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Wayne, Shane and Kane

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Well we had a pretty farked up evening at work tonight.

Basically at about 10:15pm I notice that 2 of our staff's cars have been broken into. The front drivers window on one car and the front passenger window on the other had been smashed, the gloveboxes and ash trays gone through and that was it. About 6 of us are out in the car park investigating what is the action of most probably kids when a group of about 5 punks on bikes rides into the carpark about 100m away, see us then leg it. At this stage we are thinking that maybe these kids are responsible for the break ins.

2 min. later a young guy on one of those scooter things that have a top speed of 60 pulls up watching us from an adjacent street. A baker and a young nightfiller from our store sneak into the bushes alongside that car park in order to get closer to him and grab his plate number. Unfortunately he spots the baker who is wearing all white (very conspicuous) and hoons off, but before the baker and nightfiller (Dale and Daniel) can return the kids on bikes come back, Dale and Daniel rush the closest punk on a BMX but he just gets away, only to be confronted by a road block consisting of me on the right and the two guys who cars got broken into in the middle and left.

The guy in the middle got a hold of the punks jacket and almost pulled him down but he was going too fast.

Anyway we come back into the store and continue working up until 11pm when our storeman goes home. Instead of going home the storeman (Aaron) decides to drive around to see if he can find the little shites. Lo and behold he finds a party 2 streets away with the scooter from before parked out front with its rider standing on the verge. Aaron then slows down, jumps out of the still moving vehicle tackles the w@nker and grabs his coat containing his wallet and house/car keys and tells him if he wants them back he has to come to our store and ask the police for them back!!!!:eek: Meanwhile his car has run into a pole causing minor panel damage (not that hes worried about it its a P.O.S.)


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Aaron calls the police from work and they turn up to take the guys jacket. Fortunately for us the jacket had his wallet, keys, and FOOT LONG screw driver and a glovegun. The police give Aaron the big thumbs up and go off to hassle the guy.

Now this is where the stroy goes to Redneck county, the guy whos jacket Aaron got is named Kane Axxxxxxxx and a couple of the younger people at work know of him and his brothers from school.

There is Wayne, Shane and Kane Axxxxxxxx :lol:

Unfortunately about 11:40pm Kane rocks up to our store with his 2 brothers hurling metal poles at Aaron and his car, I grab their vehicle details and call 000. While I was on the phone Aaron talks to the oldest brother and it seems Kane told him that Aaron tried to run him over, he realises he has been lied to and apologises (gotta give the bloke credit for that one, a pity about the dent in Aarons roof from the metal bar:()

The police tell me thats they'll send another patrol over to queiten the situation and by the time I get from the office to the backdock there are over 20 punks in the car park yelling at Aaron and reducing our nightfill manager Faye to a quivering wreck. By the time I get outside to support Aaron (20 sec.) the police turn up and the little punks bolt every which way.

Aaron and I stick around to about 12:10am to make sure Faye gets on her way home without being harrased by these kids and we see 3 different patrol cars cruising the surrounding streets and hear them put the sirens on a couple of times.

The funnny thing is I didn't drive the GTR (never do on a Friday night...or school holidays for that matter) but rode my bike, and guess who doesn't have a light etc. ???

It was very interesting to say the least and now that I've taken 5 minutes of your life I'll leave you alone :mad:



Ahh i wouldnt say that was a wasted 5 mins, more of a harrowing tail of a man and his struggle to maintain his and his workmates personal libertys;)

So u got done for not having a light on ure bike eh? well that just puts the icing on the cake eh:lol:

Nah I didn't get done for not having a light, but had to dodge a few things on the way home:rolleyes:

Yeah Aarons a pretty funny guy, hes 30 and has had a fairly dodgy past including a fair bit of jail time. Hes a good guy though and tells some cool stories about the stuff he used to pull.

It was classic watching him standing in the carpark yelling abuse at these punks, then turn around and get in his car and play dodge when the three brothers turned up in a 4WD. Hand brake turns, reversing all over the place, if it wasn't for the fact that they were hurling stuff at him it would've been pretty funny.

Anyway I'll get to find out next week if the cops got them, we're expecting these kids to try and get some revenge though so watch this space.

The Riverton forum is like a 1 min drive from my house,and yes the memories of the forum,that was the place I chased a poo stabber with a base ball bat,that stole my bike(a long story),he's very lucky he got away coz I wanted blood that night.

Man, that sucks.

After the cops are done with them, advise the owners to take the little kunts to court. Sue them personally for repair costs and trauma. Actually, insurance will go after the thief themselves, if the owners claim for repair. Just hope premiums don't rise.

Well yeah, its pretty much gone as expected

i.e. Nothing as far as we know, but the guy we gave to the cops (Kane) is known to them and as nothing identifyable stolen from the cars was found in his possesion not a hell of a lot can be done.

There are now a lot more police patrols and I keep my bike near the door so I can make the chase fairer :)

So the upshot of it all is nothing has been done but things have become more vigilant and ready for the next time, because unfortunately there will be a next time.

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