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Hi all,

In around 67 days I am to get a different car with a budget of $20,000.

I am 18 years old and have been saving for so long i can't remember now.

I have my eyes on two cars

1. R33 GTS-T.

2. S14 200sx (preferred choice so far)

Which car is better (faster accel and handling) after around $6k of engine mods.

is the RB25 or SR20 a more responsive engine?

the weight of 200 make it a bit better?

any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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If you intend to do a lot of suburban driving then you'll enjoy the quick punchy style of the SR20 and the light weight of the S14.

If you gonna be doing a few highway KM's then it would be more enjoyable in the more refined and luxurious skyline with the longer legs.

But when you come to mods your 6K will probulary go futher in the S14 as with less weight less horsepower less rear steering (ie. none) less size wheels and rubber you will get more performance improvement with out spending as much money.

But if i was you (and i was a few years ago ), get a datto and thrash it to within an inch of it's life or more and then get another one. When you have learned all those nasty and costly lesson of driving and got all those silly habitions out of your system then get a nice car.


But if i was you (and i was a few years ago ), get a datto and thrash it to within an inch of it's life or more and then get another one. When you have learned all those nasty and costly lesson of driving and got all those silly habitions out of your system then get a nice car.

Haha. Yeah i have a shitter at the moment and i reckon it won't see next year so I just about got it out of my system.

So sr20 will have more punch at lower speeds? awesome.

I drove a lightly modded gts-t and it felt good but not as quick as i seen many sr20 powered cars.

Agreed. I bought an S14 after a Skyline, and I've never looked back since. It was the best trouble free car I've ever gotten. With good handling mods, you don't have to worry so much about the tail coming out. The SR20 is fuel efficient if you drive it nicely, and it's got great smooth delivery throughout the rpm range with very little lag.

the s14 would have cheaper and more accesible insurance. which is a big factor when looking at a skyline. especially for an 18 year old.

go the s14


Not true... When I was looking at either an s14 or R33 gts-t only 3 months ago the insurance for the s14 was $1000approx more than for the GTS-T with the same agreed value of $25,000.

200sx insurance is more expensive than skyline insurance.


Not true... When I was looking at either an s14 or R33 gts-t only 3 months ago the insurance for the s14 was $1000approx more than for the GTS-T with the same agreed value of $25,000.

200sx insurance is more expensive than skyline insurance.


dont know where your getting your quotes from. if its just cars for the s14 then dont take any notice cause they are expensive across the board. they wanted 3000 for my old alfa, which shannons only charges a few hundy for.

the thing about the s14 is that it is an australian delivered car. meaning that practically all places will insure it. more competition will mean lower price. skylines are expensive cause just cars is the only fully accesible company so theres no competition. therefore higher price.

this is not only logical, but seams to be the general consensus from s14 and s15 owners.


anything turbo is gonna hurt u for insurance

u would have to be mad to get a nice car (either) and not have comprehensive insurance

id buy something carp, drive it for a few years, (with comprehensive insurnce) and then go turbo

sux, but so does life when your young

Yeah insurance is something that's a bit of a worry but I'm willing to pay around $4k premium a year because I truly love those two cars to bits. I would def go comprehensive, driving records clean so im not worried about the excess.

More worried about someone flogging it than actually crashing it.

I know it sounds a bit arrogant/c*cky but im a sensible driver so im not worried. It's just thieves and idiots on the road who drive out of their limits to try and impress their friends. I know im a P plater, but some p'platers (eg across from my house) are the reason why Provisional's premiums are so high [jabba's]

I just want a 200 [i know this is a skyline site, but hey its made by nissan so its gotta be good]

I drove a lightly modded gts-t and it felt good but not as quick as i seen many sr20 powered cars.

Feeling its going faster and actually going faster are 2 different things.

I would learn to drive first before starting to do any mods as there are already enough P plate formula 1 drivers around on the roads causing insurance excesses to get worse and worse after they discover they cant drive as well as they thought!!

get the S14, its a nice car to learn about oversteer and other fun occurances that happen in a nissan RWD. and build up the car slowly don't just blow 6 grand in one go. when you do that you get a feel for what's changed in the car and how the car and you react to it. Otherwise you'll end up with car that feels nothing like stock and it'll feel like you've been thrown in the deep end of the pool.

Yeah dun worry INASNT, I'm not going to straight away modify it, I've only driven a turbo car once ('94 r33 gts-t) and it felt a WAYYYY different to drive with the how the engine responses to that of the car i drive every day (lol - a 93 hyundai lantra, stock as a rock). So I'll definately be sensible.

But when my limits (when im say 20 and off P's) are higher than that of the car, I'll do it up a bit and leave it at that. Still im a sensible driver so I'm not worried about crashing because i dont do stupid speeds like 180km in 60's. I never drive out of my limits, maybe one day if i drive on a track, but not a main roa.

So many idiot drivers that hoon and aren't in control, You only need two of those people together to create a horrific crash.

I was faced with EXACTLY the same choice a bit less then a year ago. I was considering the R33 gtst or the s14 but because some of my friends had a r33, and sitting in it and driving it a few times, i knew i had to get myself a line. I actually considered the GTT r34 and the S15 but couldn't stretch my budge that far, but if i had to make the same choice again today, I will choice the line.........but s14 is also a goood car so you won't lose out which ever way you go. One car that i didnt consider but i should have thinking about it now is the 180sX type X 97 model. That is one gorgeous mudaFcuker and if i were to change cars from my line, i would go for a 180 or a silvia..........but yeah they are all nice cars...but my recommendation: the r33 simply coz its a skyline =)

oh ummmm btw i was 18.5 when i bought my skyline and insurance for me was $3.6k with famous and excess was $4k...so just giving you an idea of what type of money your gonna be paying!

i got quoted higher for a 200sx apparently because they r classed in with the silvias and a lot of young'ns are writing them off hence they r getting a bad rap, i got quoted almost $2k more from most insurance compaies

i've never looked back after driving my line though, only thing i don't like is the HICAS, feels weird at high speeds, like the backs slipping out but its not

if u plan on spending time sideways though go the 200, the line balance will never cut it

my 2c

dont know where your getting your quotes from. if its just cars for the s14 then dont take any notice cause they are expensive across the board. they wanted 3000 for my old alfa, which shannons only charges a few hundy for.

the thing about the s14 is that it is an australian delivered car. meaning that practically all places will insure it. more competition will mean lower price. skylines are expensive cause just cars is the only fully accesible company so theres no competition. therefore higher price.  

this is not only logical, but seams to be the general consensus from s14 and s15 owners.  

I was getting quotes from all over the place. This was only 3 or so months ago too. When was the last time you got a quote?

As fresh said, it seems that 200sx's are being crashed more than skyline's by young drivers. So their premiums are therefore higher.


i've never looked back after driving my line though, only thing i don't like is the HICAS, feels weird at high speeds, like the backs slipping out but its not

I've never felt the HICAS come on, i assume the light comes on when its on. At what speeds and cornering has it kicked in for you?

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