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How long does a Turbo Engine Last?


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BBQ wrote:

"But..... you have to weigh up the difference, When a N/A car goes full noise the pistons, rods and crank don’t move any where as fast, as what a Turbo car does, so naturally theirs going to be more wear on a Turbo car then N/A car."

Now that my friend is crap! Dont confuse road speed with engine speed. And the stroke of a motor will determine the piston speed at a given rpm, not whether it has a turbo or not.

RB20DET ( short stroke ) vs FORD 4L ( long stroke )

I dont know the exact specs, but for arguments sake lets say the Ford motors stroke is double that of the RB20, say 50mm and 100mm.

If both engines are on 1 RPM- revolutions per minute, the RB20 piston has to travel 50mm up the bore and then 50mm down in a minute whereas the 4L has to travel 100mm up and 100mm down, it has to travel twice the distance in the same time. so it has to move TWICE AS FAST as the rb20 piston for one revolution.

People say turbo engines dont last as long as an NA, but its horses for courses. NA and turbo engines are engineered to stay as they left the factory.

You would be very very lucky if 1 out of 10 NA engines were modified away from factory specs.

But with turbo engines you would be lucky if 1 out of ten was NOT modified from factory specs.

Ever heard the saying " guns dont kill, people with guns kill" well it applies here to, "turbo engines dont die early, people who incorrectly modify them kill them early"

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exacly, what seohyunjin pretty much said is an RB25 will eventually break

saying it WILL break at 150,000km is totall bs

They design the engines in testing to take an absolute bashing for 1-3 years straight running them right up to break point, which most of the time is well over 500,000km even with constant thrashing.

The most common reason for engine failure is owner interferance (IE tampering, modding, boosting etc) and lack of maintenence.

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Thanks for all your replies!

I was about to save up for the rebuild! I heard it's like 6grand!

Few, I maintain my car the best i could! =)

After all, my friend is still my friend... right? so yeah... please be nice... sorry...

Any one know what is done during a rebuild? do they take off every thing, and put it back together? is that it? I am clueless! I think they change the pistons too? no idea!

:cheers: for your answers

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A rebuild is just that - you strip the motor down into parts, replace any parts that are worn or stuffed (or could be upgraded :P), and put it all back together again.

Cost depends on exactly what needs to be done, whether you upgrade anything during the rebuild (forgies instead of stock pistons for example), who does it, and where you get the parts from.

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