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Howdy all,

First post here... I'm planning on getting a Skyline soon. Most likely an R32 GTR but I'm curious, I see a lot of people cruising around in R34 GTRs these days. These things don't go on trees and I know that most of these people aren't making bank either so I'm wondering (for all you R34 GTR owners) how do you afford yours? Did you get a loan for an insane amount of time? Save first? Mortgage yourself to the hilt? Get a second job?

Just curious.


- J.

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Geez, i could answer that for them

many may own businesses, many might be successful in their jobs, many would already own a home or something along that scale to use as equity for a giant car loan

many may have saved, it's usually rude to ask someone how they bought their car, but logical thinking leads to one of those answers.

or maybe they're all just cocaine dealers.

I paid cash for half of it. The other half is financed over 5 years. The loan repayment is only $100 more than I was paying on my last loan so its no biggie.

I will probably have it paid off in 2 or 3 years and I plan to keep the car forever.

I dont think this is a bad question at all - its a position im in at the moment and I would LOVE and APPRICIATE some feedback from guys like sewid who didnt buy there 34 R's outright.

Im currently looking at buying a 34 GTR - i wont be buying the car outright but will have a substanial deposit. Im interested in the best way to finance the rest - is a simple back loan the way to go (although interest is high on these sort of loans) - or do other institutions offer a better deal.

I am not willing to borrow against my properties - so this is not a option...

This is a question I ask respectfully - if anyone is willing to share there experiences or expertise on the mater please PM me if you dont want to share publicly.

Thanks Daniel

While I don't own an r34 gtr I would suggest that a lot of them are bought on some sort of lease.

With a 3 year/50% residual lease a 80k GTR would cost about 1500 per month, which in the right circumstances is tax deductible (thats right they only effectively pay 800 per month, ATO pays the other 700).


Thats what I want to know - I thought you couldnt lease a import?????

I also thought that if you wanted to lease through a company, say LEASE PLAN for example you would have to buy the car from a yard - therefor paying the bullshit inflated price - i looking to import myself or buy of a importer.


There are *definately* some companies that lease imports, however as I said I don't know of one myself, all I can suggest is a call around. An yes generally they will want to see a dealer selling it as some sort of guarantee that you are not doing their money on a bodgey car from overseas...but once again you can find some.

If you are not self employed you will probably be restricted by who your company deals with, if you are not you have a chance.

BTW re paying more at a dealer, remember its much cheaper to lease an expensive car than what people would pay to import a cheaper one themselves, just wiegh up the numbers for yourself.

One place I can think of that might help is Prosperion, Jimbo on these forums used to work for them, still might. They definately finance imports

I'll second Prosperion - great fellas to get something from and they're proactive rather than cold hard sell their service. The only catch with them is the car must be less than 8 years old at the end of the term ie only R34 GTR can be leased now as all the R33's kinda too old.

Back to the topic, just work hard, spend your cash wisely and try live at home so you can leech off your parents LOL :)

There are *definately* some companies that lease imports, however as I said I don't know of one myself, all I can suggest is a call around.  An yes generally they will want to see a dealer selling it as some sort of guarantee that you are not doing their money on a bodgey car from overseas...but once again you can find some.

If you are not self employed you will probably be restricted by who your company deals with, if you are not you have a chance.

BTW re paying more at a dealer, remember its much cheaper to lease an expensive car than what people would pay to import a cheaper one themselves, just wiegh up the numbers for yourself.

One place I can think of that might help is Prosperion, Jimbo on these forums used to work for them, still might.  They definately finance imports

I can do a novated lease as part of my package through work, so conceivably I could do it that way. Which means the lease is paid for with pretax dollars and lowers my tax bracket.

They prefer I go through a dealer although I can find a car privately. Only issue is I think there are certain safety requirements for it to be classified as a work car (e.g. dual side airbags, etc).

I was originally just gonna take out a loan for $30k, thinking that'd still get me an R32/R33 GTR or a Silvia. Do it that way and not have it break the bank. If I can do it through the novated leasing... mmm...

- J.

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