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Anyone selling a red ADM GTR?


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4 minutes ago, MBS206 said:

I was hoping Australians utter hatred for cheap Chinese shit would do it.

I've always wondered how the various Indians you see driving this Chinese shit manage to balance their national hatred of the Chinese with their inability to not buy the cheapest, flashiest looking thing on the market. It must cause massive internal tension.

5 minutes ago, MBS206 said:

MGs etc

And MG's are actually the nest of the bunch. They've had longer to drag themselves up from the quality basement. They're now on the first landing below ground level.

6 minutes ago, MBS206 said:

It really shows, you truly can produce utter shit, and as long as it kind of performs the functions, people will buy it!

Ozito tools rationale, as applied to the newest form of disposable appliance. The motor car.

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24 minutes ago, Dose Pipe Sutututu said:

Oh the irony!

Most people hate China, but can't live without them (cars, phones, appliances, etc.)

You know what's even funnier, is watching some Bogan bitch and moan about how the Chinese are ruining everything, and stealing jobs etc by stuff being made overseas, and then watch them flip out when you ask if they'll pay anymore for the same product, or even a better product made here. Then point out the above Idiocracy, and their brains nearly explode as they attempt to justify their own actions...

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I've been having fun lately poking the enviro-bears. They piss and moan about the price of petrol, then I calmly tell them, that in my higher-than-average-fuel-consuming-vehicle-that-only-runs-on-the-most-expensive-variant-of-pump-fuel-owner's opinion, petrol should have been at least $3/litre for the last 5 years and probably should be about $5 now..... to force people to reconsider their fuel consumption decisions. Then they blow up at me for being stupid.

Power prices too high? Let them stay high until all the fossil fuel heated generators are shut down. Then have a discussion about why they're charging for power generated from (recent) sunlight (instead of ancient sunlight). But in the meantime....surely high power prices are a market signal to reduce your usage.

We're facing the same problems with vehicle fuel consumption as we're seeing in power consumption as we see in computer power (processing power in this case). Because the things get a little better at it, we just allow inefficiency to flourish. The entire sound track for a C64 game (can't remember if it was Mega Apocalypse, or Crazy Comets) was done in like 4KB of memory, including speech synthesis. These days you can't even get a single gif squeezed into 4 fricken' KB.

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