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SAU NSW - Tech Night - Fri 8th July - Just Engine Management

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"Yes! We're bringing Tech Nights back... The other clubs don't know how to act!"- Justin Timberlake

Yes, we're bringing tech nights back online, and we're starting with one of the best in the business - Just Engine Management!

JEM will be graciously hosting us on the Friday evening, to talk us through what's involved with Dyno Tuning our beloved cars, as well as what you need to do to get your car ready for tuning!

Places will be limited, and members will have preference for places, however, this is open to all!

Before we get into the event details, here are some rules:


1) MEMBERS ENTRY IS FREE! Are you a member of SAU NSW and want to join? Just send any of the exec's a message letting us know, and we'll add you to the list!

2) Not a SAU NSW member yet? Head over to our store and buy yourself a ticket! Non-Member entry is welcome, but tickets are priced at $20pp.

3) Bringing a +1 that's not an SAU NSW member? Then your +1 will need a ticket.

4) Limited parking is available within the premises. Should parking within the shop fill, please park on the street in Noonan Rd.


So, time for the details:

Date: Friday 8th July

Location: Just Engine Management - 2/2 Noonan Road, Ingleburn

Time: 7.00pm SHARP

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Just+Engine+Management/@-33.9881585,150.8623804,18.01z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x511ee0db6fec80f2!8m2!3d-33.9882714!4d150.861932

NON-MEMBER TICKETShttps://www.saunsw.com.au/store/p/sau-nsw-jem-tech-night-non-member-entry

Resfreshments and nibbles will be provided on the night for all who attend! If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know so we can try to accommodate as best as we can!


This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our track days.

This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsport Australia permit.

One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general.

When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to:

• Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly.
• Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should.
• Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly.
• Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave.

Thanks guys and hope to see you there!

  • 3 weeks later...

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