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Hi all...

Just thought that i should share you what happened at the high way last night.

Ok..i went to pick my mum up from some party.. it's pretty much bushy place so i decided to leave the skyline at home and took my 94 civic which is very rice i must admit..(u know, chromies,EL H badge and clear lights etc ) but anyhow.. i took the high way on the way back so it's quicker..high way was pretty much 2 way 2 lane road..driving along with my nice music on enjoying my big bass while doing 90K's on a hundred zone...there was this car behind me.. HID lights...very bright and was like on a high beam and was driving way too close behind me sort to like -- " Hey you in the Honda..move out the way "-- i didn't really pay much attention to it much...,thinking just another BMW or a LEXUS perhaps with their shiny head lights..i tend not to look much on the rear view mirror as it's pretty bright and an eye sore for me.. but i went to look behind and the car was closer..so.. i hit the gas pedal till i hit the 100K's...still too close...so i went 110K's...still too close...and i was like.." WAT DA"..! then Finally...i saw my exit...took my exit lane and there....--- BRRR ... WHOOSSHH... the UFO ( unidentified flying object ) finally revealed.

A BLUE R34 GTR....!!!! -- gone even before i reached my exit...and i was like-- WAT THE #$%@...!! :( -- lucky you i wasn't driving my skyline otherwise...!! ( not that i'd stand a chance )

But hey....common guys... let's all admit...some of us do drive like a jerk thinking we're superior to other cars.

I for one do admit that sometimes i do stupid things especially on the high way.. like the other day...a truck was in front of me and was doing 80 on 100 zone.. and being a one lane high way..there's no way you could overtake this truck.. but there was this exit sort of like coming from behind heading my way and joining lane... i did the stupidest thing ,.crossed the double lane and took that lane to overtake the truck and oh boy...i must admit i got a little scared there..but i just made it in time for the two lanes to join..whew...!! :throwup:

Now tell me....if its just me or Skylines do have some "weird" effects on the drivers that makes some of us drives like Jerkies ? :rofl:

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c'mon...not even once in your driving career you've been tempted into doing something stupid...hey...for everyones info...i actually have a clean record..no trafic fines whatsoever.. never even had any defect or anything so...got pulled over twice for random breathtest and that's it...but sometimes i get some intimidations from other cars that when they looked at me like as if-- " what a piece of japcrap "... and i was like...want a piece of me ? but i dont race on streets...actually..never have..i did on the high way though...even pushed my ride up to 220ks on a hundred zone...for sure some of us did the same.

But yeah,..i supposed...doesn't really matter what car we drives...if we're a jerk...then its in the blood.

only reason i overtook the truck was that,..i was late for Uni..HE HE

and i was like...want a piece of me ?

not trying to dog you out here but sometimes its easier just to ignore other idiot drivers than to play along. when i think of doin something reckless i hear this loud voice in my head that says "your a freakin moron, dont even think about it!!" i guess not everyone hears what i hear....LOL:D:D

You will always find idiots on the road, I am one of them occasionally, either through anger or impatience. I pulled into a street in a 50k zone the other day and found some douche bag up my ass in a fully sik VN V8 moite, I pulled over and let him go, why should i need to prove that my car is faster?? is he gonna pay my fine?? I think NOT.

Some idiot tried to merge infront of me yesterday when i had already given way and i found myself speeding around everyone like an angry hoon instead of letting him in, had i been in a lesser valued car i would have shut him down legitimately.

People tend to get angry too easily these days

Yeah..........I've done some things I probably shouldn't have.

I wanted to see if my GTSt is really speed limited to 180 k/h. Managed to get it past the 180k end of speedo (prob @ 190k) in 4th @ 6,500 - UPHILL - but ran out of safe road.

Anyone know if these are actually speed limited to 180k??????????????

Whatever, we all look like wimps compared to the members of the MID NIGHT CLUB in Tokyo. These guys take their machines (20-30 all together) out after midnight for a freeway rally at 300+ km/hr !!!!!!!!!!

Have a read - MOTOR magazine January 1996

Reproduced on www.motortraders.net/magazine/article.asp?id=15

Read it & weep.

You will always find idiots on the road, I am one of them occasionally, either through anger or impatience. I pulled into a street in a 50k zone the other day and found some douche bag up my ass in a fully sik VN V8 moite, I pulled over and let him go, why should i need to prove that my car is faster?? is he gonna pay my fine?? I think NOT.

Some idiot tried to merge infront of me yesterday when i had already given way and i found myself speeding around everyone like an angry hoon instead of letting him in, had i been in a lesser valued car i would have shut him down legitimately.  

People tend to get angry too easily these days

I remember seing you pull onto the monash freeway once a few months ago near wellington road and be very impatient :P

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