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Careful guys, NSW Police have added some real firepower to the Highway Patrol squad.

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Careful guys, NSW Police have added some real firepower to the Highway Patrol squad.







How do you feel about being pulled over by one of these? 

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I'm surprised that Maria hasn't been pinged yet in this.









On pickup, we haggled for a major service to have been done. The service manager said that the number of faults that they had to address between Volvo and the other brand they sell, was at a ratio of 1 to 7. 

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Yes, the XC60 has been free of faults/claims for 3 years now. We did take out an extended Volvo Wty at the time of sale. Lots of poke - and it can corner without getting majorly unsettled.


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12 hours ago, niZmO_Man said:

Also, the Volvos know how to crash safely :P



If my wife ever gets hostile with me, I'll swap her XC60 T6 for a new Mustang. :P


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To be honest not that I like to be pulled over. Sad to say no more being pulled over by an Australian built car. Fact: Australia per capita built the best cars in the world. Now only to be seen in wheelbase of Mustang(Falcon) and camaro (commodore)

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Best cars in the world? They're battleaxes but they're hardly best value. Come on, for the money you paid on a BA back in the day, you'd get a rice burner with a way better interior and one that wouldn't fall apart after ten years.

Aussie cars failed in overall quality of construction since they had to compete against the Japanese and Koreans. Why? Because our expensive labourforce drove them to cut costs in materials.

We've always been capable of producing quality vehicles that could take a beating. We just lost sight of that since the late 90s/early 2000s and frankly, I'm surprised the car industry lasted here as long as it did.

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As police cars went they were an Australian export regarded as the most advanced police cars in the world. Our labour force cost can be blamed on one particular government department. OH&S

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  • 2 weeks later...
READ PROPERLY: As I said per capita. Remember only 25million in this country.

While our population influences the size of our market, I fail to see how a per capita view has any bearing on what defines the best car. We either build the best vehicles as a nation or we don't.

I would've thought "per capita" is used to represent a proportion of the population in whatever category that applies to an actual person, not an object's quality.

Happy to hear your take on this though.

I do agree about OH&S driving the labour costs up bit that's only one factor. There's also the unions, cost of living, just to name a couple. I'm sure there's more that I'm missing but my argument still stands. Quality suffered since the mid-90s and it only got worse from there. Best cars in the world? No chance.
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I don't see why they need such high powered vehicles when they're not allowed to chase after a certain speed. This, the C63's etc.. pointless..

Edited by Gymkhana
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It's more about the acceleration and braking. Particularly the braking, where many a test vehicle have failed NSW's stringent criteria.

Besides which, if you believe cops adhere to the 160km/h pursuit rule (at least in NSW), trust me, they don't and I've seen that for myself. I won't explain how.

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