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Very dodgy Ebay auction. Check this out!

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someone has probably already said this on the thread but here goes -

don't email this person - because they are probably trawling for email addresses and will either use them themselves or on-sell them to spammers ----- :headshot: :

So - BTW - anybody that has emailed - has your spam increased???

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Basically that he could do just that. I'm sure the cops, ebay and the mebers of this forum would love to meet them.  

I would cut and paste it but my girlfriend has deleted it and it probably wasn't quite as polite as that :D


Since he recons the car was in Germany i told him by friend was in Germany for the next 2 months and to give me the address where it is so he can check it for me before i bid on it, and i slipped in that my friend was German and a distant relative of Hitler and i could get the car from Germany to Australia by Helicopter through his connections. He still wanted a deposit for me to see it :D

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Since he recons the car was in Germany i told him by friend was in Germany for the next 2 months and to give me the address where it is so he can check it for me before i bid on it, and i slipped in that my friend was German and a distant relative of Hitler and i could get the car from Germany to Australia by Helicopter through his connections. He still wanted a deposit for me to see it

PMSL! :headspin:

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dam scammers is all i can say *refraining the profanity*

I really feel sorry for anyone who is caught being scammed. My work nearly bought computer software from some **** spam email, said the web site looked all professional and legit. Yeh... thats because it was a bloody graphic template purchased for $200 and some matchstick men on the other side. I think the saying of "It's too good to be true" is usually just that, not true at all, things are always priced at what they are for a reason, stolen, fake, ebay scam... wateva. It's a shame that people see something priced so low and purchase thinking "bargin".

Scams like that GTR for $15,000 blow the mind... with laughter that is...

It's a shame sniffing a scam can’t be taught standard at school... hahah

Dear Mr or Mrs Skyline Forum Member

You have been specifically selected on your fantastic post or posts in the skyline forums. This gives you the chance to win a r35 and PS3. To enter simply donate $5 into this Nigerian / Swedish bank account for your 1 / 10 change to win.

Good luck

Best Regards from us here in cuba spending you money.

Testimonial: “Joe Forreal” I entered the last competition and won! These guys are for real, if this is a testimonial on the net, it must be true! You jerk! :bahaha:”

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