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So car started fine yesterday, didn't drive it today. Started it up to go throw some fuel in and was welcomed with this banging noise like someone had thrown a brick into a dryer.

Any suggestions from the video attachment??


Engine Noise.mp4

Edited by BstewyR33
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sorry mate but you've spun a bearing, probably big end.  If you give it a little rev does it get worse (best way to confirm if it is big end vs main, but either way the bottom end needs fixing)

what does the oil pressure gauge and/or light say when it's running? Do you still have any oil pressure? What were you doing last time it didn't make the noise?

also, if you intend to rebuild it rather than replace it, every single revolution does more damage and increases cost to rebuild...

if you are feeling optimistic you could take all the drive belts off (water pump/fan/alternator, power steer, aircon) and start it briefly and see if the noise is still there, but the video is pretty distinctive.... :( 

Awww shite... Thanks man. Can't complain for a 22 yr old engine which hasn't had any work done to it and lasted. 

The noise did increase with revs, Oil pressure has remained the same - didn't see any drops in the gauge while driving, never had any lights come on to indicate otherwise. Have noticed a slight belt squeal lately on start up, not sure which belt though 

Is it a costly rebuild?

Edited by BstewyR33
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  • 3 weeks later...

You could ask if anyone here has a book with torque specs and how to rebuild a rb25det.. 

That way you can drop a new bottom end in your car and keep your old engine and slowly rebuild it yourself. 

Could be fun if you into that stuff.

a bit of an update - had a mobile mechanic out to have a listen and look & he suggested it could be some dirty lifters as the noise wasn't down low on the block. Threw some nulon lifter free & tune up in and the sound went away, a band-aid solution - will have to get around to do a overhaul on the engine at some point.

Not really dodgey at all and a good cheap outcome. Seems like it was just a sticky/noisy lifter. If the problem re occurs, (probably won't if you keep the oil in good conditon) just replace the lifters or isolate the offending lifter and replace that only. I recently spoke to a bloke that had this occur and he ran some engine flush through the engine and changed the oil and 3 years later noise never returned. 

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