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He's my mate - caught some oil or something on the road while going through the round about and sent him sideways into the pole. Speed etc was not a factor, it was just one of those unfortunate things. Cars prob a write-off and the poor bloke is guttered.

Can't see how that makes him an idiot.

Ouch man, did he have insurance? I know how the oil thing works, I hit some oil on a round-a-bout in Tuggeranong, wasnt speeding or anything, and almost went up the gutter and into the pole because I had no control of the car. To top it off it then spun sideways a bit after it finished understeering/sliding across the oil and I almost wiped out Aurora (he was driving next to me)... but yes to say again, we wernt speeding/racing nothing.

I hope your friend has insurance!!

Yeah, damn oil.

Understandable, poor bloke.

I think what mickGTR was saying was it probably looked like just another fool out in the rain, there were plenty of them over the weekend. Good to hear it wasn't caused by stupidity, but bad that it happened all the same. Hope your friend is alright.

As for what Amaru is talking about, yeah, if he'd gone around i would have worn it, we were just on the way home from...i can't remember, and all of a sudden his car steps out and then snaps back, and i'm just watching on from a metre away in the other lane.

Scary stuff

Its all good - I'm just lookin out for me mate.

He's in pretty good shape actually, not even sore so he's lucky.

He has insurance and they're on the case at the moment. Fingers X'd he'll be in the position to get another 'line. Its just a pitty this one is gone cause it was clean as.

A 5 minute trip from red rooster to erindale shops last week in the rain, 8 separate guys had it out sideways through the round-a-bouts in the area, one nearly clipping me going i nthe other direction.....

But more of a warning to guys down south, over the last few weeks Ive noticed sand covering oil on the roads in some streets n near round-a-bouts. Looks like there may be some wankers putting it on the road for their own personal enjoyment.

Yeah there are. Noticed a few times there's been oil down towards Erindale/Wanniassa/Calwell/Richardson, and the general Tuggeranong area.

It's a serious problem, because one day someone won't see it, come through their patch of oil and kill someone innocent .


Thats ****ed guys..... oil on the roads...

I saw a similar thing happen to a black skyline late last yr... Was driving me mates R31 and Down from woden past fadden, The big round about there.. Black R32 tried to chase me round the bout, lost control and hit a light pole... Saw the whole thing in me Rear view... Not a pretty site. He drove off, not sre of the damage, but he left me a nice side mirror..

I had to pick up the light pole and move it off the road before anyone hit it..

Was more of an Idiot driving that time.. Trying to boost it around the bout... i dunno... But didnt hold..

I just passed it as it happened, It looked like he just lost control....IDIOT.

Should have known how slippery the roads are.  He had to learn the hard way!

Now that we know that there may be more to the story, how about you retract your comment and in future dont immediately brand someone a tool when you dont know the whole story.

Generalising like that only makes you look like the idiot.

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