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Picture this>It's a beautiful sunny day not unlike today, you are sitting at the lights about to turn right from Pickering st into Stafford rd , you make the turn at a safe normal speed , then from a counsil truck I hear the voice of a fat hariy man yell out " Get a V8 " imbetween downing another coke and lighting up another fag at a guess.

The point of this thread " what abuse have you recived from owning a Skyline "


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Not exactly because of the skyline...but the plates. I've had people making crosses with there fingers...one crazy van full of kids and an old guy chanting "down with the devil" while swerving at me banging his horn....very Christian-like haha

It amazes me how fanatical some people can be about something another person doesn't think twice about...I wish *I* was that petty :cheers:

I also had a "get a V8" comment...prior to them being flogged...then they didn't say much?

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I get a fair bit - my plates are 33PSI.

I wasnt trying to suggest that I am running "33 psi" but that i have a "r33 turbo".

One stupid chode at Harry's before I got my FMIC yelled out "how do you run 33psi without a cooler"

My immediate thought was "how the hell could you run 33psi in a skyline even if you did have a FMIC?"

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I love stories keep em coming people

Picture it, Yesterday unlike today a very wet and miserable day, after receiving a call from my gf to pick her up from work I decided to take my back up mobile to avoid any mishap. So I called upon the powers of my ford fairmont once this was produced in front of me I then proceeded to make my way to the Cumberland highway destination north Sydney .On the this journey I encountered a man he too was hairy , fat and of a Mediterranean background in what appeared to be a Suzuki gti. Noticing this at first glance no would think twice but its the actions that followed that really made this story what is today, Now at this point we had stopped at a set of lights when then I heard a engine screaming for help coming from the Suzuki’s direction. Sure enough this man with no destination was bellowing out his intentions to me, so I then thought im very bored its very far I dot want to go its wet before I even realised he propelled himself forward while spinning those 3 spokes of the mark. Then I felt an overwhelming sense of power surge threw me down my arm and into my automatic shifter at this point my foot went straight to the floor. As I came closer and closer to him I noticed his car wasn’t coping to this mans pressure letting me come right past him until hitching the next set of lights. I once again heard this poor engine suffer the brunt of his anger as the rev started tapping in pain while this happened the lights turned green. He then let go of his poor beast letting it spin continuously while turning the wheel from side hoping to get a inch of drift action out of her .At this point I was in stiches laughing to myself by myself having ppl think I was a mentally sick person denied his medicine. By then his revs died right down got grip and continued on his merry way, as did I.

Not really abuse but I had to get it out of the system sorry guys:)

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I love stories keep em coming people

Picture it, Yesterday unlike today a very wet and miserable day, after receiving a call from my gf to pick her up from work I decided to take my back up mobile to avoid any mishap. So I called upon the powers of my ford fairmont once this was produced in front of me I then proceeded to make my way to the Cumberland highway destination north Sydney .On the this journey I encountered a man he too was hairy , fat and of a Mediterranean background in what appeared to be a Suzuki gti. Noticing this at first glance no would think twice but its the actions that followed that really made this story what is today, Now at this point we had stopped at a set of lights when then I heard a engine screaming for help coming from the Suzuki’s direction. Sure enough this man with no destination was bellowing out his intentions to me, so I then thought im very bored its very far I dot want to go its wet before I even realised he propelled himself forward while spinning those 3 spokes of the mark. Then I felt an overwhelming sense of power surge threw me down my arm and into my automatic shifter at this point my foot went straight to the floor. As I came closer and closer to him I noticed his car wasn’t coping to this mans pressure letting me come right past him until we hit the next set of lights. I once again heard this poor engine suffer the brunt of his anger as the rev started tapping in pain while this happened the lights turned green. He then let go of his poor beast letting it spin continuously while turning the wheel from side hoping to get a inch of drift action out of her .At this point I was in stiches laughing to myself by myself having ppl think I was a mentally sick person denied his medicine. By then his revs died right down got grip and continued on his merry way, as did I.

Not really abuse but I had to get it out of the system sorry guys

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I love stories keep em coming people

Picture it, Yesterday unlike today a very wet and miserable day, after receiving a call from my gf to pick her up from work I decided to take my back up mobile to avoid any mishap. So I called upon the powers of my ford fairmont once this was produced in front of me I then proceeded to make my way to the Cumberland highway destination north Sydney .On the this journey I encountered a man he too was hairy , fat and of a Mediterranean background in what appeared to be a Suzuki gti. Noticing this at first glance no would think twice but its the actions that followed that really made this story what is today, Now at this point we had stopped at a set of lights when then I heard a engine screaming for help coming from the Suzuki’s direction. Sure enough this man with no destination was bellowing out his intentions to me, so I then thought im very bored its very far I dot want to go its wet before I even realised he propelled himself forward while spinning those 3 spokes of the mark. Then I felt an overwhelming sense of power surge threw me down my arm and into my automatic shifter at this point my foot went straight to the floor. As I came closer and closer to him I noticed his car wasn’t coping to this mans pressure letting me come right past him until we hit the next set of lights. I once again heard this poor engine suffer the brunt of his anger as the rev started tapping in pain while this happened the lights turned green. He then let go of his poor beast letting it spin continuously while turning the wheel from side hoping to get a inch of drift action out of her .At this point I was in stiches laughing to myself by myself having ppl think I was a mentally sick person denied his medicine. By then his revs died right down got grip and continued on his merry way, as did I.

Not really abuse but I had to get it out of the system sorry guys

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I have a good one, on Monday i had to take a deliver for work to the GMH factory in port melbourne, the delivery was only a couple of boxes so it fitted into the back of my r33. when i got there and drover around the place for abour 20mins (its like another city, with street names and all "torana St, Gemini St etc) i found the place i was looking for. There were a couple of guys standing out the front, and they started giving me shit for taking deliveries in such a shiny car, i let them go on for a bit, until they told me that i should trade in my jap rice burner for a real aussie V8, (suggesting a monaro), i turned around and told them that i usually take deliveries in a VP station wagon, but unfortunately due to poor construction and quality of parts it is BROKEN.

That was the highlight of my day, other then getting paid to go for a drive to Geelong, with petrol money from my boss.

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you know its jeolousy when they pay you out for having a nice car :uh-huh:

alot of the typical 'get a v8' (not all of them) people are extremely biased and never really accept the fact that skylines are fast.. even when they constantly get beaten by them

ive had some really weird ones, this one guy at the coast yells out nice car, i turn to say thanks, but before i get the words out, he yells fu*k head!

then the other nite i was at the servo, and a police car boxes me in, and proceeds to question me on what the deal is with young people and skylines! like that was the reason for boxing me in or something! they were nice police, but i was still confused.

theres nothing better than driving next to a guy in a V8 or a pulsar or something and his girlfriend cant stop starting at me and the car :aroused:


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I agree knore!

Better still when your've upset the boyfriend of said GF by repeatably leaving them behind every time he gets the stupid thought that his 170kw VN calais might actually have chance!

I like to let them think they have a chance by short shifting the 1st two gears and letting them get right up alongside me. Then I stab the clutch in third and launch down the road with my tail wagging.

The GF's seem to enjoy this which enfuriates the BF even more and gives me a greater still feeling of satisfaction.

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i had one kid ride pass me onn abike and yell out get a ford, i was not quick enough to respond with get a car, but also i have owned a ford now why do you think im driving a skyline, because for a family car a falcon is good but as a performance car no

i hate wankers that have tp say something, i hate commodores but i dont pull up next to a commodore and say get a turbo or buy a skyline

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Not long after I first got my car about four years ago, I had some bloke in a shitty old EA Falcon yell "I think your Dad wants his car back!" while stopped beside me at the lights. I turned to him and said "I think the wrecker is looking for yours". Even his mates in the car were pissing themselved laughing at him. It took him until the lights went green to retort with "umm... no they're not!!!", I just laughed at him and drove away :cheers:

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When we had the kingswood (mild 308, very tough sounding though) it was nothing but grins and thumbs up from the crowd...

Now we got a skyline, its anger and agression from other import owners and sneers from on lookers. Amazing.

I miss the world of v8s, but with fuel and rego costs so high.... **** that :cheers:

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This was copied from a thread on boostcruising, and this is one example, may it be the worst I have had, but it sheds an insight into how police can get away with murder.

On the 25th of april this year, there was a drift day, I was called by my father to go to my cousins place to find out why he had not handed over the children, and that police would not investigate, because it was a federal matter. I left the drift day early, speeding to see why he would not hand over the children or make contact with anyone(he was upset mind you). I got there, as a police car from roma st arrive(after my father and my cousins father persuaded police to investigate.) I helped the police in, and found 3 dead bodies. 2 children and my cousins. Most of you have heard of the double murder suicide that took place. I was there..

Now, I spent 7 hours at the police station that night writing my statement and such, only to leave the J.A.B thanking them with their hospitality with such an issue. I was given a lift back to get my car, and was told to take it easy, otherwise they would give me a lift home. I said I was ok. So they left.

As I was going through the city(from kelvin grove to wynnum) I was pulled up by a police car, who had illegally turned at boundary road to pull me over(through a red light also) with lights flashing and sirens going. The 2 officers both exited the Marked police car at 2:30am, not wearing any sort of night saftey wear and approched my car. The police officer came to my window and asked me to turn my car off. Which I did(even turbo timer). He said that I excellerated out of the lights loudly. I denied this because the light was already green, and I was doing under 50km/h because of the state of mind I was in. [i have a 5" tip on the end of my 3" exhaust and I have a cat(not guttered). But still he went on to try and make me confess. Finally he gave up and switched to Hooning. "Do you know about the latest hooning laws?" "Such as a vechile can be confiscated for 24 hr on first notice for hooning?" I said "Yes, But I'm not hooning, I am driving home." He said he had seen me 'doing laps' all night, and that lying would get me in more trouble." "I said no I had not" He then asked for my license and went back to the car. At this stage a mate of might had drove past came back and got out of his car to see what the problem was. He was asked for ID from the other policeman that was checking out my car, and was asked to empty his pockets, once he had done so, he was asked to leave. The policeman that was talking to me then returned and said, "Do you know how many points you have? I said 1, and he said so how did you lose eleven of them? I said I was doing the wrong thing. then he replied with; "Ahh so do YOU realise that doing laps in your car with its flashy paint, its shiny mags and loud exhaust can get people killed? Why do you do such things, do you think you impress the girls, show how much money you've wasted on a car! Why cant you sit at home and watch TV, or go out clubbing instead of building these death machines that kill people. Not only yourself but the poor bugger walking across the road, when you come FLYING around the corner and loose control of this powerful car. Do you understand why we hate these cars?[he didnt let me answer and pulls out his mag light and points at me.] My wife works in the RBH intensive care unit, and she has to look after the people you hoons put there. Do you want me to take you up and show you what these cars do to people, do you want me to show you people with tubes hanging outta their throats and missing limbs? Do you want to see peoples lives that are ruined.[at this stage he was waving his mag lite around and hit my drivers side mirror.] he then put the maglite into his holster and waive the other office to go, he gave back my license and told me that I have been put on the 'HOON LIST' and to go home immeditaly and dont come back out tonight.

I know I didnt get a ticket, but I thought this might have some impact on the way some of us have been treated. Helen at the J.A.B was shocked when I had told her this at the funeral for my cousins', and said I should have gotten the officers details and what branch. But I was in too much shock to even think of it. Helen said that most police officers wish that the traffic police would have different uniforms, so the normal police wouldn't get such a bad name. She offered counslling services to which I said no. I wont forget that policemans face or the attiude at which he displayed the most un-professional way at doing his duty. And has put traffic branch in the 'stay clear' books for me. Since that day I have limited my cruising and driving, as such as not going out on thursday-sunday nights. And going to and from work. I have organised for my hilux to be brought down so I can drive into the city without the fear of getting pulled over again and hasseled/harressed.

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sorry i thought this was another thread :cheers: I deleted the prevois post.

anyway, I get the heads turning, then wheels burning and my heart pumping, thats why I got my car :D I enjoy it, even thoguh I've throught about selling can getting a r34 GTR, I dont think it will change much execpt for the amount I pay each week, and the TRAFFIC police harrassment.

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