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Rb25det Or The Whole Wreck Car For $6k

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Engine mount on the left side broke but lucky i had the r34 strutt so that gave the engine bay extra strengh otherwise the impact would have damage the engine.

About the compliance plate, i'll need to call up Canberra see if am i in anykind of trouble if i give it away with the wreck.

Forgot to add i have exceedy button clutch in the box as well so there go here is another bonus.

I really want to take it to ice to have it strip down and make more $$$ but it seem like ice is just too busy so any inspec wont' be at ice until NIGEL is ready. Well it doesn't look like it will make it to ICE as i HAVE a few GENUINE offers.

Test drive an EVO1 today and the power out put is not even near my cars' out put, i really like to see it on a silvia and see what it does.

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Strip it yourself, why do you need a workshop to do it.

Is the gearbox for sale or is it part of then engine package or are you still looking at the whole car only?

Well once it's at Ice which this friday, first in best dress. strip it myself? guess i could but i don't have space as i'm boarding off ppl and i just don't have the time .

A guy just call me up from Sydney reckon dealer charge him $7k just for a haft cut alone and my come with ----> refer to pic so $6k still a bloody good bargin.

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