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In my 1)extreme boredom and 2)extremely lame attmept to get everyone to talk more, I have created this thread. The idea, obviously, is to post quotes, preferably car related but its not compulsory. Ones of a humerous nature would be much better than ones that come with realistic goal in mind :(...A fine example of this could be degrading the riced and rediculous.

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hehe had similar quote thing at work but they write it on whiteboard in lunch/kitchen room instead..

some quotes I can still remember:

"remind me not to heat up my salad in the microwave"

"I want to goto japan and see the snow monkeys"

dilbert quote:

"shut up and reboot, shut up and hang up."

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With strength comes limits.

Today, I will be running 4 bar.

I have 11,500rpm and I intend on using every last one of them.

What? The speedo only goes to 320?

Lights for beginners: Red = Stop. Green = Go. Amber = Go faster. Blue = Warp factor 10.

Objects in mirror no longer matter.

If in doubt, increase boost.

Engineered to be feared.

Insert smartass comment here.

If you start to see in B&W then you know your pulling enough G's.

Don't panic as you will black out soon.

I only use the brakes so I can accelerate all over again.

Please fasten your seatbelts and stow all your valuables prior to take off.

Drive it like you stole it.

Trust me, I got an E in physics!

Wastegates are for sissies.

When I grow up, I wanna be a mad scientist!

I am kept in place by G-forces, not seatbelts.

Revs, they're the #1 replacement for displacement

Do you have any idea how fast you were going ? Sorry Officer the speedo only goes to 320

You mean there is life outside of Internet? You're shittin' me!

I haven't seen daylight in six months.

Living in a cave with 47 computers and an Internet feed, located near a Dominoes pizza. See !d.

Living alone, get out once a week to buy food, no more than once a month to do laundry. All surfaces covered.

Will drift for food

If NISMO stands for Nissan Motorsports, does HOMO stand for Honda Motorsports?

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