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Up comming election is federal not state, state is at least 6 months away.

If you want to do something target public servants who think these policies up, or police commissioner etc

Michelle roberts is just a figure head puppet.

Liberal labour wouldnt make a lick of difference with a law like this.

breathe in breathe out drive sanely in sane areas.

You're wrong

Ministers (in this case Michelle Roberts) announce the proposed legislation to the Houses. It goes through several readings and if there's a general agreement then then it is passed and enacted. It is entirely to do with them and definately to do with Michelle Roberts.

The upcoming election is federal yes, but the Premier can call his votes whenever he wants (which is what all the current fuss about them possibly breaking their 'set-date policy' for state elections has been about in the media)

Paul, it's what makes a democracy dude - our freedom. People should have the choice whether to vote or not, instead of being forced (and penalised)

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Paul, it's what makes a democracy dude - our freedom.  People should have the choice whether to vote or not, instead of being forced (and penalised)

Hmm, then we'd be more like the US, and I can't say that having tools like George Bush are a big selling point to me. Anyway, we're not debating whether to vote or not, just that we need to get rid of Michelle Roberts:D

Im wrong? So michelle roberts researched, planned, thoughtout and implemented the legislation that we have here now? not the public servants that work for her departments? im aware of the workings of the bill, but who was going to vote against the bill and why? Nobody because it makes good political sense. She is just a puppet. She could be incharge of the health portfolio or education next year.

Well im happy to vote against and/or sign a petition - not that anyone appears to pay attention to petitions anyway.

Im sickened by the fact that if I do accelerate hard up to the speed limit, in my import, that it could potentially be taken away from me (if caught). Whereas if I accelerated hard in my sh!tty corolla no-one would look twice.

I'd be keen to oust both Michelle Roberts, and Alannah Mactiernan.

Michelle Roberts for her rediculous anti hoon laws, and Alannah Mactiernan for her absolutely ****ED UP town planning. Who the **** puts Homes West houses in Subiaco and Claremont. ****wit.

I'd be keen to oust both Michelle Roberts, and Alannah Mactiernan.

Michelle Roberts for her rediculous anti hoon laws, and Alannah Mactiernan for her absolutely ****ED UP town planning. Who the **** puts Homes West houses in Subiaco and Claremont. ****wit.

so only the rich and/or fraudulant are allowed to live in subiaco and claremont ya ***in snob

cmon realistically if you paid $500K+ for a house would you want next door neighbours with dead car bodies out the front etc? ..... it devalues the area. But in some ways i can understand they are trying to "break down" the social classes and close the gap between rich n poor but im not sure whether thats a good way to go about it.

Im wrong? So michelle roberts researched, planned, thoughtout and implemented the legislation that we have here now? not the public servants that work for her departments? im aware of the workings of the bill, but who was going to vote against the bill and why? Nobody because it makes good political sense. She is just a puppet. She could be incharge of the health portfolio or education next year.

I'd have to agree with what RB20Lagwagon has been saying in regards to the powers that be.

Michelle Roberts is only really a figure head when it comes to implementing these new "laws". I don't know much about Police, but W.A's Health System is much the same. The Health system may have Commissioners and Ministers and the like, but the planning and actual "work" that takes place is done by the public servants who work in their respective departments. Same applies for the Police.

Beaurocrats / Public service have more power and influence over Politicians than everyone thinks. Hence why it is against the law for a Politician to remove / sack a Beaurocrat.

Political parties get voted in and out, and once this happens, the Ministers and Commissioners all get booted and replaced with new ones. However they are never replaced with people who know what theyre ****ing doing. Prime example of this was when John Day (Minister for Health a few years back), was replaced with Bob Kucera. Who was a ****ing cop, not a Health person, who knew **** all about Health, where is was at, or where it was going. This applies to the Police as well. Therefore, no matter what happens, weather or not Labour is voted in or out, all that will happen is that Michelle Roberts will get the flick, but will be replaced with another ****wit.

It sounds like a petition is the way to go, but the chances of it actually getting anywhere are pretty slim. For the government to implement new "laws" such as these, and to then remove them, will make them look like dickheads. Something they obviously wont want.

so only the rich and/or fraudulant are allowed to live in subiaco and claremont ya ***in snob

If not wanting to live next to a pack of arguing, yelling, screaming animals such as we did in Subiaco, then yes .. I'm a snob.

When people have worked their absolute arses off for their whole lives, and earnt money to live in a decent area, they don't expect to have housing put up next to them only to have dole bludgers move in and **** up the neighbourhood.

If you can't hack that, then cry to someone who cares, because I certainly don't.

Im wrong? So michelle roberts researched, planned, thoughtout and implemented the legislation that we have here now? not the public servants that work for her departments? im aware of the workings of the bill, but who was going to vote against the bill and why? Nobody because it makes good political sense. She is just a puppet. She could be incharge of the health portfolio or education next year.

Yep ... you're wrong.

Yes, Michelle Roberts had stuff all to do with the makings of the bill, it's handed to her via public servents, private members, law reformists etc etc but SHE accepts it and introduces it to the Houses, with the intention to enact it.

That is her role, a minister, she overseas her department. You might consider her a puppet ... everything she does and everything all politicians do is for ratings; so yes, they might be a slave to public consensus.

In a way it's good, because it benefits the majority of society. But as for the minority there are no scraps fed to them, they get nothing. That's because they're a minority and noone cares. WE are a minority - we're car enthusiasts. Most of WA is angry at 'hoons' and they see this new legislation as beneficial. We (because we drive a modified vehicle) are seen as hoons, whereas we KNOW it's an even smaller niche out there who are driving dangerously ... but noone cares - why? Because we're a minority and noone is vocal enough on this subject for people to hear.

Therefore, noone will have voted against this bill because it's 'benefiting' 90% of the public; oif they had have opposed it, they would have had 90% of the public against them, and that's not good for THEM. They'd be fools to do so.

But the bills from public servents etc can still be rejected, but it was her who introduced it where she could have rejected it. The only way to prevent it is to get her out of government and get a more able minister in, or do as SST is trying to do and make ourselves vocal against these new legislations.

Yep ... you're wrong.

Yes, Michelle Roberts had stuff all to do with the makings of the bill, it's handed to her via public servents, private members, law reformists etc etc but SHE accepts it and introduces it to the Houses, with the intention to enact it.

That is her role, a minister, she overseas her department.  You might consider her a puppet ... everything she does and everything all politicians do is for ratings; so yes, they might be a slave to public consensus.

In a way it's good, because it benefits the majority of society.  But as for the minority there are no scraps fed to them, they get nothing.  That's because they're a minority and noone cares.  WE are a minority - we're car enthusiasts.  Most of WA is angry at 'hoons' and they see this new legislation as beneficial.  We (because we drive a modified vehicle) are seen as hoons, whereas we KNOW it's an even smaller niche out there who are driving dangerously ... but noone cares - why? Because we're a minority and noone is vocal enough on this subject for people to hear.

Therefore, noone will have voted against this bill because it's 'benefiting' 90% of the public; oif they had have opposed it, they would have had 90% of the public against them, and that's not good for THEM.  They'd be fools to do so.

But the bills from public servents etc can still be rejected, but it was her who introduced it where she could have rejected it.  The only way to prevent it is to get her out of government and get a more able minister in, or do as SST is trying to do and make ourselves vocal against these new legislations.

I understand where you are coming from, but you have over seen my point.

Michelle Roberts does accept the bills etc and you are correct. However, what I was trying to point out is that the Minister, in this case, Michelle Roberts, is not the key player. Yeah of course she may be the minister, but she isn't the "know all, end all". There are other key players who appoint the Ministers and others, and it isnt the Premier. Sure, Gallop accepts them, but there are small "clubs" in each department who run the show behind the scenes, which in the end, no one ever hears about. Additionally, whenever a Political party is appointed, the Ministers etc leave, but these "key" people still remain.

I used W.As Health System previously ONLY as an example, as this IS the case in that Department; and Police, Education etc are all in the same boat.

Up until a couple of years ago the doctors and other public servants on the MHSB ran the Health service. Not the Minsiter, not the Commissioner, these pricks were merely puppets and had little influence over "serious" problems that existed.

Anyway, enough of my examples. My point being is that you dont have to be the top of the food chain to influence government. People like Michelle Roberts ARE puppets. Sure, they do have rolls, but nothing more than a rubber stamp (just like the governor general is to the prime minister). And when things get bad, these little "key groups" use people like her as scape goats whenever things go bad. The cowards always need someone to blame.

Believe me or not, and I know it may all seem like a conspiracy theory to you all, but this is how it works. Here in W.A especially.

P.S I'm not trying to take the piss, so don't flame me for it. All I'm trying to do is provide others a little insight to how these wankers operate.

Boosted: your points are quite true and valid, but you won't sway the majority of people reacting first and reasoning later. these people here want a scapegoat and want to try to feel like they can make a difference when the laws themselves are actually good and are there to protect the majority of people, not a minority like we are.

Yeah for sure! I totally agree with what your saying in regards to the laws being beneficial for the majority of the community, and not the performance car enthusiast minority. Rather, what I am trying to outline is that even if Michelle Roberts is booted out, it will have absolutely nil effect on the way the Police have been operating over the last few years. Simply because she herself is more than likely being influenced by other key players within the Police system.

Anyway, enough of my examples. My point being is that you dont have to be the top of the food chain to influence government. People like Michelle Roberts ARE puppets. Sure, they do have rolls, but nothing more than a rubber stamp (just like the governor general is to the prime minister). And when things get bad, these little "key groups" use people like her as scape goats whenever things go bad. The cowards always need someone to blame.

Errr, no Dan, the minister is in charge of his/her department. It is their responsibility to introduce the bills to the Houses for consideration (the three readings). These little clubs may have influence with the members on the legislative assembly/council but it is Michelle Roberts who accepts them and puts it into the process for legislation.

She's hardly going to introduce something which she will have to administer, if she doesn't agree with it.

Michelle Roberts introduced this one and other equally daft ones such as the roadside witness one to hoons. They're all part of a pathetic public opinion ratings driven agenda for no doubt the lead up to elections, to make it look like they've been busy protecting society.

But I'm not disputing you over the fact that you don't have to be top of the heirarchy to influence the government. We as a minority can influence it, but in order to be influencial you have to be vocal. Nothing will get done sitting here talking about it on a forum; and then when the crunchtime comes the bills get passed undisputed and everyone starts fussing over it. Minorities work by being vocal.

In any case I think labors botched up on many other areas and won't be staying for another term anyway.

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