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CAMS VSSC Round 6 Hosted by SAUVIC Sat Sept 30th


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Great event guys, had a lot of fun. Driving in the wet was great, the only problem was the session wasn't long enough to get a proper feel for it. Does anyone know where to see the photos that were being taken on the track? I forgot to enquire about them before I left.

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Great event guys, had a lot of fun. Driving in the wet was great, the only problem was the session wasn't long enough to get a proper feel for it. Does anyone know where to see the photos that were being taken on the track? I forgot to enquire about them before I left.

Facebook, trackside action photography. He'll start putting the photos up when he has time to go through them. Most probably during the week.
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Thanks to all the SAU members who helped out on the day, things ran smoothly all day and this is not possible without you.

- @Tony Olsson
- @Odium
- Mel
- @Leroy Peterson
- @ssxRicho
- Eddie

Thanks to those SAU members who helped out behind the scenes and before the event
- @RobynRyrie

The biggest thanks has to go to @Subarau not only for giving us the opportunity to run the event but also assisting us before and running the day for us.

We also cannot forget all the officials who help us on the day

Thanks to our CAMS Stewards
- Kristy from Timetronics
- All the team from Motorsport Marshalling
- WAP Motorsport as always for providing safety and recovery
- Event Paramedics


And anyone else I forgot.


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