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a mate died last night


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to all SAU,

last night a friend died in a car crash near city beach, it seems no one was really at fault, no speeding, no drugs, just an unseen car and then bamm. he was my gf's half brother. the driver and him were only 17 and 16. i was out driving last night nearby, and got pulled over at the booze bus on empire. we could all see the ambulance lights speed by.

its hit all of us pretty hard, plz everyone take care on the roads, u dont have to be doing anything stupid or illegal to take someones life away. the driver who survived would be going through so much right now, even though blame cant really be laid. our thoughts are with all involved.

keep alert out there, and maybe one less life would have to be lost

damn i sound like a road safety ad, but thats what my message is


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Sorry to hear mate.

I myself witnessed a head on(car was on wrong side of road for no reason) a few weeks back and was first on scene. Was a big eye opener and not a pretty sight. You can be the best driver in the world but you cant stop others hitting you.

Like you said drive safe and be alert.

All the best.

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yeah im also giving out my condolences .... although at a time like this it doesnt seem sufficient :rofl:

In a perfect world nobody would have to go thru this kind of grief


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there have been two major accidents this week on the corner of east parade and Graham Farmer - the sort that involve ambulances driving away with their lights off.

hope that the occupants of those vehicles and your friends find peace.

condolances to those left behind.

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sorry ta hear lost a cousin a while back really sucks we was close

got home tonite to find sisters car was in rollova shes ok tho

reality check big time take care out there everyone and keep safe

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