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Hi Guys....Question from a "Pommie".(England).

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Hi Guys....Have got bit of problem.....Can i easily change a RB25DET by swapping the "Turbo Bits" for the "Non-Turbo Bits" off my WC34 RB25 ? ....ALSO...Will a 2WD sump fit as a replacement for a 4WD sump ?.....and FINALLY...Will an Auto-box fit onto the engine that has a manual one fitted to it ?.....JUST THOUGHT !!...There must be some sort of Diff: Housing under the engine to carry the front drive shafts....if i take that OFF....Will the 2WD sump then fit onto the bottom of the engine ?

As you must realise i have not been looking for a replacement engine yet ( There are only SIX of this model of Stagea left on the road in England....So i need to know what choices i have BEFORE i go and buy the WRONG ONE !!

Being a pensioner i need to make sure i spend wisely 馃憤

In Anticipation.....It's the first time not been sure what i need to do next.........Best Regards........Mal T

Hi Mal and welcome to :sau: 

There is a lot of info directly relevant to your questions already on the site. You should try a few searches first and then ask maybe some more specific questions. Lots of people have done everything you're trying to do in more ways than one. Its all on here.

Good luck!


Hi Mal,

What Christian says is perfectly true. There is >25 years of such information in thousands of repetitive threads on here. Searching will always find stuff.

Short answers to your questions are:

  • Turbo engines are not great when run NA, as they are low compression. But you can bolt NA externals (manifolds) onto turbo engines, and vice versa. Search using such terms.
  • Auto and manual engines can be swapped. You need to put the correct spigot bush in the end of the crank. Search using such terms.
  • Swapping sumps between 2WD and 4WD engines is not straightforward. The pan rails are different. Search again.

My recommendation? If your NA RWD engine is not healthy....rebuild it. The days of being easily able to find spare engines for any of these cars are long gone, so the lazy/cheap approach is getting further from viability every day.

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Hi Prank & GTS Boy....Thanks for quick replies ....Hard to believe you are on the other side of the WORLD !

OK ....Just what i hoped for.....Not scared to re-build.....I need you advice how to "look for threads".....Have NEVER used a Forum before...Not new at working on cars....Had 59 so far in my life (75 years young !)....One was a R33 GTS ...another was a 289 '66 Mustang back in 1976 (took 10 months to re-build garage with NO POWER to it !).

Is there a GURU in England who could "point me in the right direction" for bits....Engine problem caused by starting engine with Volume Air Sensor UNPLUGGED 馃槖

PRANK...I see you are "admin"...Give us a clue how to use your sight CORRECTLY....So I don't annoy your other users.

Thanks.......Mal T

got to go to bed 2:43am Wed morning...Been up for 18 HOURS !


I search any forum using google. In a google search box type something like;

"site: sau.com.au manual conversion flywheel"


"site: sau.com.au manual automatic spigot"


"site: sau.com.au AWD sump"

I do this because the inbuilt search engine on many forum software can be a piece of shit, not find everything, has bizarre rules about minimum number of characters in a search term, etc etc . SAU's search is not terrible and you can use it (search box is in the top RH corner of every page), but google is more thorough.

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Hi GTSBoy.....So glad I asked !....Would NEVER have thought to search YOUR site by using Google !

Came you confirm that the Stagea Members Club (in England) has sadly "folded" due to so few members left 馃槖

Could you suggest how/where I could find other Stagea owners STILL in England....Is there a "Japanase Magasine" that is universally used by Skyline/Stagea guys ?

Oh....Also owned a red 330ZX before the Stagea ....That was "Good Fun" 馃檪

Thanks for advice..."Open Roads" to all !.....Mal T 

Sorry Mal, I have no knowledge of Skyline/Stag stuff in the UK. I only interact with anyone in the S/S world through sau. This is probably still the largest collection of old knowledge and active users on the 'net.

I am bothered by the suggestion in your earlier post that the engine was damaged by running it without the AFM plugged in. It is usually perfectly safe to do so. Are you sure that this is what caused your problem? And what is the problem?

Hi GTSBoy....Gee....That was quick reply...Thanks.

Yea...Replaced the AFS in between air filter box & inlet manifold.....Had to answer house phone BEFORE I had finished & started engine.......Had to go off to get my lady from dentist (in Smart car.. 'cos it was blocking other 3 cars in)...Shutting the bonnet (in case of "burglars") as I went past Stagea.

when I went back out to finish off....Opened bonnet, could see all pipes/clamps were secure & removed ALL tools !....Started car....LOUD metallic thump....Engine did not turn over !....Stuck head under bonnet (thought "the old fart" had left a tool under the bonnet).....(only used 2 sockets & a ratchet !!!)....They were ALL back in the socket set @*&%^$& !

Stuck head back under bonnet....Spotted sensor cable plug close to connector but NOT PLUGGED IN !!!!....Plugged it in engine mechanically knocks, varing with engine speed 馃 Engine runs "lumpy", white smoke pouring out of exhaust (drive disappears from view) !

 Hope i'm wrong but it sounds like a "take it apart & see"

Please tell me it's because I play ZZ Top all the time ....& i've bent the door speakers (Brummie sense of humour (sorry)

In Anticipation...."Little Grey Haired Old Man".......Mal T 


Hi all you guys....WOW !.....Thanks for binging me "Kicking & Screaming" into the 21st Century !!....This "old goat" is STILL getting his head around people living "on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD" giving me sound advice on how to sort out my wounded Stagea !

car is not fitted with a turbo but yea smokes like a minesweeper !

Valve or piston is a fair bet.....so compression test BEFORE "fetching the lid off" VERY good advice.... Thanks !

To fetch the rods and pistons out do you HAVE to take the lump out of the car ?

I s there a "Workshop Manual" download for this car....if so is it only available in Australia & Japan ?  

DEFINATELY did not drop ANYTHING (use magnetic tray for only 4 bolts & 2 Jubille Clips !)....Only tools used are back in the socket set 馃檪

Only fair that I let you guys know "what I find" when I get my overalls on 馃憖

Hope the "little face" things don't annoy you all...Only just "discovered them !"...Don't do much computer time....Only a few more years left to go !....."CARS ARE MENT FOR DRIVING..NOT POLISHING" (Mal TERRY 2022).

Good On Ya Guys....Mal T

In terms of kicking and screaming into C21....I'd suggest not posting up personal identification information on the 'net if you can avoid it. You never know how it might be used against you with all the scammers and identity thefts, etc. I'll report your post to the mods and ask them to redact it, unless you're happy to leave it there.

Always comp test before tearing a motor apart. Just in case you learn something that stops you from having to do it.

Taking the rotating assembly out of the engine with the engine in the bay is not fun. Not recommended.

Hi You Guys..... AND Girls (sheilas [my sister in law is a Sheila] I guess they drive Skyliners as well ?).....I have a LOT of trouble with "Politically Correctness"...We can't be their equal !....Blokes can't have babies....Girlies (if they don't want to do ANYTHING) they do it badly 馃槀 THAT IS A JOKE !!!!

Suddenly realized that you are ELEVEN hours ahead of me....So at 22:30...You are 8:30am TOMORROW in Sydney !!!

To help this "Old Fart" out...I've set my Skyhawk to show split time to stop me sending stuff in the middle of "your night !"

Good MORNING All........Mal T

Oh....Thought you might like a pick of the Big Beautiful Horse (see reg: number !)....I will be MOST impressed if anyone can I/D the "non-std:" Hub caps I fitted, much  better than the Ford "dustbin lids" supplied by them !...They are 1996-7 yank (not Ford)...A NEW one about 10 years sold on e/bay for just under 拢400 (just ONE)...They are made up of 12 parts !!

Clue.....one of these cars was in a famous car chase film !

Paul & Bunnie.jpg

DAD's '66 Mustang.BMPFetching info...

Hi ...GTSBoy.....I am VERY ignorant in these matters....Thanks for looking out for me....Please do ANY DELETEING that can be "used" or could cause offence in ANY way....I will be VERY careful in future...I apologise if I have caused you any concern or extra un-necessary work.

Do the car photos also cause a problem ?....if so bullet them !!

Respectivly ....Mal T

Hi Mal,

Australia is 3 time zones wide. So, I'm only 8 hours ahead of UTC right now.

Post any photos you like. People here love photos. 66 Mustangs are great because they share the same long nose short deck 2dr/coupe profile used in most Skyline 2drs. (More to the point, Nissan stole the look for the Skylines, Toyota stole it for the Celicas - it is such a classic profile).

Don;t stress about causing anyone any work. I was only looking out for you because you announced that you've got no idea what you're doing on the 'net and thought that you might not be aware of the risks of exposing too much personal info. You have to manage your information leakage. You wouldn't reveal details of how your car is garaged, for example, because someone might be able to string bits of info together from various sources and plan a theft. People put all sorts of dumb shit up on bookface without thinking about it, and once the genie is out of the bottle, you can't know where it has gone.

As to the hubcaps.... if forced to make a call, I'd say 67-69 Camaro or Chevelle.

Hi GTSBoy....I guess that puts you on the West coast....Don't know if my Skyhawk watch has a city over that side....might have to enter another city with an eight hour difference.

I see that some one has been good enough to delete some "personal Ref" from some of my previous messages (posts ?)...THANKS 

How do I get to alter my Real Name to just Mal ?

You need another clue for the hubcap !.....the cat was in the film bullet.....but the actual car had "after market" alloys on it !

This is why these Standard Hubcaps are like rocking horse s*拢& because everyone just slung them  ... .Years later there are guys that set up shops JUST selling STANDARD hubcaps...Going round all the tyre bays buying them up !!

Gotta go........Mal t

I'm not surprised it wouldn't show up on a map, Adelaide's more like a country town than a city anyway:wacko:

I sorted the details in your earlier post but can't do much about your signon name, there are about 100 Mals here already. As you can see some people do use their real names for signon anyway.

Re your engine....if you are certain it is the engine knocking with revs not an accessory on the front eg power steering, I'm not sure I'd do a compression test next. If it is stuffed, the more it rotates the more expensive it gets to fix. I think it is time to pull it out and work out what happened.

BTW movies taught me mustangs are meant to have RB26 under the bonnet, you better get onto that swap.

Hi Duncan......Thanks for "Sortin' the Pommie out !"

Deff: a Bobbin' up an' down part in the engine (i'm afraid)....Was going to do a compression test with ALL the s plugs out (so very little load on Pistons & Bearings).

Sadly...don't still have the Mustang anymore...Was "quite unusual"   289cuin V8, "4 on the floor" manual box, twin driving lamps in the grill, Hi-ratio back axle, saloon finished in ford "sunset red", louvered megaphone chrome tailpipes, Dodge Charger Hubcaps !!......She had to go (Wife wanted to learn to drive...Don't see MANY "Left-Hookers" on the road, with L plates on !!)

If I need Pistons, Con-rods & B Ends for my 2000 RB34DE 2WD M_AT....Can I get them from stockists "over by you" ?

Or do you know a man who can ?

In Anticipation................Mal T

  On 25/02/2022 at 8:10 PM, Duncan said:

I'm not surprised it wouldn't show up on a map, Adelaide's more like a country town than a city anyway:wacko:


It's worse than that. I've been stuck in Bunbury for the last 8 months anyway.

As to the hubcaps - I'm wasn't sufficiently familiar with the movie to know what cars are in it. Apart from the car chase, the rest of the movie is shit. I'm not about to do any research to look for a car in it that doesn't even have those hubcaps on!! I've got infinite hours of youtube videos to watch first. But.....are you sure that they are Charger hubcaps? The do not look anything like Chrysler/Dodge hubcaps of the late 60s (which were universally pretty f**ken ugly!). They do look a lot more like GM product of the late 60s.

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