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NSW Gov't imposing a night curfew for people U21? WTF?



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yer it sounds great to me more people driven home without Ps and more under 21s drivin drunk why well the person not drinkin can only take one person home i mean come on do they want the lives of others on there mind when they go to sleep i think not.

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All I got to say is:

* P Plates will be a thing of the past, teenagers will just remove them and continue to drive and many will get away with it.

* I expect to see my insurance premium go down as according to the government they will be saving lives (ie less accidents) of which im sure many are high powered cars/imports.

* I hope all the pubs/clubs/etc will be suing the government for loss of income because their won't be any P Plate drivers out n about anymore.

Thankgod im 22yo.

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As an under 21 i would be against the legislation about carrying more then 1 passenger and the curfew, but can see where the govt. is coming from with the power to weight ratio, that doesnt mean i agree with it just that, in some way what they are saying is true, but i dont believe they should ban us from driving high powered vehicles.

A better suggestion and 1 that i would hope most people would agree with is making it mandatory for provisional licence holders who drive high powered cars, ( if not all P platers) to undetake some type of advanced driver training, i mean defensive driving at least if not specifically high performance courses, this would mean anyone who wanted to drive a high powered car could, if they take the effort to learn how to do it right. This is for all high powered car drivers not just imports, because i think we all know that young blokes in souped up commies and fords are just as if not more dangerous then us.

anyways thats just my 2c

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I read this article and it said that only .86% of road fatalities were caused by excessive speed with inattention being the highest at 46% and drink driving at 12% so really it's hardly high powered car casuing accidents, making the proposed laws ineffective with dealing with road tolls and simply a govt. revenue raising technique.

i do live in melb - and we already have power to weight thing going, and P platers can't drive r33 gtst but we CAN drive an r32 gtst and mod it to hat ever power we damn well please oh and we can also have a r33 gts NA and then mount a Vfarken12 under the bonnet and super-turbo charge it - but i still feel for you sydneysiders

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my view is that the idea of curfews and passenger limits is a mehtod that will not work as if it does happen so many once law abiding citizens will suddenly become criminals. i mean what are you gonna say to 2 mates when u have to taek them home after a night out, "oh sorry i can only take one home, one of you will have to walk", but i guess we aint goin out anymore as we cant drive to go out, unless of course we will all catch taxi's from everywhere so we should all ask for wage rises to be able to pay for this. suppose the cabbies will be happy.

I think more driver training is essential as the current tests are wastes of time and money as they are just way too simple. maybe they should consider that as well.

power to weight limitations for p-platers would probably be a good idea for the govt to try first. Although there would be huge arguments against it would probably be a step in the right direction as i have seen many (not all p-platers of course) p-platers do very silly things with high performance cars. but what the limit will be is unknown as the r33 and 32's are very detuned i would think in stock form whereas the v8's these days are just trying to hunt big power figures.

trying to get people to stop using mobile phones are a good idea so maybe big penalties are the way for all drivers to stop using them whilst driving.

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This is what I don't get. Ever since the introduction of riders school for motorcyclists, fatalities have fallen. To get L plates you need to do a basic course and also when you get your P's. It's not just your "hill start, change lane, don't clip round about...." crap. They KNOW fatalities have fallen.

What I don't get is, why don't they introduce this sort of a system to cars? Or does it take a rocket scientist to figure this out?

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did anyone see the 60 minutes thing? i was watching it and waiting for a skyline cos I knew they'd have to put one in there somewhere...and sure enough, they showed a silver R32 doing a burnout LOL

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This'll probrably offend some here, but I'm beyond caring..

Notice the "P Plater Hoons" they showed were ALL Leb's or similar and it was in a known troublesome spot being Wollongong Lighthouse?

Hardly a fair representation for us P Platers. What's the go with the sob story shit? Brain washing bullshit Media makes me sick.

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i think that these laws are fair enuf becoz the reality of it is that when a bunch of teenagers get into a car, they encourage the driver 2 do stupid things ie speed, run the red, etc. and most of these things happen late at nite...becoz teenagers think that no cops r around so they wont get busted for doin 160km/h on a back road or goin sideways around a roundabout!

truth is, its probably one of the smartest things that the govt has ever thought of. its just that they havent thought of the practicality of it all. i mean, yes they've covered ppl working at nite...BUT what about ppl who live in newcastle or the central coast who wanna go clubbing in the city? they've cancelled the late nite trains...and if u can only have one other person in the car...it means u would have so many "designated drivers" or drunk drivers on the road it would be ridiculous...but these ppl could only come home after 6am unless they got their MUM to pick them up!!!

the law is fair enuf but they need to be more practical....

thats my 2cents worth :)

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I agree with Nick about the power to age restrictions. Curfew is stupid though. Young drivers have way too much confidence in their driving ability and its only made worse when there are others in the car. Please dont argue that a "minority of young driver are stupid" It doesnt always come down to stupidity, but also abilty to handle a car in particular situations. Something that comes with time and experience. When I was young I got away with doing some stupid stuff, but the key phrase in that is "got away", not everyone else is that lucky.

Think about the consequences next time your doing 150km/h or dragging someone at a set of lights. Think about how many innocent people are in graves or in hospital because of some dickhead driving to quickly or showing off.

When your a bit older you will see my point.


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power to weight doesnt really bother me

but i dont think having powerful cars is the major cause of accidents im pretty sure its like people not paying attention.

THe curfew is sooooo dumb.

List of things we couldnt do...

1. Goto the movies past 8pm

2. Goto a friends house to watch a movie

3. Goto a girlfriends place

4. Have designated drivers to parties / going out

I mean i could go one with a huge list of things but i think u all get the picture.

Its sooo stupid its not funny.

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im just wondering right, they said that they will give special concessions to people working after 10pm a pass or permit to drive afta 10pm.

Well not everyone U21 drive to work and many rely on say a sibling U21 or a bf U21 to pick them up from work n take them home?

The thing is that the sibling or the bf or whatever would be breaking the law because he/she is simply picking up their gf, sis, friend from work so that they dun have to take public transport home at like 12pm which we all know aint safe, with the amount of gang rapists around.

Either way this law is flawed and would not work...and i really do not see the pro's of this law..........This law is starting to change my opinion of the nsw labor gov't and if its neccessary i mite have to change my vote in the next state election.........altho i aint a big fan of john brogden either..........

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I wonder if the government will reimburse people under 21 who bought a car thats over the power:weight ratio before the rules come into effect. It wouldnt exactly be fair to the owners if they had to sell their car and loose money on it...

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The government is stupid and this law makes me mad. In the US there is similar laws in some states and apparently people just ignore it and take their plates off.

stupid rta and government.

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I'm 22, no P's, live in vic. From 18 -> 20 most of my cashflow came from working 3pm to 4am. I farking drove to work, it took nearly 45 mins by car 5ks under the speedlimit (driving thru knox area, hoon's love it and so do the cops). NO FARKING WAY WOULD I WALK and public transport would take nearly 2.5 hrs.

I got my licence just before i turned 19, I got my L's when I was 16. Since getting my L's I drove for a grand total of 4 hours, I did NOT re-read the rule book and I passed my licence tests very easily. [NOT HARD TO GET A LICENCE IN VIC IS IT?]

A friend of mine, on P's, got done for DWI at 0.13%. He had to go to 'Drunk School' the day after, blew .03 in the morning, the sh!t he saw at drunk school has completely turned him around. [THE GOV'T SAYS IRAQ WAS A POTENTIAL RISK TO ALL AUSTRALIANS, blah blah... 6 HOURS OF ALCOHOL EDUCATION (LESS THAN $400 WORTH) POSSIBLE SAVED MORE AUSTRALIANS THAN A ONE-HUNDRED-PLUS-BILLION-DOLLAR-WAR-FOR-OIL (SEE FARENHEIT 9/11)]

NB: as a percentage of driver population, fines have increased nearly 400% and the toll has remained the same (as a percentage) since 1992.

Note also, politics is not about solving problems - it's about fine wine and quizine, travel and perception (diseption). I can't see the current government solving any problems any time soon, and it doesn't care - as long as people believe they are not doing less than the opposition.

SUMMARY: To solve a problem you have to understand the cause of the problem, and how to remove the cause. "Young people do not know how to drive responsibly, and don't understand the consequences of their actions..." - THEN f**kING TEACH THEM.

QUESTION: If windows crashed would you fine it, then remove it from your computer?

ANSWER:...Yes, if you're a farking moron, or a politician...

I hope this doesn't get me banned, but I'm well and truly sick of being decieved and ignored by the people who are supposed to have my best interests at heart.

John howard if your reading this, you've obviously taken you head out of bush's arse for air

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P.S. I'm not a terrorist. I like beer, and car's. I'm not a politician, i'm student studying business systems - not law or arts. I earn $18k a year doing part time supermarket work, I live in a rental and pay nearly $8k a year in PAYG and GST. Before GST i payed nearly $4g.

That's my shiny 10c

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agree on the training. they are stupid not to train young drivers (like me)

i think that educating to start with would be a lot more effective than punishing once you do something wrong!

i doubt most parents would even agree with this law, they would rather their children driving home than getting raped/bashed/passed out on the train on the way home or picking them up at 4am! i know my parents would prefer me driving!

hmm i wonder what the fines will be like.....

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While I voted no for the poll, I have some issues. This is too little too late and the Govt has already allowed juveniles too much autonomy and supported them in not being responsible for too long. To then turn around and start imposing rules will be the same as in the home and the youth will rebel. Your call Govt. You screwed it, now fix it but at a younger age. Try a curfew at 10-17 years and I am sold.

As far as I am concerned though, at 18 a person is an adult and can join the military and serve, kill or die for their country. They can vote and consume alcohol - legally.

This is a knee jerk reaction to avoid having to properly train drivers at a young age and to amortise the failure of their responsible governance by not mandating school age children be responsible and learn values, in the schools as well as home.

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