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I have to agree with everyone else stay away from skylines for the next 3 yrs, im also on my Ls gettin my Ps soon. Wait tell u get some more experience, TC is the R34 isnt really that great, especially when its raining (older brother has one) Stick to something N/A Like a Gemini or charade, if u want a import try a N/A S13.

Hmmmm Gemini, Charade or S13...

Seriously I think something like an IS200 or 318i or Audi A4 are very good learner cars. Obviously they cost a lot to fix if you damage them but they are all very reliable and have cheap insurance... They have traction control, ABS and airbags coming out the wazoo and they are so gutless that they are harder to get into trouble with.

The only problem with them is that they are four doors and the passenger effect is always a problem. Maybe in that case a Z3 or some other two seater would be a better option. They will look pimp and most girls are good safety devices (no action if you drive fast).

Your Dad will be happy, you will not get hassled by the cops for having an import and you can pimp around for three years then let loose when you are off your restrictions.

I personally would invest in something different first, Maby a non turbo skyline, For you first car, For starters you insurance will be around $3000 if not more. If you can get insured not having any insurance before.

And the fact that a skyline is a performance car is not a good idea for people still learning how to drive. I’m saying this because I know of 5 cases where people who have just got their licences and people who have had them for a while, Have got them selves a turbo car, And crashed it with in 1 week of owning it. We have had one young guy crash his 180sx turbo with in 1hr of owning it.

Also the matinance is high on some vehicles, since they come from Japan you don't know whats going to go wrong with them. My car is a good example I purchased a skyline had it for 2 weeks and the engine blew up, I'm still in the process of re-building it now and have been with out a car for over a year and paying of a $30,000 loan for something that’s sitting in a garage.

Just a few things to keep in mind.

Wait a little while first and then make a move in a couple of years.

My 2c worth

I'd like to add my 2c cos TEAMSHADOW has come on thinking of getting advice instead he's been bashed with a silly stick.

TEAMSHADOW - please understand most of these guys aren't trying to give you stick. It's just after driving skylines and other hi-powered cars these guys know the skyline in the hands of a young and inexperienced driver is a weapon.

They don't want you to write your car off, be hated by your friends for having daddy buy you some fat car, or most of all hurt yourself just to have the car you want.

Take it from me - I agree with them. My first car was a 2 litre 5 speed Renault Fuego and I still got into trouble with that. A skyline I would have been dead and I'm glad. I'm 21, on my third license and about 4 cars later only now about to buy a hi-powered car.. and even THEN I get scared and know the amount of responsibility I'm getting into.

My sincere advice to you is for god sakes buy a shitbox. Learn to drive in it. Then think about what you want from there... jumping in the deep end isn't always the best thing to do.

My 3 cents.

Good luck.

wow, hey thnx guys...i never knew so much behind the scenes, my god seeing that r33 skyline beaten up like that is shocking...

ive taken into account everyones' replies...helped me alot in knowing where my dad stands and where i stand...guess i haveta drive something of a lesser calibre for a while be4 i get my hands on sum nissan goodness...

wat prompted me to wanting a skyline is in macquarie uni in sydney...u see r34, r33, silvias, integras...beemers..and heaps of cars parked in the uni's carpark and majority of them have p plates hanging from the window..

nonetheless, i agree with everyone here..i do not wanna end up smashing the very car i love to drive...so yeh, needa get road experience first. cheers guys, u helped me heaps :P

Hmmm, I understand why most of us agree that a turbo/hi-po vehicle is not a good first drivers car. What I dont understand is the obvious hostility that TEAMSHADOW is receiving from certain members from this forum.

Granted people like Mines Datsun may have left bad memories when it came to skylines and p/platers but I certainly dont know TEAMSHADOW well enough to say that he is anything like him. And who cares if his father is buying him the car for him, its his father's money, he can do with it what he wants. I know if i was rich and I was going to purchase my son a car i wouldnt buy him a shitbox. Why should I, when i can afford to buy him a good car.

TEAMSHADOW, skylines are nice cars but the turbo charged ones might be a little too much to start off with. If your really wanted a r34 then maybe get the GT (non turbo) or get yourself a nice BMX or Lexus. And if your father is buying it for you then just understand that you are fortunate, more fortunate than some of us.

CWest: I think your missing the point behind most of the posts on this thread. I dont think anyone gives two hoots about the fact teamshadows dad is buying him a car. Instead they are voicing their concerns about a young and inexperienced driver being behind the wheel of a very fast and potentially very dangerous car in the wrong hands. Those of us who are a little older will often comment on such an issue as most of us remember how we drove while on our P's and I for one can only imagine the sort of trouble that I would have landed in had i been driving a turbocharged RWD vehicle rather than my ford laser.

There is absolutely no need for such an inexperienced driver to be behind the wheel of such a powerful car. If its the looks the driving experience that teamshadow is after, then something like an N/A R34 would be a suitable option. Furthermore, any parent that buys their kid an expensive powerful car when they get their P's needs their head read.

Its common sense.

I have first dibs on salvaging parts when this guy wrecks his import.

Seriously though - your dads not going to spend 40k on a coffin. Everyone knows they are only about $500. If he wanted you to die, he would kill you in your sleep, its easier.. so ive heard.

Go luxury.

Plenty of my mates have driven their parents cars day in day out all thru their late teens and early twenties without having big accidents as a resutl of speeding etc, much like myslef.

But the thing to remember even if you are level headed and drive to the best of your ability, you are still new to driving, and it woudl suck to have chipped rimns, scratched panels from parking incidents, or a hammered front end because one day you werent reading traffic properly and were a bit close to the car in front.....and wack rear enda with another car. LOL, now plenty of ,my friends did that in their fisrt cars / parents cars

Hi Mate et al,

I sort of know the position you are in and can only concur with what the others are saying. I had a bit to spend on my first car back in the day (not as much, and due to family misfortune) and ended up taking advice from a family friend (who owns a prominant advanced driving school in Sydney) and ended up investing in a little 1.8 Audi A3. Then spent the first few years I was driving doing numerous driving courses at the various schools and quickly discovered that even my little 1.8 had limits well beyond those of my own.

I took a fair while before I was confident that I could "graduate" up to something abit more powerful.

Anyway, by the sound of it you have a good attitude and are sensible. So my suggestion is to get a small (read "light") manual NA car, you'll find that you will be able to have heaps of fun and will have a platform that doesn't have too steep a learning curve. Then take your time and aim to slowly and steadily improve yourself, it's better to take your time becoming a great driver than quickly becoming an ex-driver. Even Michael Shumacher didn't become Michael Shumacher over night. :P

Also, with your budget you should be able to get something pretty pimpin for picking up the ladies.



PS: if you look to your Dad that you're making a wise decision now, he'll probably soften up to other suggestions down the track.

Teamshadow, you are indeed in a very very lucky position. Quite obvious that your family is very well off, i envy you, but am also glad for you!! :P I do agree with the people here that an r34 gt-t is maaaayyybe a little too much for your first car, we all dream of owning a car like that as a first car, but for 99 percent of us its way out of the question. It depends on what you want out of your first car. If its a performance import you desire, maybe buy something just a tiny bit little more sedate, maybe an s13 or something, and spend a few extra dollars tidying it up, making it look really presentable. The insurance for a turbo import is gonna be the real kicker, so take that into account (at least a few grand a year) If what you want out of your first car is primarily "street cred" and girls, i reckon you buy a lexus, tint the windows, lower it on its guts and chuck big shiny 19's on it, now that is a truly pimpin car. If you really really want the r34, which i cant blame you for, and want the turbo model as well, then for gods sake, take some proper professional driving courses, so you dont kill yourself!! the last thing we want to hear on this site is another young person killing himself in an import.

It seems in a lot of the replies there seems to be some jealousy?? i maybe wrong, so dont flame me too much, lol. I envy you dude, and i wish you all the best in your search for a first car.

Yeah my dad is going to make me take a course before i can drive the Skyline on my P's. Throughout my first year of learning i drove a bomb VL commodore and then in the second year moved up to the Skyline. Im getting my P's in exactly 2 weeks and before i drive it on the street with the little red plates i would have finished a driving course. Oh and making sure the car is set on low boost. :P

I think driving a stock skyline on your P's is not a problem. Ive driven a couple stock ones and they dont seem to be that powerful. There arent that much over the 125Kw Per Ton limitations, and honestly half this forum is full of people who are on their P's and drive turbo skylines so dont be hypocrits.


with your 250kw - you are the prime example chris :P so don't crash it, otherwise other young people like me will be taking shit for it ;)

driving courses: don't come out of them thinking you are kingkong... they can have a bad effect on some people. i'll be doing the defensive driving course eventually too. fun for the skidpan, responsibilenessnessness on the road.

Man i go crazy when i see a scratch on the car

Imagine what i'd do if i put a dent in it...

How i think about it, racing is for the track. I would probably go down to calder a couple of time to let my right foot go to the floor. There is no use going spastic on the roads, unless you actually want to kill youself. Its the driver, not the car.

Man i go crazy when i see a scratch on the car

Imagine what i'd do if i put a dent in it...

How i think about it, racing is for the track. I would probably go down to calder a couple of time to let my right foot go to the floor. There is no use going spastic on the roads, unless you actually want to kill youself. Its the driver, not the car.


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