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    • I hear divorce is really expensive...   Because it's so worth it
    • I like this, but .. I dont think 4 doors and wagoneers need their own section. I am going to be really increasing the amount of tags used in content and we can always add a 'wagon' or 'sedan' tag to existing content. Given the clubs and their activity on the forums over the years I do think the Aussie states need subsections, but maybe we do some merging - ACT and NSW, VIC & TAS, QLD and NT ? or WA & NT?  I'm not sure it's intentional Shan, but are you suggesting off topic goes to the bottom? 
    • 10, that was when I got married. Seems like threat of losing half your shit enough to stop you from leaving lol 
    • T4 twin scroll G30-770 is about perfect for around 600whp rb25/6. In my experiences twin scroll set up spools at least 500rpm quicker and has quicker transient response than single scroll set up. Use Sinco or 6 boost t4 divided/twin scroll single wastegated manifold, as they have proper divided wastegate pipe for full benefit of divided/twin scroll set up while only using single wastegate thus cheaper than most other t4 divided manifold which uses 2 wastegates.   For an rb, reverse rotation turbos allows shorter exhaust pipe to turbo which should make quicker spool/response, but there are fewer available reverse rotation turbo options. Artec made reverse rotation manifold as quick response based on shorter exhaust pipe to turbo and G35s as biggest turbo size to fit. Afaik, no comparison test were done between Artec reverse rotation quick response set up vs proper 6boost/Sinco twin scroll set up which use longer exhaust pipe to fit standard rotation turbos, so no proof if Artec reverse rotation set up spools quicker than proper twin scroll standard rotation set up.   For bigger turbos, G40 and up, Artec made only standard rotation manifold with longer exhaust pipe to turbo needed to fit standard rotation turbos on rb. Most other exhaust manifolds are only for standard rotation turbos which has much more turbo options, either small or big. 
    • Restrictive when flowing close to 500kw though yeah? just thinking if 400 to 450kw is the goal then the 8370 fits in that spot. Is the 70mm rear going to be restrictive at that power level? On the 7670s isn't it the compressor running out of puff at 400kw rather than the rear being restrictive?
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