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Need help on decision

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Aiight guys i need opinions, im soon to be 19 and currently at school while working a casual job. during my 2 years at this job i managed to save a fair bit(more then half the value of the cars mentioned below). ive been into cars since my mate from work imported a skyline r33 and i used this forum to learn about them(and other nissans) and i made my mind up to save and buy a skyline. However i was made to wait until i had some more expierence behind the wheel until i got a decent car and during that time i made some more money and wanted a better car.I had always dreamed about an R34 or S15. After much negotiating and dealing with my parents i managed to get a bit more money, enough for a s15 or r34 GTT, now i know it is a bit outrageous and there will be contrasting opinions but i need to hear them to best decide. this isnt a debate of which car is better but whether or not i SHOULD get a car of this calibre. I mean i think im a good and safe driver with no fines, loss of licence, prangs etc, but i know im not the best driver, i do alway try and be careful. Feel free to voice opinions.

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Honesty I think you should wait till you're 21 at the very least. Firsty insurance if you can get it at all will be hugely expensive. If you're interesterd in buying a fast car then surely you plan to drive it how it is meant to be driven at some stage and it's important to have enough expirience or you'll end up putting your pride and joy into a wall/tree. I think you'll fined most people will agree with what i've said.

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save your money and buy a house.

wait a few more years, sell it, and you'll have made enough to buy a damn nice GTR most likely, or better yet, buy it, rent it out and stay with your folks or rent somewhere cheaper. that way the people renting will basically pay the mortgage for you.

thats what i'd do but of course its much more technical than just that.

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I was in a similar situation to you, I bought a lancer as a first car to get around in and get experience and just over a year later stepped into an almost stock r32 gts-t.

I am happy with everything, although you will have to be prepared to pay for all the costs invovled if something goes wrong and general maintenance.

And if that familiar bug bites you will want a cooler, more boost etc....

In my opinon enjoy life, because where not promised tomorrow so enjoy while where here.

Although you don't want to stretch your finances much at a young age and get a huge loan.

I got a loan for 4g's for my car. Saving for your future is very important also, in my opinion you can buy a nice car and save for the future its just a matter of which car you want. I personally didn't want to take out a loan for more than 5g's. You don't want to have alot of debt's and you dont want to have to pay your loan for years.

take it easy


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mate if ur 19 and have been driving u dont need to be shumaker to pilot a turbo car, i would go for it, as long as u dont let mates in ur car egg u on to do shit eg race, drift, chuck skids ull be fine, i strongly recomend doing a few driving corses, but i wouldnt let it stop you! go for it!

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Mate, if you really have a passion for cars, then do it. You will love it. Yes it may be smarter to wait a few years, but it's true there are no guarentees in life, you may be dead next week... Just don't go overboard if you can't afford a 34 look at a 32 or 33 or even something else.


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thanks for the replies guys keep em comming, i know a few advanced driving courses are mandatory also. If i do get it it will also remain stock for a while(well at least performance wise). I did once consider buying a s14A, series 2 r33 or type X 180 but i just cant go past the looks and moderness or a s15 or r34, and while those cars are still possiblities i think it will be a VERY hard choice. I have driven a s15 before which was stock and it felt very good to drive, iam yet to drive a r34 though (although ive driven a r33). Im in no rush as iam taking the time to think about this decision very carefully (that and ill be rating 4 in febuary, so cheaper insurance).

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Age isn't really the issue with buying a car, maturity and common sense is the issue. Judging by your above posts you seem to have thought it out well, and are quite aware of your capabilities as a driver so that in my books would deem you mature enough.

They say life is short, and that's no lie. In my opinion, i would probably go the S15 over the R34 GTT as it has that little bit more class and sexyness (many will disagree with me). But then again, there are allot of other cheaper cars that would take my fancy quite considerably eg, R32 GTS-T/GTR, (im not really a fan of the whales haha) or a nice S14a 200sx. Have a think about it, drive a few of them read lots and either way you'll enjoy it...


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IMO I'd say wait untill your 21. I drove a nice commonwhore till I was 20 then bought a 1996 R33 S2, was a very nice car and I loved it to bits but I really could of done with a bit more experience and maturity. I now drive an R34 GTT and I can say they are great cars but so is the S15. In the end it's up to you but just rememebr it's a lot harder to do these things when your only 19. If your going to spend $30k+ on a car make sure you can afford to insure it full comp and actualy RING some places and talk to them don't leave it till last after the car is here to find it will cost you $2.5k to insure it. Good luck.

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