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Pretty Smart

Considdddering that Microsoft does not openly certify technicians

you probably did a tafe course for cert IV did in 7 weeks

Worked in a computershop since i finished my year ten certificate and left because there was nothing more the school could teach me in the feild of it as i knew more than them :D

Now heres what i have at 18

Cert 2

Cert 3

Cert 4

Diploma in Information Technology

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator


Network +

Microsoft Certified DBase Consultant

Bachelor of IT


I am even Qualified to teach

And now Studying Cisco

I believe i have worked harder in the last 3 years of my life than you have in the last 40 or so years of yours so :throwup:

I also have 140+ IQ

I mean that you are Ingnorant in believing that maybe an 18 year old is smarter than you

Pfft... you call that overachieving?

here's the rest of my resume.

I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Iranian refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook two minute noodles in one and a half minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.

Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the NRL, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes. Last summer, I toured New Jersey with a travelling centrifugal-force demonstration. I run 15.4 in the quarter on a mountain bike. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me.

I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.

I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prizewinning clams.

I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.

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Sorry Mate havent you heard, as you get older your dick gets smaller :Bang:

Theres that ignorance again


Guess that means you will be a girl by the time you hit your mid twenties?

don't fux with me kid, I am the Yoda of flaming...:flamed:

Guest Slide
Guess that means you will be a girl by the time you hit your mid twenties?


don't fux with me kid, I am the Yoda of flaming...:flamed:


Holy Shizit I just realised your my hero.

Perhaps now that you have come out of the closet with your Likeness for guys you will realise that i am god and you will now bow before me as i leave treadmarks on your ass.

As for the dribble you copied out of a comedy strip you need help fabio i am surprised to see that you were never a psycologist because if you were, you would realise that you have an obsesive cumpulsive disorder and it needs to be treated.

Why bother dragging out the fact that despite everything i post you will have a childlike remark for in reply.

Maybe its because you are really a virgin,you live with your mum, you dont have a skyline ,and you use a 28.8kbps modem

Realise that you have fallen to my age bracket by pissing on this forum .

You obviously never accepted critisizm as a child to man age.

Once again i stress the fact that you need help.


Guest Slide
Slide.   Who are you kidding?  

Give me your name and the uni you attended so I can verify your story.

I won't hold my breath..........


Student info is confidential they wouldnt even give it to you if you pretended to be my daddy


my fued not be with you.

but the rudeness of ptr33 and his unwillingness to accept that this is an open forum and people can give suggestion even if it may be wrong.

Peace :)

You forgot to add 1st class tosser!

I do not recall seeing in the original question (the whole point of this thread) for people to start telling their life stories, of how awesome they are, or how much they have acheived in their lives.

I for one could not care less about what degree's, diplomas, certificates and accreditations you have last time i checked i was on skylinesaustralia.com not iamabiggerprattthanyou.com

Why would i care about my spelling and grammar on a forum?

The ability to spell is not something that you can turn on and off at will.

Nobody would "unspell" words on purpose. Or deliberately use the wrong homonym.

Come on boy. You need to try a little harder than resorting to "and you're one too" level replies.

It's no fun trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent

oh, and I hope you aren't really taking this as seriously as you seem to be. In case you are.... SEEK HELP!

oh, and another little thing...

The reason that you haven't landed that $100k a year job? People like me (who were educated back when spelling etc was important) are the ones who hand those jobs out.

It is very unlikely that one would be given to someone with lots of pieces of paper, no experience and an attitude like you have.

I am an over achiever and finished my coarses at a private college on the Gold Coast

3 years ahead of time

you only have one advantage over me and that is your age

even though i have all of these certifications it doesnt mean shit because of the fact that i am 18

I am currently the store technician of a computer shop

Which is an injustice to me as i could be earning 100k + per year

You deal with fact that you waste peoples time and i will deal with the fact that my car would still be faster than yours

/cough who cares about ur iq and ur certificates...it means shit in the real world..step outside one day


all i see is in this thread is a lot of people with a masters degree in bullshit:)

If you all want to argue take it to the wasteland or something. otherwise dont take over his thread, at least give this poor guy answers to the question he originally asked.

Bottom line getrippedoff (if you are even still viewing this thread), you cant turn a turbo off, we all know that. Just buy a non turbo skyline.... unless you can somehow manipulate your dad into letting you buy a turbo car........

"Pitty Tha Fool" who gave birth to PTR33

He has stooped to the level of an infant and me being the more mature one of us 2 believe enough is enough

Say what you want PTR33 you are still a child at your mid life crisis age.

The bottom line is that this is a forum about cars and mine would still kick your ass.


I will have no more envolvement in this thread as the reason for it has gone

Apologies to getrippedoff

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