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Queensland SAU members club suggestion box

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  NismoGirl said:
If you are interested in helping scout the run or have any suggestions on a nice leisurely drive + bbq spot, please PM me and provide further details.

Erin, I've organised numerous cruises on the Northisde of Brisbane, through the Sunny Coast hinterland, out to various dams etc & would be more than willing to give you a hand. PM me for my number if you like!

Personally, I like the idea of more family days.... There are a number of members with families and children, so "cruises" to destinations that can accomodate activities or have venues that are family friendly would be fantastic.....

In other clubs I've been associated with, we've organised cuises up & down the coasts that have culminated at restaurants (for either lunch & dinner depending on the day), winery's, parks, beaches, tracks etc etc

Anyways, thats my 2 cents...

Cheers Cam

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My replacement will be voted in.

I don't end up at a lot of cruises because I generally don't enjoy it - why on earth is my attendance at a cruise important? Willowbank - don't have the time, don't have the car, not really that interested.

I would like to see more cruises and major events organised by everyone, we need more do-ers, and less whingers who don't do much. If you are going to have a swipe or criticise, first ask yourself; what was the last major cruise i organised, or charity event, or track day, or social event, or dyno day?

the big problem ive had lately is a shagged net connection at work, which has hindered uploading membership apps, which is happening tonight.

we are totally transparent.

There is always one or two old-skool SAU people at each meet, even if they don't hold a "club title" so I don't think there is an issue there. If people want to know who's doing what I'm sure if you asked you'd be told.

The idea here is to enjoy your car along with fellow enthusiasts not to have each cruise logged and have a roll call each time. Sometimes the small cruises are the best cruises.

Anyone can organise a get together, no one will stop you. If you organise it on here, being the forums, then it's an official meet which is why all Mt Runs etc were removed. If you are worried about treading on toes, don't, if you are out of line with an event we have forum mods for a reason.

We are all here and we are all, for the most part, adults. I don't think you need Slip et al. to hold yours hands to organise a meet/cruise/bbq/whatever.

It's like anything, you have your marketing-types and your behind the scenes types. Both have important roles and neither should be copping flak from the other.

Go out for a drive, you'll love it.


There is always one or two old-skool SAU people at each meet, even if the don't hold a "club title" so I don't think there is an issue there. If people want to know who's doing what I'm sure is you asked you'd be told.

The idea here is to enjoy your car along with fellow enthusiasts not to have each cruise logged and have a roll call each time. Sometimes the small cruises are the best cruises.

Anyone can organise a get together, no one will stop you. If you organise it on here, being the forums, then it's an official meet which is why all Mt Runs etc were removed. If you are worried about treading on toes, don't, if you are out of line with an event we have forum mods for a reason.

We are all here and we are all, for the most part, adults. I don't think you need Slip et al. to hold yours hands to organise a meet/cruise/bbq/whatever.

It's like anything, you have your marketing-types and your behind the scenes types. Both have important roles and neither should be copping flak from the other.

Go out for a drive, you'll love it.


Hmmm seems this thread has gone a bit off track Squizz.

From what I can read most of the comments above were positive and just offering ideas, a willingness to help and the expression of a few concerns, none of which should be classed as whinging.

Everybody really appreciates the time and effort that has gone into the setting up of the club and no-one is devaluing that at all. And it seems that everybody above is interested in helping out in some way.

But the fact is that this is now a paid membership club, and the moment money was collected from people, a certain responsibility was thereby accepted by the executive committee to ensure that people get something back for that money.

Excuses are no longer a valid response for questions and the accusation of whinging when concerns are raised is childish and unworthy of the committee executives.

You are right no-one really cares if Slip, Gary et al, personally comes to these events at all, what they care about is that the holders of a certain office (whoever they may be) in the club, do come to some of these events as representitives of the executive committee and as representitives of SkylinesAustralia Queensland.

From what I can see the raisers of the concerns are indeed the people who have done the most organising of recent events and cruises i.e Strutto who pretty much single handedly started the Thursday night cruises that is the base for the core group on here today, NismoGirl for the Massive Skyline Cruises and Dyno Day, Ska for collecting donations for the SAU website at the cruises.... I could go on.

I am not having a go at anyone or "dishing out flack for others to cop" but trying to better express some of the concerns that have been discussed by the members over the last couple of weeks.

It is fine to say there is "transparancy", but then turn around and say that the raisers of concerns are "whingers" is an analogy to that statement.

There is absolutely nothing personal in the concerns the people have raised and to take it personally is puzzling to say the least.

I for one, as I know others are, are wholeheartedly behind the club and want to help out in any way we can, and in fact I will organise to offer discounts for club members in the business I manage, once the structure and organisation of the club is laid out in some discernable way.

Yes lets have more cruises and events...... and as you say "Go out for a drive, you'll love it"

Hmmm seems this thread has gone a bit off track.

From what I can read most of the comments above were positive and just offering ideas, a willingness to help and the expression of a few concerns, none of which should be classed as whinging.

Everybody really appreciates the time and effort that has gone into the setting up of the club and no-one is devaluing that at all. And it seems that everybody above is interested in helping out in some way.

But the fact is that this is now a paid membership club, and the moment money was collected from people, a certain responsibility was thereby accepted by the executive committee to ensure that people get something back for that money.

Excuses are no longer a valid response for questions and the accusation of whinging when concerns are raised is childish and unworthy of the committee executives.

You are right no-one really cares if Slip, Gary et al, personally comes to these events at all, what they care about is that the holders of a certain office (whoever they may be) in the club, do come to some of these events as representitives of the executive committee.

From what I can see the raisers of the concerns are indeed the people who have done the most organising of recent events and cruises i.e Strutto who pretty much single handedly started the Thursday night cruises that is the base for the core group on here today, NismoGirl for the Massive Skyline Cruises and Dyno Day, Ska for collecting donations for the SAU website at the cruises.... I could go on.

I am not having a go at anyone or "dishing out flack for others to cop" but trying to better express some of the concerns that have been discussed by the members over the last couple of weeks.

It is fine to say there is "transparancy", but then turn around and say that the raisers of concerns are "whingers" is an analogy to that statement.

There is absolutely nothing personal in the concerns the people have raised and to take it personally is puzzling to say the least.

I for one, as I know others are, are wholeheartedly behind the club and want to help out in any way we can, and in fact I will organise to offer discounts for club members in the business I manage, once the structure and organisation of the club is laid out in some discernable way.

Yes lets have more cruises and events...... and as you say "Go out for a drive, you'll love it"

I wasn't actually directing the whinger comment at adrian, more the few people in the past who have rarely shown for any event, done nothing, and constantly attacked us.

Why am I leaving - I think it's time someone else had a go, personally i think Gary is the man for it, but it's up to a democratic vote.

Im getting the membership stuff loaded up tonight after many many tech dramas here at work, got the net going and then sau was down!

why dont we have our president or presidents (which ever) to handle all the sponsorship and membership and fundraising and then have a few other people like vice presidents who organise all the meets like dyno days, thursday night meets, family days, track days so on and so on, and these people should be people who always turn up and people who have a track record like erin and adrian.

As nexus said we are not trying to be rude to the people that set up this club but i think we need more people in the ranks to help out on the club aspect, so gary and slip dont always have to come out.

Hi guys

First of all thanks for airing your thoughts in a mature manner. We are quite conscious of our responsibilities, and rest assured that there is still plenty of behind the scenes activity, aimed at making your club the best it can be. It sounds cliche'd, but it's true!!

Current Positions

El Presidente: Slip

Treasurer: Gary1

Secretary: Me

We don't want to be seen as ordaining What Thou Shalt Attend so, although events will be organised by SAU Qld periodically, we encourage everyone to have some input into the club. If you want to organise something, go ahead. If you need any of us to help you or you're not sure if the event is legal/acceptable, just ask. If you think that we're doing something wrong, or the event could be improved in some way, contact us. Picking up a pattern? :)

Re more people in the ranks: I do agree, but the numbers should be kept to a reasonable level. There's an old saying about cooks and broth that fits in here. An Events Coordinator could be a good thing, mainly so that anyone from outside who deals with the club (eg racetrack owners) will have a consistent contact. Any other suggestions?

MM2: I think the forum covers the regular newsletter, though there's nothing stopping one being sent out if something important happens or is coming up. Does anyone disagree?

On another note: Some people have asked where the hell my car's been! I've had some personal issues lately which have prevented me from bringing the 33 out, but I do still make an effort to attend, even if it is only as a passenger. I'm actually quite pissed that I've had to miss a few events recently... the situation looks to be improving though, so expect to see the misfiring red beast at a non-competitive event near you :rant:

Anyway, my take on events:

In-person club meetings

Yep, absolutely. There'll be AGMs anyway, but if something needs to be discussed, there can certainly be a meeting for that too.

Regular monthly cruises (some family day out aswell)

Regular cruises are right up there on the list.

Family day out = more leisurely cruise with longer, more frequent stops???

Show and Shine maybe twice a year

Show n shines could be setup as part of another event, eg if we enter a stand at Jambo or something, or if we have a dyno day we could use the carpark for it. Or does everyone want a dedicated show n shine event?

Dyno days

Yep, dyno days at a sponsor's premises are already happening, they're fairly easy to set up too so they'll definitely continue as long as people keep showing interest :mad:

Track days at Qld racway and Willowbank drags

Yep to both. The aim is to use a variety of tracks - I'm thinking Darlington, Morgan Park (too far??), Lakeside if it's a goer, that kind of thing.

Skid pan day

Already a fairly regular occurrence, I can't see these disappearing any time soon

Tech talk day

Probably a more appropriate title than 'dodgy mechanics' :D

Yearly event calander

I think this is already a function of vBulletin. If not I'm happy to whip up a page that'll do it.


Nah, us fat bastards are at too much of a disadvantage! Seriously though, not much beats a gokart bonding session :)

Social, non-car related activity

Most definitely. Ideas? BBQ is a good one, particularly as a meet-n-greet and as a non-threatening event for potential new members. Thanks pred!

Charity days

Legendary idea. There's so many positives to this I don't even know where to start :)

Umm anyway, that's about it from me for the time being! My apologies for such a ridiculously long post!

Both squizz & nexus9 put up good points, u have to look at it from another point also as some of the executives have family & jobs that are not 9 to 5, 5 days a week jobs. Now don't get me wrong here I am all for the club meets, but as for needing a Club excutive there why I don't get it.

They do there share behind the scenes, & there must be an individual interest there, look at it like this would you go on or to a club meet/cruze if you really didn't feel like it or just didn't like cruzing, well would you go????

Each question has an answer, as nexus has said which of some need answers, the thing that we need to think now is when the question is answered to make sure it is answered in a diplomatic way.

Well That is my two cents worth.

Sorry if anyone feels like I am singling them out I am not, I think we need to take a look at a bigger picture here for the benefit of all.

  Oz said:
would you go on or to a club meet/cruze if you really didn't feel like it or just didn't like cruzing, well would you go????

If I was a club executive, yes...

Would you expect the president of Australia to turn up to parliment on a regular basis??

Anyway, it seems like I'm in the minority on that point, so oh well... :rant:

The rest of my concerns have been addressed I think, so I'm a happy camper... :)

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