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Yahoo Auctions


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as mentioned before, you can't access auction houses like USS etc unless you have an agent in japan, or you have a registered business and a postal address in japan.

Best bet would be to check out the websites mentioned above. Another option, if all you're after is past auction data (so you can see what things sold for etc so you know what's a good price to bid at the jap auctions) is to head over to http://english.auto.vl.ru/auctions and check out their past auction histroy.

I'm working on a similar system atm for J-Spec using all their auction accesses (which should update sooner and be more indepth with stats analysers and comparators, and the data is kept for longer too), which should be ready soon. Also stay tuned for more tools and options. :D hope I can finish em soon, coz these guys are keen as to launch em.

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how do you view starting prices on j-spec? Isn't it the same deal with j-spec? I remember searches and more info are only available to members... At least on meisei you get to view more than just a little thumbnail of only the front of each car. They have higher res pics of both the front and back.

meh... i like their site. It's better than any other one I've seen.

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yeah i know jspec don't show it either, but I thought what Essential was after were prices that cars sold for in the auctions to get a feel of how much a car cost to buy in japan. Which is why I suggested that russian one as they list 2 day old auction data with their closing prices and if it sold, or passed in etc.

Although that price won't include transport from the auction house to the port of departure, degassing, deregistration if it needs to be done, agent fee etc. ie its not the FOB value.

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handy translation site for the japanese is http://www.systranet.com/systran/net

note you may have troubles if ur browser is a bit wacky and switches between displaying the squares for the japense, and weird ascii instead. u need the former for the translator to work well.

j-spec get a fair few of their mailing list cars from the yahoo auctions, so its good to keep an eye on them, even if its just to see whats available.

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j-spec get a fair few of their mailing list cars from the yahoo auctions, so its good to keep an eye on them, even if its just to see whats available.

Both J-Spec and Prestige fill the majority of their email list with cars from Yahoo.

We can all thank Mr Monkeh for finally getting the pop-up pictures on j-spec working with browsers other than IE.



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on it already... trying to get a watermark system as well.

With the jspec mailouts, they contain yahoo cars, auction cars that the guys think are cool (did anyone see the F1 car that I chucked in there :)) and ones thru their private suppliers. In the next week or so, my customised mailout system should be ready to go so you'll get more cars that you wanna see. Also the dealer car system is 2 steps away from ready (puttin the final touches on the translation system that I just made :D). We've been populating the database with cars from dealers around japan. ATM we're lookin at 78,000 cars :D :D :D

Also since a lot of people are put off by the thumbnail only view for non members, we've decided to give people a limited preview of the full system to let em see a sample of what they get.

Stay tuned

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it will translate it all for you, including while you browse, i have tried doing what you are going to, i recomend you just save and buy one that is already here, it is way too risky and to be honest is a huge headf***. I dont trust any of the companies setup here in aus either!! too many bad experiences.

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