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was wondering if anyone can help me with buying the turbo for r33gtst. The spec of the turbo is T3/T04b rate 450hp- Compressor 50mm trim, 0.5 A/R, Turbine-0.48A/R. would the A/R on the turbine be too small?

I would be very much appreciated for any comments before i buy.

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Sounds like a very mixed up description . TO4B .50 AR comp covers are thin on the ground and too small anyway , rarely will you hear of a TO4B comp wheel described by its trim number . They normally are given a letter ie S trim , V trim , H trim . If its got eight blades its lag then surge city . If you must use TO4B wheels use only the six blade versions ie H trim .

It sounds more like a T3/TO4E hybrid to me . With the turbine side look to see what kind of exhaust housing it has . If its a Nissan / Garrett T3 ie Z-18T or FJ20ET don't touch it with a barge poll , these used a turbine with a smaller major diameter than the Ford style T3 . They cannot develop the shaft torque required to drive TO4B/E compressors . OEM Garrett used TBO3 turbine sides for ther own TA34's wich is the correct name for the T3/TO4E factory hybrid . The TA34 turbines are the ones everyone loves to call Sierra Dash 1/2/3 or Turbonetics stage 1/2/3 . In a propper Garrett "Five Bolt" exhaust housing they work reasonably well . You will note that the TA34 turbos did not use large trim TO4E comp wheels ie 50/54/57/60 trims because they knew they were light on turbine power . I once saw lists of 40 and 46 trim versions . Fred from Turbo Logic (Port Kembla) said he used to sell smaller trim versions of these to the RB20 brigade and they boosted from 1800 to I think 7000 . There is a .58AR turbine housing version which should be a torque animal and a .63 AR version with the largest turbine trim . If its none of these I'd reckon that someone is selling you their problem . Be VERY wary of Joe petrol head's custom job . I can't say that everything Garrett's ever made is brilliant but at least they try with propper test facilities .

The biggest drama is that lots of parts interchange but only the CORRECT combination gives a worthwhile result . I believe this is why there are no spares available for the GTBB turbos . Why would anyone pay squillions for HKS spec Garrett GTBB's if they could assemble there own .

Thanks your your help mate. I was given two of the options below.


1.T3 To4b. The compressor wheel is a to4b 50 trim and the compressor housing is a 50ar. The turbine side is a 48ar with a standard T3 flange. 450hp

2. T3/T4E hybrid. It has a 57 trim compressor wheel,50AR compressor housing and 63AR turbine housing with a stage three turbine wheel. 550hp

note that in option 1 i was qouted with (50trim & 0.5A/R) and (54 trim & 0.6A/R). i will call him to confirm which ones! if it's the 54mm trim & 0.6A/R would it be OK then?

would the option two be the way to go? i dont want it too laggy.

thanks mate.

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