So I'm sorry I ever rolled my eyes at this night. I would like to commend cyrus on the information that such a night is happening and for giving the people who read these forums a chance to come out and meet him.

I hope whoever attends enjoys the gallery as much as I did when I went.

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Did i say you criticsed?? If i did please point out where

My comment was mainly directed at charly. I just find it hard that people can bad mouth something like this if they havent tried it...cyrus has been using it and as far as i know he hasnt had to re build his engine or anything like that. Guts was just a figure of speech like put your money where your mouth is. Im just saying if people think its so shit then wheres their proof that its shit.....

Have you used it yourself? No? Thanks for the opinion :uhh:

I might come out for a look, should be interesting.

I dont swear by it, I only use it, I could sell it but why waste time on ignorant people like you.




There will be a tour of the gallery and workshop then a very short presentation of what Roil is and how it works, THAT IS IT! NO sales pitch, NO "How many can we put you down for?" NO PUSHY FU(KING SALES PEOPLE!!! HOW MANY FU(KING TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU IGNORANT, MORONIC, REDNECK INBRED, CAMEL SPEW!?!?!?

Woah, that was a bit full on...

I actually agree with Krawlers comments though... You dont have a free night to NOT sell things... :D

isnt it a two week ban for personal insults towards a forum member?


I'm sorry too for the derogatory remarks made about you in this thread, (which now have been edited, BUT not about the comments made about krawler though), I am just sick and tired of people thinking that I want to get rich quick by selling roil, I DONT! I have not made any claims of what it does or does not do, only the facts which are posted for all to see in this thread http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=37992 where I too was a skeptic and used it and saw results, which is why I use it, because I saw results on MY car and do not want to make any claim that it will have any effect on anyone elses car.

Stuff selling it, I just buy it because it has worked for me, I can sell it, (as I am an seller), but only because it is cheaper for me to buy as a seller, so why not buy it at wholesale prices, anyway most people I talk to about it have your attitude like krawlers, which I just cant stand trying to show them that this is not snake oil, but normally their minds are as tightly closed just like krawlers, anyway I digress.

The truth is that the ONLY reason for me to post this up and invite whomever wants to come it for the Gallery tour, that is all, I am not trying to show them this wonderful new product that will wipe your ass after you've done a shit on the toilet or anything. I have no part in organising it, nor do I see any benefit finanically or physically if people go or not go!

BUT all that said I definatly do not want to say come for a free tour, but not inform them of the demonstration and then suddenly they are put into a position where they would feel mislead or make people feel forced to watch the demo, so I am being totally honest and truthful about my reasons behind posting this.

All that out of the way back on topic.

This is open to anyone to come, not just people from this forum, anyone.

Have you used it yourself? No? Thanks for the opinion :uhh:


I might come out for a look, should be interesting.

Be good to have another "salesman" type person attend, then you can fully understand if they are trying to do the hard sell on people.

The Demonstration is really just a "This is Roil, and this is how it works" kind of thing. It really is to drum up interest in the product, if you are interested then you stay back and ask any questions you might have, if not you drive off.

i'm in, can't wait to get some pics of me and brockys A9X! :D

Yeah should be good as they are closing it down for a bit to make it bigger and apparently better, still there's a lotus in there that kicks ass, it's like a go kart with a V8 in it, and the tallest bit on the car is only like 1 metre off the ground!

I dont swear by it, I only use it, I could sell it but why waste time on ignorant people like you.


Wow, way to have a whinge at totally the wrong thing.

My comment was actually pointing out the insane amounts of ROFLCopters and LOLlerskates I feel towards snake oil like this. Not the people trying to pedal the snake oil, who remind me of christians ("you can believe in anything you want, so long as its what we tell you"), but the product itself.

The only people who DONT pay this snake oil out, are the ones selling it.

Think about that statement before hitting your caps lock button and having a sook.

Anyway. Enjoy your Amway. I cant come, I'm going on a free holiday to learn about the exciting world of time sharing. Then I'm getting in herbal remedies guaranteed by herbalremedies.com.tw to increase my penis size, make me more attractive to women, clear bad debts, decrease my mortgage and give me a degree online.

......... Then I'm getting in herbal remedies guaranteed by herbalremedies.com.tw to increase my penis size, make me more attractive to women, ............

Gods know you need it! :rofl:Maybe ask for the double strength stuff oh and while your at it, can I buy some of your Urine to put in my fuel, I hear it will add 40rwkw, must be all that herbal stuff coming out :D

The only people who DONT pay this snake oil out, are the ones selling it.

Think about that statement before hitting your caps lock button and having a sook.

Well duh, show me any company that bad mouths thier own product..............?

That must mean ALL COMPANIES HAVE A HIDDEN AGENDA! Hey if someone you knew and trusted came up to you and asked you to watch a tv show that would interest you, THAT HAS GOT TO BE A HIDDEN AGENDA RIGHT THERE! Take that person and shoot him before he can sell you a different type of anal stimulation which you are currently using!

Its all a big conspiracy, which means you are the one behind it using reverse psycology to make me think, you think, that I think, that you think, that I think you have no part in it!

Well duh, show me any company that bad mouths thier own product..............?

Show me another product that the ONLY people who believe in it are the creators?

Whatever. Go ahead and put snake oil in your engine.

PS - Wanna buy a hiclone? 50% more torque and fuel economy. How about a polariser? 200% increase in fuel economy. Maybe a Power Zet? Electronic turbo which gives 25% gain in power and torque.

ROIL website: http://freespace.virgin.net/car.oil/cars_e...ine_testing.htm

Snake Oils:









The additives already in engine oil: http://www.amsoil.com/articlespr/article_w...inthisstuff.htm

Hydraulic systems: http://www.machinerylubrication.com/articl...p?articleid=555

Show me another product that the ONLY people who believe in it are the creators?

Whatever. Go ahead and put snake oil in your engine.

PS - Wanna buy a hiclone? 50% more torque and fuel economy. How about a polariser? 200% increase in fuel economy. Maybe a Power Zet? Electronic turbo which gives 25% gain in power and torque.

If they work, why not, but the only way to find out is to use it and objectivly look at the results, Roil is not meant to give you any type of performance gain anyway, I am still interested in your Urine though, when can I pop around and buy a bottle?

thanks for deleting my totally innocuous post praising Cyrus for once again posting an excursion idea where some members could go on the cheap. I REALLY appreciate being censored on one of the rare occasions when I was giving out some heartfelt praise. Thanks a Bunch. :)

That's quite enough I think.

Any more of this slanging and you'll both get warnings.

So you give warnings for warnings?

You're a big girl, just warn them the first time, that's why is called "warning"...

But erins already warned me so you warning her about her warnings of warning us is basically another warning which means I was warned twice (or three times if you count the warning warning) and I didnt even do anything that requires a warning.

So yeah, I'm warning you.

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